Both the title and the content of posts must directly relate to Dungeons & Dragons.
Do not suggest, promote, or perform piracy. This includes illegally distributed official material (TSR, WotC), reproductions, dubious PDFs, and websites or applications which use or distribute non-SRD rules content.
All image posts must:
Be original content.
Have [OC] or [Art] in the title.
Include a description in the comments, at least 400 characters in length.
Include [Comm] in the title (if posting/seeking commissions).
Not be NSFW or forbidden by our banned subjects list.
Thursdays are text-post only days
When discussing a specific edition, include the edition in the title or select the appropriate link-flair.
Do not use URL shorteners when posting or commenting on r/DnD.
Any time you intend to post any self-promotion, message the mods ahead of time. This includes art commissions, modules, maps, podcasts, streams, etc, whether you are charging for them or not.
Follow the reddit content policy, including the provisions on unwelcome content and prohibited behavior. Keep r/DnD a welcoming community.
Looking for Group/Looking for DM style posts should be taken to r/lfg.
If you believe a rule has been broken, please report the offending post/comment. Do not attempt to call anyone out.
The subreddit settings are changed to only allow text posts. The change is made around midnight Eastern US time, though it can vary.
Both the title and the content of posts must directly relate to Dungeons & Dragons.
Do not suggest, promote, or perform piracy. This includes illegally distributed official material (TSR, WotC), reproductions, dubious PDFs, and websites or applications which use or distribute non-SRD rules content.
All image posts must:
Be original content.
Have [OC] or [Art] in the title.
Include a description in the comments, at least 400 characters in length.
Include [Comm] in the title (if posting/seeking commissions).
Not be NSFW or forbidden by our banned subjects list.
Thursdays are text-post only days
When discussing a specific edition, include the edition in the title or select the appropriate link-flair.
Do not use URL shorteners when posting or commenting on r/DnD.
Any time you intend to post any self-promotion, message the mods ahead of time. This includes art commissions, modules, maps, podcasts, streams, etc, whether you are charging for them or not.
Follow the reddit content policy, including the provisions on unwelcome content and prohibited behavior. Keep r/DnD a welcoming community.
Looking for Group/Looking for DM style posts should be taken to r/lfg.
If you believe a rule has been broken, please report the offending post/comment. Do not attempt to call anyone out.
The subreddit settings are changed to only allow text posts. The change is made around midnight Eastern US time, though it can vary.