Be civil towards your fellow users. Banter back and forth is fine but if it stops being a discussion and just turns into insults then it is no longer civil.
Do not post or comment with the purpose of trolling or inciting reactions from other users. This will lead to a ban. Do not be offensive just to be offensive.
We also review reports from other NBA subreddit mod teams about Blazer fans trolling on their subreddits. Offenders may face punishment here as well.
We want everyone no matter their age, gender, sexual preferences, or race to feel welcome in this subreddit. Breaking this rule is subject to timeouts or permabans.
Wishing injury on a player is not tolerated, whether they are a Blazer or not.
Please don't post links to streams directly on the subreddit. Just PM it to user directly.
Please refrain from trying to sell tickets on the subreddit. We are not a ticket exchange site and we hold no responsibility if you get scammed.
If you are giving away free tickets, that is fine since no money is involved. If possible, please edit the post to indicate if the tickets get claimed.