Posts should be related to soccer in the US or Canada. Your posts should always clearly relate to one of the leagues or competitions. The further a post gets away from these core topics, the higher the chances it may be off-topic.
Your posts should always clearly relate to one of the leagues or competitions. The further a post gets away from these core topics, the higher the chances it may be off-topic. Political posts are allowed only if they are directly related to soccer in North America, and do not violate other subreddit rules.
Submissions should be remarkable. Your post should always be something worth reading or looking at: because it's educational, because it's entertaining, or because it's informational. Strive to submit high-quality writing and content about North American soccer, and not merely any blog post. We are vigilant about removing duplicate and duplicative content so as not to fracture community discussion.
Titles should show submissions are remarkable and interesting to all.
Tweets must follow this formatting: "[Name of tweeter] The tweet itself." E.G. [Twellman] Ronaldo and Messi signing for San Jose
Satire posts are allowed but must include the tag of [satire] in the post title.
Make Sure Your Posts are Interesting and Fair to Everyone.
User-Created Content MUST Follow Self-Linking Policies
While we invite passionate discussion and recognize that disagreements do happen, comments or posts that go beyond simple argument which are intended to insult, disparage, or demean others are unwelcome. We have a very diverse user base of many backgrounds. Ad hominem attacks, blatant racism, doxxing, harassment, and hate speech don't make for good conversation.
Always post original sources over those re-reporting. If an article has "Report:" in the title or if a tweet has a link to a news article in it, submit the original link instead. Articles take priority over tweets and tweets will be removed if an article on the same topic is posted at a similar time.
Most works you find online are subject to copyright protections. To discuss or use them you need to follow fair use laws.
As of June 2, 2023