Mods decide which post is considered repost.
Phishing sites, links to things that aren't puns, excessive self-advertising, spam is spam. It also includes calling others spambots or posting puns that appear on commercial products with the intent of selling them. Comments asking where to purchase spammed products are included.
You will be permanently banned for this.
Karma/spam bots will be banned. They tend to have the following traits:
Account age of 1 year or less.
No verified email or other profile trophies.
Significant delay between account creation & use.
2-part or "default" type usernames. Eg.: HelpfulSpinach
Reposting high karma posts/comments from years prior.
Making obsolete comments.
Does not reply to users.
Calling them out makes them delete their profile.
An otherwise innocent account starts posting spam links or porn.
I mean it's obvious!
Vague titles aren't allowed.
The first sign of your intelligence is reflected from the quality of the title in your post.
Titles like:
OMG this is funny
Does this belong here?
Found on r/subreddit..
Loolll, yooooo, wow
Meta titles not related to the pun
My mommy asked me to post here...
These are all considered cringe worthy and will be removed.
Also, no mentioning your websites/Instagram in titles. We don't give credit here.
If your pun isn't suitable for public viewing or shouldn't be seen immediately by those under 18, it must be marked as NSFW as soon as you post it.
Not following this rule may result in timed ban/permaban depending on the situation.
Please crop the unnecessary parts/text/images/names/time and dates and then only submit. Please also remove the new reddit credit banner at the bottom. We do not give credit for puns.
I don't need to tell you this. This is a secret. You could be banned without warning for this depending upon what you have done.
The joke/pun/comment is in bad taste but maybe doesn't rise to the level of a sitewide violation.
For instance, casual sexism, the "one joke" (against transgender), things bordering on racism, rants about people ruining the country, etc.
This is a catch-all for all instances that require moderator attention. This includes, but is not limited to, low-effort posts/comments and fighting in the comments.
All puns are wordplay, not all wordplay are puns. SAY IT AGAIN! OUT LOUD! NOT ALL WORDPLAY ARE PUNS!
A pun, specifically, is the humorous use of a word or words (humorous is, of course, subjective) in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications - OR - the use of words that have the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings. Yes, different parts of speech count.