Ben Sheene

116 games reviewed
84.7 average score
85 median score
77.9% of games recommended
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6.5 / 10.0 - Fort Solis
Sep 6, 2023

Fort Solis' aspirations of big-budget, television-like storytelling nails the look and sound in spades. But its execution may leave players wanting, especially those searching for a viable video game.

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7 / 10.0 - Somerville
Sep 3, 2023

In Somerville's attempt to differentiate from Limbo and Inside, player's are left with a moody, wordless story lacking technical finesse and head-scratching puzzles that define the genre's best.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Sea of Stars
Aug 28, 2023

Sea of Stars is a pitch-perfect homage to many of the classic turn-based RPGs from a bygone, beloved era. Rather than mere imitation, Sabotage Studio has crafted a loving tribute to genre hallmarks.

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10 / 10.0 - Baldur's Gate 3
Aug 10, 2023

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a watershed moment for RPGs and gaming. It represents one of the closest approximations of true freedom, creativity, and player choice available, evolving concepts and mechanics that have been tinkered with for decades. Using Dungeons & Dragons as its catalyst, Larian has honored the past and forged a new future for a genre that has allowed increased agency for players to put their thoughts, feelings, hopes, and wants inside of a digital realm and live. Like every other player, my experience with Baldur’s Gate 3 is significantly anecdotal, ripe with unique stories about what happened to me that would take hours to share. But why listen to me when you can become lost in one of the most richly beautiful worlds ever created and make up your own tale?

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9.5 / 10.0 - Diablo IV
Jun 14, 2023

Diablo 4 is the herald of your newest time sink. Blizzard's constantly captivating ARPG went to refine rather than redefine, resulting in a familiar dungeon crawler that gives players fountains of loot and endless possibilities to blitz through increasingly vicious foes.

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6.8 / 10.0 - SkateBIRD
Jun 10, 2023

SkateBIRD is capable enough to ensnare players looking for a game that encapsulates its simple, clever pun. Beyond that, however, is a passable skating experience that would have benefited from a touch more polish and a slightly more vibrant world.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Street Fighter 6
May 31, 2023

Street Fighter 6 is a profoundly rich and diverse fighting game, living up to the series' legacy. Crafted for everyone, the game entices experimentation, fun, and mastery through online play and a unique campaign that can acclimate all to the genre's complexities.

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As a remaster of a Wii game only released in Japan, Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse struggles not to show its age and seemingly ancient mechanics. But beneath the grainy surface is a moderately chilling horror game with a unique way to tackle terror.

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7.8 / 10.0 - PowerWash Simulator
Mar 5, 2023

Powerwash Simulator forgoes any semblance of complexity to provide players with a game pure and unflinching in its quest to tickle a certain part of the brain that just wants to clean... or listen to some podcasts.

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Life is Strange 2 on Nintendo Switch is a faithful port of a four-year-old game. The story of brotherly love leaves a lasting impact, even if this aging console continues to show its seams.

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Jan 28, 2023

Yuppie Psycho: Extended Edition places players in a surreal corporate hellscape. A brisk horror adventure crosses grim visuals and dark humor while providing hours of new content and context.

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6.8 / 10.0 - Broken Pieces
Sep 8, 2022

An ambitious amalgamation of familiar formulas, Broken Pieces starts strong but a lack of direction and variety bog down the narrative, eventually causing the game to fracture and cloud the earlier hours of enjoyment with doubt.

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Aug 31, 2022

The Last of Us Part 1 is a complex endeavor. Naughty Dog has overhauled one of gaming's touchstones, injecting more life into an intensely human experience while opening it up for new audiences and attempting to draw in veterans.

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Aug 31, 2022

The Callisto Protocol aims its sights at being an uncompromising vision of terror, frequently succeeding through oscillating tension and stellar sound and lighting that toy with players' fears and expectations.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Ghostwire: Tokyo
Mar 21, 2022

Despite veering into a number of dated tropes and choosing not to reinvent the wheel, Ghostwire: Tokyo thrives on its devotion to Japanese folklore, a cultural touchstone propelled by unique combat and a haunted city worth exploring.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Infernax
Feb 12, 2022

Players not fond of a nostalgic challenge may bristle at Infernax's devotion to the past but beneath a few rough edges is a gory romp that hits a lot of classic notes.

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9 / 10.0 - Remnant II
Nov 19, 2021

Remnant II punches far above its weight class. Delivering everything players should expect from a sequel, Gunfire Games has created a thrilling, clever spin on a well-worn genre that boasts creative world design and satisfying gameplay that continues to evolve.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Loopmancer
Sep 21, 2021

Loopmancer has difficulty committing to the hallmarks of better roguelites, making progression a chore. But past the questionable localization and writing is an action-focused platformer with personality and a few good ideas.

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10 / 10.0 - Deathloop
Sep 13, 2021

Deathloop brilliantly transcends its shackles as an amalgamation of "Arkane's Greatest Hits" by offering players a thrilling, stylish take on shooters. Combat puzzles involving webs of untruths and harrowing escapes turn Blackreef into a time loop you won't want to break from.

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8 / 10.0 - Garden Story
Jun 4, 2021

Taking cues from Zelda and Stardew Valley, Garden Story is a charming adventure packed with action and crafting that can often be oddly paced, dampening the fun of an otherwise delightful time.

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