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DomDomRevolution commented on
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Score hidden · 27 minutes ago

It’s amazing just a few short years ago people were talking about the death of the big man in the NBA and now we have 3 generational big men playing all at once

DomDomRevolution commented on
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-1 points · 44 minutes ago

I think the bar for Giannis to win MVP is to win 70 games while averaging 35/15/7.5. Other players can win with 50+ wins record, a 3 seed, 6 seed etc. But not Giannis.

If having the best record in the NBA, averaging numbers not seen since Wilt, and missing his no. 2 for more than half the season doesn't do it, nothing will.

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9 points · 33 minutes ago

Giannis has a very good case and could very well win and no one should be upset if he does. But there’s also a few good arguments against him. Yes, he’s been missing Middleton but he also has the DPOY front runner and an all star guard who plays DPOY level defense. The team as a whole is very well put together and the 2nd deepest team in the league behind Boston. Giannis himself has missed 15 full games and most of 2 more and they’re still the 1 seed.

And he’s averaging great numbers but embiids numbers are very comparable and he’s doing it on much better efficiency while also being the primary engine of the Sixers defense instead of playing with 2 other DPOY level players. I think any of Jokic, Giannis, or Embiid can win it and they would all deserve it.

1 point · 55 minutes ago

It appears I will continue to take this ranking as gospel for now.

DomDomRevolution commented on
Posted by
1 point · 12 hours ago

Hes talked about how his attitude caused him to drop.

DomDomRevolution commented on
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137 points · 22 hours ago

It's really turned me off of basketball and baseball has been popping the hell off with a much more positive fanbase.

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170 points · 22 hours ago

Baseball is full of fans trying to grow the game and a league hellbent on the opposite. The nba is the league trying to grow the game and the fans seemingly hellbent on the opposite.

2 points · 15 hours ago

The mismanagement of baseball is one of the worst things about the current era of sports. Boxing too, so fractured between different governing bodies and what not. Hate what has become of these two sports.

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2 points · 15 hours ago

Boxing really dropped the ball. It went from insanely popular to a joke now.

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DomDomRevolution commented on
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12 points · 17 hours ago

Our bench is pretty weak. But I’d put our five starters up against any other starting five in the league.

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3 points · 17 hours ago

I think you guys have as good as a top 6 as anyone.

7 points · 16 hours ago

We like out top 6, but we lack that elite 2nd player. Harden, Jrue, and Middleton get taken over any nugget.

With that said I don’t think any real nuggets fans are making their MVP argument based on the quality of the players around Jokic this year. That was a fair argument last year but not this year.

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1 point · 16 hours ago

I’ve definitely seen quite a few but you’re always gonna get a few people with wild opinions on a sub this large. Middleton has been kinda ass but he’s coming back from injury so that’s 100% expected. On average I’d take most of those guys over Murray (maybe not middleton this year) but when Murray gets hot his ceiling might be the highest.

25 points · 1 day ago

The less worried Doc is, the more worried I am.

DomDomRevolution commented on
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12 points · 2 days ago

Embid 12pts

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31 points · 2 days ago

But did you see his TS

DomDomRevolution commented on
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3 points · 2 days ago

Since when can Andre Drummond jump that fucking high

6 points · 2 days ago

What a start, Sixers are red hot. Bulls look lost on offence

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5 points · 2 days ago

They looked as lost last game too. Unfortunately so did we.

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