Day 1 in Trump’s America

Sean O'Kane
3 min readNov 10, 2016


Photo courtesy of Brian Quinn at the Wellsville Daily Reporter

Donald Trump was elected president last night. The reaction to that news today has not been good. Especially for people of color and women, Day 1 was all about the increased likelihood that they will be subjected to hate speech, hate crimes, and the kind of stuff that points to really dark days ahead. For the sake of the documenting events that appear to be the result of the hatred Trump’s campaign has fomented, here’s what Day 1 in Trump’s America looked like.

[UPDATE: Be sure to read Day 2 here]

  • A swastika and the words “MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN” (seen above) were spray painted on a baseball dugout in Wellsville, NY (p. ~5,000). A black baby doll was also found with rope around its neck in an elevator on campus at Canisius College outside Buffalo, NY. — The Buffalo News
  • Campus police at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette received a report that a female UL Lafayette student was attacked and robbed by two males, one allegedly wearing a white Trump hat. Her wallet and hijab were reportedly stolen. UPDATE: Police are saying this report was fabricated. The Daily Advertiser
  • The student-run newspaper at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette found phrases like “FUCK YOUR SAFE SPACE” and “BUILD WALL” tagged around campus. The University is investigating. — The Vermillion, The Daily Advertiser
  • A reporter for CBS North Carolina posted a photo of a wall in Durham, North Carolina where the words “BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER AND NEITHER DOES [sic] YOUR VOTES” were spray painted. — Derrick Lewis, CBS North Carolina
  • A swastika and the words “Seig Heil 2016” were spray painted on a storefront in South Philadelphia. The Anti-Defamation League issued an official statement in response to the incident, saying that “while we view this as an isolated incident, we cannot allow this behavior to become routine. Everyone has a role to play in combating bigotry — we must advocate, educate and investigate until hate is no longer welcome in our society.” —, The Anti-Defamation League
  • Also in South Philadelphia, the words “TRUMP RULES” and “TRUMP BLACK BITCH” were spray painted on an SUV. —
  • A student in Albuquerque, New Mexico says a “Trump supporter” tried to pull off her hijab, and that the incident is under investigation by her university. — Twitter
  • A woman at San Jose State University had her hijab pulled so hard that it choked her. SJSU sent out a University-wide email. — Twitter
  • Rainbow flags were burned in Rochester, NY — Syracuse Post-Standard
  • A Google employee had this happen to him at a gas station:
  • This, from Massachusetts:
  • The twitter feed of Shaun King from the New York Daily News is full of more examples from across social media, so you can look there to see the rest. I’ll post just a few below.

If you have any others please pass them along. But outlets like Quartz and Washington Post have started to report on these incidents as well, so this post is likely done. The Southern Poverty Law Center is also asking for people to send them their way, and so I hope you flag any incidents like these to them. I recommend you checking their stories out. In the meantime, here are some lists of places/causes to donate, and things you can do.

Okay, let’s take a quick break:

Lastly, a few recommended (and extremely related) readings on why we’re here in the first place. Give these writers’ pieces some time when you have the ability:



Sean O'Kane

Reporter / Photographer @ The Verge