Please keep all submissions to the sub related to history and/or based on historical events. See here for the extended rules.
Rule 1.1
Memes about Ideologies (Communism, Christianity, etc.) are not allowed on the sub.
Rule 1.2
Blatantly historically inaccurate memes or imaginary history memes are not allowed.
Rule 1.3
Meta memes about the sub are allowed, and must be tagged with the "Meta" tag when appropriate.
All reposts, similar and identical, of posts previously submitted to the subreddit are banned and eligible for removal.
Temporary bans will be issued to those who repost, with longer and possibly permanent bans issued to those who continue this behavior.
Rule 2.1
Crossposts are allowed as long as it is not a repost of a previous submission to the subreddit. Crossposts should also be marked with the flair "X-post".
Any excessive sexism, homophobia, racism or any other form of discrimination will be dealt with harshly and mods reserve the right to impose bans without warning. Basically try not to be jerks.
All posts must include only subject matter of at least 20 years old from the post time. Example: Memes about the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers won't be able to be posted till September 2028.
Rule 4.1 - Meta use
Posts that either complain about Rule 4 or use Rule 4 as a loophole to circumvent the rule are not allowed on the subreddit.
Certain memes and formats, such as "France Surrender" and "Hitler Suicide", are banned on the subreddit. A full list can be found in the extended rules here.
Do not deny or defend genocides and atrocities. These include, but are not limited to; Holodomor, the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, Japanese war crimes and the Tiananmen Square massacre. Doing so will result in an instant permaban. Hateful historical revisionists are not welcome.
Do not downplay or use whataboutism in discussion of atrocities and genocides.
No calling for meme wars or inciting subreddit drama. Organising or participating in raids will get you a permanent ban. In the event of a meme war, you must abide by the rules of other subreddits when posting there.
Directly linking posts to political subreddits is not allowed unless it is linked in a non-participating manner (i.e. linking "" rather than ""). For more info see
Rule 8.1
Political talks in comments are okay but linking to external sites in which are about it are not
Memes must adhere to some basic standards. Unedited Screenshots, Excessive black bars, improper cropping, and low resolution/unreadable memes are banned from the subreddit. Please see the extended rules here for a full list and explanation on banned practices.
Memes asking for upvotes, awards, and user actions are not allowed. Please see the extended rules here for a full list
Rule 10.1
Posts found to be simply large boxes of information, text, or otherwise, that do not contain an attempt at humor are not allowed on the subreddit.
All submissions to the subreddit must include a proper title that does not exemplify qualities signifying "low-effort", "Lazy", or "Karma-whoring". Please see here for an extended list on what is allowed.
Rule 11.1
If the title is removed from the meme and it ceases to be either a historical meme or a meme in general it is not allowed on the subreddit.
Memes relating to events that occurred from Jan 1 1900 onwards are not allowed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday EST).
Meta Memes complaining about Rule 12 are (still) prohibited everyday.