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“I don’t follow politics”

r/WhitePeopleTwitter - “I don’t follow politics”
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level 1

There is a lot more to that part of history. Industry and banks played a significant role.

level 2

Desktop version of /u/grumpyhousemeister's link:

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level 2
Comment removed by moderator · 19 days ago
level 2

Hitler rose to power because he saw a void, and knew how to talk to people who wanted to follow him.

level 2
· 19 days ago · edited 18 days ago

I just read the 1200 page “The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich” and besides it being written in the late 50s and published in 1960 and therefore having very gross homophobia and some irritating right-leaning liberal perspective sometimes (He literally didnt mention that capitalism is the cause of the bank crashes, especially the crash leading to the great depression that single-handedly led to the Nazi’s gaining a huge cult following. He literally implied that it was something that couldnt have been avoided. He also called the USA in the 30s as “democratic.” Not only that but as democratic as France and England which is laughable, the writer is a white American of course.)

He luckily did mention that the corporations and private industry and the centrists and the religious conservatives, etc. all supported the Nazis even knowing how authoritarian and crazy they were.

But yeah, as far as how informative it is and how in-depth it goes I still highly recommend even just the first couple hundred pages that show you exactly how the nazis rose to power. And along the way you will find SOOOO many parallels to our current situation. Only in the USA we dont even have strong trade unions and powerful social democrat and socialist parties fo back us up, we have weak-minded and corrupt neoliberals who do the bare minimum, and are not nearly willing to do anything to stop fascism.

That being said there are other checks and balances that we have that they did not. But the fact remains that we must act as a people to protect democracy and fight for labor rights because our politicians wont. We need to vote out Republicans, but thats not even close to the extent of our responsibilities. I have faith in us still!

level 2

Thank you for sharing that. I always thought industry in Germany rolled over for Hitler once he solidified power, but it looks as though industry actively pushed for Hitler being the Chancellor.

level 2
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Comment deleted by user · 19 days ago
level 2

Luckily industry and banks don’t play a big role in politics any more

level 2

To any non-Germans wondering who these companies are - this is like 15 of the fortune 30 signing a petition supporting Trump Hitler

level 2

So it was capitalism that led to Hitler's rise in power, great. Another reason to loathe capitalism.

level 2

Yeah he didn't rise to power off of just nothing, people were sort of in a class warfare situation and Hitler was 'a man of the people'.

level 2

Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a German company what they did between 1933-1945

level 2

And Trump is still counting on that!

level 2

Also, the Communists (KPD) refused to worked with the democratic socialists (SPD) and centrist factions to oppose the far right.

So it was actually a group effort.

level 1
Comment removed by moderator · 19 days ago
level 2

Don’t forget massive film projects like “Triumph of the Will” and getting famed designers to make the regime look spiffy and powerful

level 2

Joseph Goebbels, and other Nazis who understood the value of mass media. They controlled the media, which was somewhat limited at the time. Making Hitler the public face and feeding the people with captivating narrative was an influential move. You don't need talking points when you have emotion.

Aside from that, the country recovering from depression and starting massive industrial and infrastructure projects which provided people with income certainly helped.

level 2

This is why out of state actors come to every protest in America. They are using the same playbook. Alt right “counter protestors” quite literally bus or uhaul their way in to pretend that there is a large local backlash against liberal ideals. They start fights and then claim to be the victims. It’s the exact same playbook as the nazis.

level 2
level 1

It’s not necessarily that they didn’t care but in the 1930s there was little access to information and the info that was available was propaganda. Many German citizens didn’t know the extent of Hitler’s evil

level 2

Hitler promised the Germans to ''restore German greatness'' and ''repair the broken economy''. Now, this was during the 30s & great depression. Businesses were failing and inflation was high. People were poor. Jewish bankers and moneylenders made a great scapegoat. The antisemitic sentiment was strong, and one piece Nazi party used in its propaganda.

level 2

I recently read Mouse and it was just as you said. The parts that struck me were how believing the citizens were when the Natzis came; they would say things like “we’re taking your grandparents to a nice retreat,” and it was straight to the chambers.


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