Heating Up

he's heating up... he's on fire! enfuego! - NBA JAM

From It's Going Down

This summer brought yet another record heat wave, as climate change fueled disasters hit countries around the world, leaving human communities devastated by flooding, wildfires, and storms. While this “new normal” has brought climate change to the forefront of popular consciousness, we’ve also seen the far-Right spinning new conspiracies and the neoliberal center pushing the same tired consumerist lifestyle changes as false solutions.

Initiative for a South Asian Anarchist Library

Initiative for a South Asian Anarchist Library

From SHH! THIS IS A LIBRARY!, The Anarchist Library forums by magsalin

Anarchism in South Asia is slowly and steadily rising. There are groups and individuals in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Anarchist texts in South Asian languages have been written and translated, but there is not yet a place to compile these. Like Southeast Asia, South Asia has more languages than nation-states. Like the Southeast Asian Anarchist Library, it would make sense to make a diverse multi-lingual library rather than separate small libraries for each language which might have only very few texts each.

A hundred queer anarchist criminals turned a golf course into a public sex forest

did you know golf actually has anarchist origins?

source: bbnews.noblogs.org (https://bbnews.noblogs.org/post/2023/09/20/a-hundred-queer-anarchist-cri...)

Blue flashing lights pass by, oblivious to our collective trespass. A hole in the fence, hotties passing through, passing into each other. A new world cums into being, a rupture on the leisure pastures of the rich. Cruising utopia, at least for a night. Queers writhing over each other, defiling one another. Sweet melodies accompany soft caresses, the sound of piss gurgling beside a couple kissing. Determined fuckers splayed out on tarps. The line between criminality and sensuality? Sorry she's not in tonight.

A Humble Conversation On Why You Shouldn’t Name Your Group

xxx ANews breaking edge to post this image xxx

Original title: A Humble Conversation On Why You Shouldn’t Create A Named Guerrilla Cell Formation/Banner/Acronym And Why You Should Resist Being A Part Of One

The M5M/Jane’s Revenge/CCF/ALF/ Weather Underground/SLA/BLA/FAI/IAF/NWLF/ M19CO(May19th Communist Organization)/UFF/FARC/Shining Path/AD/IRA /CCC/INLA/ George Jackson Brigade or any of the similar configurations may be interesting, and could be useful for reflection, but we should abandon labeling as being so caged with our ideas and inspirations as individuals.

Death of Ronald Creagh (1929-2023)

From charlesfourier.fr
September 12, 2023

My friend Ronald Creagh has just left us this Friday, September 8, 2023 in Montpellier at the age of 94, after an unusual and very full life.

A British citizen, born June 16, 1929, in Alexandria, Egypt, he spent his childhood in Port Said between a Franco-Lebanese mother, an English father (accountant) and a Sicilian grandmother. He attended the French high school and during the war, was marked by the bombings of the city.

Review: The Dawn of Everything

From A las barricadas, translated by Freedom News UK

After reading a few Marxist criticisms of Graeber and Wengrow’s book, I decided to take a look because if something displeases a Marxist, it will surely make me laugh. After a cursory glance, I understood the rejection.

Announcing Debate me, bruh

Announcing Debate me, bruh

From Debate me, bruh

A bit about DEBATE ME, BRUH:

It is a truth universally acknowledged that any organizer who dares to be public about their anarchic/queer way of being must encounter a debate bro (or ten). No matter how prefigurative or insurgent or both our lives might be, a significant portion of being an anarchist in a hierarchical social is necessarily political education–the most rudimentary kind. But what about personal property? What would communities do about murderers in an anarchist society? Who would take out the trash? We’re trying to teach people about a beautiful set of ethics, about what it means to care for one another outside of hierarchy, but instead we’re faced with the truly awkward: isn’t anarchy chaos? Isn’t human nature evil, meaning all social change is futile? Were we at January 6th? Thousands of works of anarchist theory explore (for example) the necessity of transformative justice, answering these questions in a more thoughtful way that a late-night debate in the group chat with your tech-bro friend ever could. Yet despite the theory and praxis that so many have dedicated their lives to, the queries about murder and waste management persist. And your tech-bro friend still hasn’t read Emma Goldman. And there are three other people like him in your DMs, all wondering why you’re an anarchist without actually wanting to know. One wonders if, even in an idealized anarchist society, some middle-school boy somewhere would refuse to shut up about the fascinating fact that “WHEN I HEAR ANARCHISM, I JUST THINK OF FIRE!”


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