No bigotry. Avoid being on the offensive. Don't be a gatekeeper. Don't promote harassment movements. Cosplay is not consent.
Anything that has occurred within the past year must be marked with the spoiler tag. Keep submission titles ambiguous. Don't reveal surprises. Label spoilers with the title of the work.
Put the name of the work in the title when submitting excerpts or video clips. Artwork must either link to the artist's page, or credit the artist.
Don't use this sub exclusively to promote your blog, channel, or store page.
Explicit nudity or sexual content are not allowed unless published in an official DC work, or created by a DC-affiliated creator.
No links to piracy sites. Excerpts must be limited to 3 pages.
Memes, image macros, petitions, "who would win" posts, and other low-effort posts will be removed.
[Discussion] posts must be accompanied by a few sentences of discussion in the text body or comments, or else they will be removed after a certain amount of time.
Users are limited to one cover post per day.
Do not link posts or comments to other subreddits or websites to attack users. Do not participate in brigades from attack subs.
Make sure your image post is properly tagged, with one of the following: [Comic Excerpt] [Artwork] [Fan Art] [Film/TV] [Video Games] [Cosplay] [Collection] [Merchandise] [Discussion] [Cover] [Other]