No paintings, illustrations, AI generated images, or screenshots. No heavily altered photographs or composites. No photos of other traditional art, where the subject will draw more attention than the capture approach.
As an exception, an all-black image may be posted in protest of the reddit API changes, as long as the title and comments are used to discuss the changes reddit announced.
You must be the author of the photos posted. Plagiarism is not tolerated and any suspicions should be reported to the mod team directly.
3a. Each post must consist of only one photo. No collages or albums are allowed as posts, but they can be shared in the comments.
3b. Panoramas, panographs, stacked photos, and multi-exposures are allowed if you are the author of every photograph.
4a. No snapshots or low effort photographs. Your photo should be thoughtfully composed, have an obvious subject in proper focus, feature intentional use of color, tone, texture, lighting, and make purposeful use of depth of field.
4b. Submitters must participate in the comments section and are expected to keep the conversation on topic to the photo.
4c. Mundane photos of interesting subjects (views out of plane windows, sunsets, the moon, eye close-ups, pets, food, etc) will be removed.
All submission titles must start with "ITAP of" and only describe the main subject of the image.
5a. Titles must be a literal, concise, and objective description of the photo without intention, reaction, interpretation, backstory, or lesser known names/acronyms. Do not use clever wording/phrases.
5b. Do not include equipment, process, social media info, memes, emoji, hashtags, when the photo was taken, or references to any other posts. Any additional info can be provided in a comment.
6a. Photos of people, or where the focus is their personality, essence, or beauty are limited to Mondays (UTC timezone) and must include [Portrait] in the title.
6b. Photos that depict people in action, in a unique setting/scene, feature unusual/atypical styling (hair or makeup), or demonstrate distinct techniques are not considered portraiture.
6c. Nudity and sexually suggestive content will be strictly regulated. Images that use nudity as their key appealing element will be removed.
Portrait submission titles must include the [Portrait] tag.
No reposts. A photo may only be submitted to r/itookapicture once.
8a. Constructive criticism is what this subreddit is here for. Structure your feedback on what you like about the photo, what you don’t like, how you would improve it, etc. “Great Photo” may be a nice compliment, but it does nothing to help the submitter or other readers.
8b. Don’t take offense to negative feedback. Understanding your mistakes and shortcomings is the best way to overcome them in future work.
9a. Off-topic comments unrelated to the photo will be removed.
9b. Abusive language will result in a ban. This includes insults, swearing and sexual comments.
Photo of the month by /u/rajscapes