We Did Good, Billfold

Sometimes the spaces you need don’t already exist, so you create them for yourself.

Question Wednesday

What have you learned?

What I Learned From Five Years of Writing and Editing for The Billfold

You all have taught me so much.

How a Program Assistant Dealing With a New Paycheck System Does Money

Jenn is a 38-year old program assistant in San Francisco.

Classic Billfold: What I Wanted From My Move to Portland and What I Got

I was on my third major U.S. city and while I’d loved Columbus, Chicago, and Portland, I had never felt a sense of destiny with any of them.

The Cost of Mr. Biscuit’s Last Meal

Mr. Biscuit died at peace in my arms, with the taste of buttery chicken still on his tongue.

Billfold Recommends: Crazy Keiki Cloning Paste

For our final Billfold Recommends, I’m delighted to share a product MADE BY A BILLFOLDER.

The Pain and Pleasure of Working for Tips

Working at a “gratuity-free” restaurant made waiting tables in New York worth it.

My 2018 Credit Card Spending

In my mind, I spent $5,000 for the year. Was I right? Absolutely not.

Classic Billfold: A Story of a Fuck Off Fund

You’re telling your own story.

Classic Billfold: Four Business Practices I Will Adopt From My Fourth-Grade Self…

… When I Eventually Abandon My Moral Compass And Set Out to Claim My Piece of the Pie

Classic Billfold: What Children’s Literature Teaches Us About Money: Dodie Smith’s ‘I Capture the Castle’

The art of romantic poverty.

Monday Check-In

It’s Monday, which means it’s time to check in on our weekend spending.

I Guess I’m Wealthy? Weird.

I didn’t expect to land a six-figure job offer.

The Cost of Having a Baby in Australia

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I called to get on the waiting list for the birth center program offered by one of our hospitals.

Classic Billfold: Visiting Hogwarts When You’re Broke

I’m a young freelance costume designer living and working in NYC, which means my default money situation is “LOL.”

A Friday Chat About Change

Featuring Nicole in conversation with herself!

Friday Estimate

It’s Friday, which means it’s time to estimate our weekend spending.

The Cost of Removing a Migrated IUD

There the IUD was, floating free and easy as a butterfly in my abdominal cavity — and most DEFINITELY not safely ensconced in my uterus, protecting me from pregnancy as advertised.

Dear Businesslady’s Guide to Getting Promoted

Boss Up and Change Your Life in 2019

Classic Billfold: My Life as a Magnolia Bakery Cupcake Bouncer

“Sometimes people act like children,” my boss told me the first day she designated me the cupcake bouncer. “So you have to treat them like children.”

Classic Billfold: Understanding Cinderella, Like Really Understanding It

Cinderella quickly learns there is no such thing as free lunch, not even from family.

Classic Billfold: Blowdrying a Razor: A Photo Essay

Because we need to find out whether this will really save you money.

Do 1 Thing and Make Sure Writers Get Paid

It’s Thursday, which means it’s time to Do 1 Thing.

In Which Lillian Karabaic and I Discuss Money and Control on the Oh My Dollar! Podcast

When did you first feel like you had control over your money?