Posts and comments from anti-vaxxers will be removed.
Do not discourage people from taking the COVID vaccine.
Do not downplay or mock necessary public health measures to address this pandemic such as wearing masks or social distancing. Do not downplay the effectiveness of those measures or mock people following those measures.
Do not promote health misinformation or promote dangerous alternate remedies.
Anti-vaccination websites are not based on science and have been debunked
r/health is a science-based community. COVID-19 is real and there is no debate about it. People have lost loved ones to this dangerous disease.
COVID-19 does not care about your personal opinion or how you vote. You should care about others and prevent them from getting this disease by following the CDC's guidelines and by getting vaccinated. Do not downplay or mock necessary public health measures to address this pandemic.
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Any form of trolling, including concern-trolling, sea-lioning, flaming, or baiting other users will not be tolerated
No quarantined sub users
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has been reported by multiple users
has been posted by a bot account, novelty account, throwaway account, or an alternate account created to circumvent a ban
Note: Troll, bot, novelty, throwaway, and alternate accounts are subject to an immediate ban without a warning
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Please do not use the sub to sell or advertise goods or services.
Automoderator will remove a post or comment and mark it as spam if it:
contains any spam or comment spam
sells or advertises goods or services
Note: Spam accounts are subject to an immediate ban without a warning
Hate speech directed towards groups of people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, nationality, social status, or disability is not allowed on the sub
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Note: Users that break this rule are subject to an immediate ban without a warning
Personal attacks are not allowed. You may not use the sub to harass other users or mods.
This includes calling a user a paid shill, paid troll, or any other personal attack.
In short, r/Health is a somewhat more loosely run version of r/Science. In that we allow people to discuss things that aren't new discoveries, but where still we don't allow any fake crap.
Do not submit pictures or videos
Do not make fun of addictions
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Do not promote pseudoscience
No personal agendas
No personal blogs or vlogs
Access to abortion is a human right
Opinion articles are subject to removal
Do not submit articles solely about politics or activism.
In short, r/Health is a somewhat more loosely run version of r/Science.
Some political articles are allowed on a case-by-case basis at a mod's discretion that talk about a specific health issue.
Example: A governor signs a new law that funds more cancer research
Example: Texas Governor Greg Abbott tests positive for COVID-19
Do not use the sub to promote home remedies.
Do not promote health misinformation or promote dangerous alternate remedies.
Do not use the sub to promote vaccine alternative remedies.
Do not use the sub to promote pseudoscience.
Do not use the sub to promote supplements or homeopathy.
Do not use the sub to promote drugs considered illegal in the U.S.
Do not promote drug abuse.
Surveys and polls are not allowed
Do not ask this subreddit to participate in research studies or academic surveys
Do not discourage people from wearing masks.
Do not downplay public health measures such as wearing masks.
Resources | 2019 Novel Coronavirus