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Supreme Court Officials SHOCKED To Learn That Supreme Court Rules Apply To The Supreme Court

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level 1
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level 1

These scumbags should have to live in the world they create.

level 2

This is truth. Are the protesters armed, as would be their right?

level 2

Let’s be real, they don’t expect the rules to apply to themselves.

level 2

Let the states decide, they say as they live in one of the most Democratic states in the US.

level 2

They should have to wear full pregnancy suits for 9 months.

level 2

If karma comes around and one of their adult grandchildren gets raped and needs an abortion… the irony (not saying I hope it does but if it did…)

level 2
level 1

Regarding the SCOTUS Marshal who tried to get local and state governments to do the bidding of the court regarding protests in front of the homes of SCOTUS justices:

I don’t think the Marshal wrote this without authorization from a justice who should know better.

level 2
· 7 hr. ago · edited 7 hr. ago

Remember, there was one justice when asked what freedoms the First Amendment guaranteed couldn't remember "right to peaceably assemble" and "right to petition the government for a redress of grievances." I cAn't remember who that Could have Been...

level 1

I feel like if I were to protest in front of their houses my sign would simply be the citations of Roberts Court opinions that gave me the lawful right to be there.

level 2

Not like they won't arrest anyway. At least we could sue and take it up in the courts - oops

level 1

Let’s all channel Mary Maloney who rang a bell incessantly every time Winston Churchill tried to speak because he wouldn’t support women’s suffrage.

level 2

A crowd full of air horns. When one gets asked to leave, the other one starts blowing.

level 2

Isn't also legal to have a projector outside their house . Or maybe just really bright white lights you know for the protesters. If if happens to go in their windows oh well .if women are going without sleep in some states . They shouldn't sleep. Also there should be people playing the recordings of all the mass shootings at every republican who still says "thought and prayers". Let them have no peace . Like the families that have forever been changed.

level 2

At the time politicians were also under violent threat from The Women’s Social and Political Union.

So the bell ringing stood as a gentle reminder of the violence to come if Churchill didn’t allow women a seat at the table. There was a threat behind every clang of that bell.

level 1

Do as I say not as I do.

Personally I'd be fine with protesters outside their homes 24/7 till things go back to normal or the Christo-fascists quit or die. No violence just a daily reminder that real people are effected by their decisions. They should be mocked and shamed anywhere they go. Churches that still believe in the teachings of Jesus should bar their doors to them. Anyone effected by these rulings should sue them. People should refuse them service or provide poor service. Doctors should ask all kinds of embarrassing questions and hold back slightly on any pain medication. Give them a 5 pain medication when their pain is 6 or more. Any meal they get should come with warnings about mishandling whether there is any or not. Let them think people are spitting in their food. All services should be delayed or ignored. Let them change their own tires or fill their own tanks. Techs should throttle down their internet access. There are many ways we can make our displeasure known.

level 2

Nor even that, it’s “the rules only apply to you peasants, not us”!


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Created Aug 6, 2007