No memes.
No joke posts.
No video games or "eSports"
No pictures with text.
No static images.
No screenshots showing people/actions in freeze frame, or of websites/social media.
Duplicate content will be removed.
NSFW content must be relevant to sports and marked appropriately.
Better sources for video/images must be used whenever available (No videos of TV screens for highlights)
Direct links to video highlights using streamable/imgur/v.reddit/etc are mandatory
Posts with misleading/sensationalized/editorialized/ambiguous titles are prohibited. The title must clearly and thoroughly describe the post.
ALL-CAPS titles are prohibited. Emojis, hashtags, clickbait-type titles and all other methods of attention-grabbing are prohibited.
Do not mention votes/karma or other reddit verbage.
No posts to communicate with another redditor. Calling out other users is prohibited.
If you post a blog, vlog, podcast, or attempt to drive traffic to a specific channel or website - it will be removed and you will be banned. ALL self-promotion will be removed as dictated by site rules.
No links to streaming sites.
Do not use this subreddit to ask for or offer any goods or services or participation.
If you ask for any illegal content or guide somebody to it, you will be banned.
Comment spam will be removed. This includes bots, novelties, and editing comments.
Making comments or posts with another person’s personal information (name, social media, phone number, etc) that is not publicly available is against Reddit’s rules and will earn a ban and report to the admins.
No racism, sexism, slurs, etc.
Threats, suggestions of harm, personal insults and personal attacks are prohibited.
No posts/comments created for hate, trolling or slapfights.
Comparing or ranking different sports, athletes, fanbases or nationalities is prohibited.
Calling out a specific user or taking part in/encouraging witch hunting will lead to a ban.
No memes.
No joke posts.
No video games or "eSports"
No pictures with text.
No static images.
No screenshots showing people/actions in freeze frame, or of websites/social media.
Duplicate content will be removed.
NSFW content must be relevant to sports and marked appropriately.
Better sources for video/images must be used whenever available (No videos of TV screens for highlights)
Direct links to video highlights using streamable/imgur/v.reddit/etc are mandatory
Posts with misleading/sensationalized/editorialized/ambiguous titles are prohibited. The title must clearly and thoroughly describe the post.
ALL-CAPS titles are prohibited. Emojis, hashtags, clickbait-type titles and all other methods of attention-grabbing are prohibited.
Do not mention votes/karma or other reddit verbage.
No posts to communicate with another redditor. Calling out other users is prohibited.
If you post a blog, vlog, podcast, or attempt to drive traffic to a specific channel or website - it will be removed and you will be banned. ALL self-promotion will be removed as dictated by site rules.
No links to streaming sites.
Do not use this subreddit to ask for or offer any goods or services or participation.
If you ask for any illegal content or guide somebody to it, you will be banned.
Comment spam will be removed. This includes bots, novelties, and editing comments.
Making comments or posts with another person’s personal information (name, social media, phone number, etc) that is not publicly available is against Reddit’s rules and will earn a ban and report to the admins.
No racism, sexism, slurs, etc.
Threats, suggestions of harm, personal insults and personal attacks are prohibited.
No posts/comments created for hate, trolling or slapfights.
Comparing or ranking different sports, athletes, fanbases or nationalities is prohibited.
Calling out a specific user or taking part in/encouraging witch hunting will lead to a ban.