The content must be, in and of itself, regardless of the title or topic, about or related to Romania, its people, folklore, society or culture and in the limits of good taste and law. r/Romania has a well defined theme, so content that can be posted on social media or other websites akin to Reddit does not necessarily fit here. Some subjects, discussions and questions are also better suited for other subreddits. These topics can, however, be posted in the "Întrebați România Orice" thread.
Titles should be suggestive of the content. This means NO clickbait, no sensationalist or ambiguous titles and no personal opinions in the title - discussions go in the comment section. You can change the title if this improves it or adds essential information.
DO NOT post personal information, regardless of who it is or who made it public. Publicly available information such as public contact info or an agent's phone number is allowed.
Social media screenshots must have the following information censored: last names, avatars, locations and any other elements that could identify the person. Screenshots and links to public pages are allowed.
Witch-hunting and doxxing are NOT allowed.
Racism, hate-speech and discrimination are NOT allowed. Personal opinions, of a derogatory or controversial nature, will be allowed as long they are polite and do not break other rules.
Social norms that you abide by in the offline life also apply here.
Do not insult other users, neither individually or in a group and don't engage in trolling.
Controversial opinions are allowed as long as those particular comments do not break other rules.
Ads, PR, promos and vote manipulation will not be tolerated.
Don't spam your own websites or creations! If others link to your stuff it's fine, but otherwise limit the linking to once every few weeks. This applies mostly to websites and blogs; images, videos or self-posts are judged on a case by case basis. If in doubt, contact the moderators.
Please check that what you post hasn't been posted before. We will remove a news item if it's been posted before from another source. In general, most reposts will be removed unless it's been some time since a particular link or image has been posted.
Simple questions or other discussions that don't concern too many users should be directed in the permanent Free Forum thread stickyed on the frontpage (i.e. the "Ask Romania Anything" / "Întrebați România Orice"). This is to prevent the sub from being flooded by off-topic or irrelevant content. Low-effort content is discouraged and should be posted on r/RoCirclejerk or other related subreddits.
Memes should go to r/RoMemes and political memes/rants to r/Politica
This rule is used to improve post quality on the subreddit.
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Grafică de Rezy D. Prakastia .