antifa notes (september 9, 2023)

Stand Back, Stand By, Go To Jail, Do Not Pass GO

The leadership of the Proud Boys in the United States have been sent to jail over their role in the January 6 stoopid. What effect this will have on the Trumpist rank ‘n’ file of the organisation is unclear, but Andy Campbell (Proud Boys Didn’t Just Crash An Election. They Upended The Next One Too., HuffPost, September 6, 2023) reckons the zombie army will march on.

Closer to home and only a tiny fraction by comparison, the Australian franchise of the PBs mirrors its Yanqui brotherhood in its political pre-occupations, celebrating capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy on the one hand while expressing hatred and contempt for dissenting voices on the other. Of late, this has meant whinging and whining about drag queen story time.

Naturally, while Enrique Tarrio got 22 years, Gavin Mcinnes got a $2 million waterfront mansion in Larchmont, New York and any number of opportunities to laff all the way to the bank. As for Joseph “Joe” Biggs, Ethan Nordean, Dominic Pezzola, Zachary Rehl and Tarrio, they’re hoping and praying for a Trump victory and a Presidential pardon in 2024. Given his large and fanatical support base, ownership of the Republican party and the decrepitude of Sleepy Joe Biden and the Democrats, this remains a real possibility.

Blue Collars & Dead Ducks

At this stage, it’s unclear if and when the Victorian branches of the AMWU, CFMEU, ETU and PPTEU will release the millions of dollars they’ve committed to spending (or begin the industrial action they’ve vowed to take) in order to Make Duck Hunting Great Again but, along with the state opposition and the Shooters Party, the BIG fellas have won the enthusiastic support of a variety of others, including a dissident Labor MP from the latte-sipping inner north of Melbourne, an IPA bizarr0 writing for The Spectator, and an old mate in the local gun lobby/trade and former stalwart of a local fascist groupuscule: James Buckle.

The co-founder of a gun lobby group called ‘Firearm Owners United’ (FOU), Buckle was also involved in the establishment of the now-defunct grouplet ‘The Lads Society’ under Balwyn Gauleiter Tom Sewell. Sewell is currently awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to violent disorder in the County Court last month but otherwise keeps himself busy running the ‘National Socialist Network’; his chum Buckle, meanwhile, is selling hunting merch and military tat by way of ‘Eureka Tactical’. FOU, ET and other lobbies also joined the ETU and other unions in making submissions to the Victorian government inquiry into duck hunting, each agreeing with the other that the activity was vital to the health of the economy, the welfare of workers and industry, and to the well-being of society as a whole.

Fuehrer X

Apartheid Clyde has been threatening to sue The Anti-Defamation League, claiming that it — rather than his spectacularly inept management — is responsible for the plummeting advertising revenue which has apparently wiped much of the share value from his latest toy. Given that Space Karen is a renowned blowhard and that the organisation he’s blaming for the financial consequences of his idiot reign specialises in ah, defamation, it seems unlikely The World’s Richest Man will carry through on his threat, but time will tell. In the meantime, antisemitism will continue to flourish on the FAILING! platform, even as his Saudi Arabian partners murder its Twitter-based critics.

Stop Cop City

In Atlanta, Georgia, the relative success of the campaign to Stop Cop City has resulted in authorities launching an even more extraordinary effort to destroy it. Hence, following the police killing of Tortuguita in January, a RICO prosecution has been launched against 61 individuals associated with the campaign.

See : Understanding the RICO Charges in Atlanta, CrimethInc, September 5, 2023 | ‘Stop Cop City’ Activists Hit With RICO Charges By Same Grand Jury That Indicted Trump, Kelly Weill, The Daily Beast, September 5, 2023 | Defying RICO Indictment, Faith Leaders Chain Themselves to Bulldozer to Stop Cop City, Natasha Lennard, The Intercept, September 7, 2023.

Worse than ISIS

The former CEO of Antifa in Australia is returning to Melbourne in October to talk loudly on trains and to walk funny around the city.


Neo-Nazis Are Shocked a Guy Called ‘BoneFace’ Isn’t Who They Thought He Was, Marc Lamoureux, Vice, September 9, 2023
Kellerberrin shooting: Gunman Lachlan Bowles’ sick nazi links uncovered, Caleb Runciman, Lauren Price, Shannon Hampton and Rebecca Le May, The West Australian, September 7, 2023

BONUS! Solidarity

Free Alex Stokes! : “Anti-fascist, artist, and independent journalist Alex Stokes has been reporting on civil conflict in the United States for over five years … On January 6, 2021, as a mob attempted to overthrow the US government on Capitol Hill, armed members of the Proud Boys fascist gang who didn’t join their pals in Washington, DC. tried to stage their own violent threat to democracy at the New York state capitol. Alex was there among counter-protestors. When the Piss Boys attacked the counter-protestors with weapons, Alex jumped up to defend those being assaulted … the courts did not see what Alex did as clear self-defense and instead convicted him on assault charges, sentencing him to twenty years in prison. This is an obvious miscarriage of justice and the stakes of Alex’s appeal of his sentence could not be higher. [The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund] are in direct contact with Alex’s lawyer and are raising funds to ensure that is appeal case does not lack for resources. Please help us to ensure this injustice is overturned and Alex walks free!”

Free Azat Miftakhov! : Russian mathematician and anarchist Azat Miftakhov was arrested on new felony charges on Monday, immediately after his release from the prison where he had just finished serving a years-long sentence in a separate case. He stands accused of “justifying terrorism.” See also : The case of Azat Miftakhov.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2023 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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One Response to antifa notes (september 9, 2023)

  1. Greg says:

    Thanks for sharing the article on Kellerberrin. I’d not seen any mention of his Narztee links elsewhere. Geez, it really is the blokes like that who give the neo-narztees a bad name.

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