Please do not post any reports of Email, Text, Robocall, websites, phishing attacks, or other scams on this Sub-Reddit. If you have been the victim of a scam or need to report a scam, please contact you local authorities or the FBI. You may also contact the members of r/scams if you have any questions or need assistance with a scam.
Feel free to post images of a scam AFTER you have verified it to be a scam. It must be a scambait screenshot from a WEBSITE, CHAT, EMAIL, TEXT or a PUBLIC SOURCE. Do not just post the information from or about the scam. You are responsible for what you post. If you post innocent third party information on the subreddit then you will be permanently banned from the sub.
No DOXING OR OUTING of other users or scammers. Only post public information. Please do not post scammer's personal information such as names, email addresses, links, phone numbers, or websites. This is only allowed if the info is a screen shot and found in the public domain like a website or search result.
Trolling scammers with name calling is not scam baiting.
Poor Effort is described as trolling a scammer or just posting a weak exchange with a bot or scammer.
Baiting chat bots is not scam baiting. Bot are script and are not live human beings and can not be baited.
No calling other users to do anything against another individual. This includes calling them, spamming, them or harassing them in anyway. We have to be strict about this.
Please only post topics relating to scambaiting techniques, stories, dialogues, and workflows.
Spam on this Sub-Reddit will not be permitted and will be immediately deleted! Repeat offenders could face temporary or permanent removal from this Sub-Reddit.
We do not tolerate any racist language, memes, images, or anything else. It’s not a joke and will result in a ban from the sub. Please do not use unnecessary profanity or obscene language in the subreddit.
Please do not post and topics that have already have been posted. Take a minute to browse the Sub-Reddit to see if your topic has been posted in the last two weeks. Please limit re-posting to one topic per two week period per member. If you have posted a topic and it has not appeared on the Sub Reddit, it might have been placed in the Mod Queue for approval. Do not keep re-posting the topic. Imight appear many times in the Mod Queue and could be considered spamming.
This includes any malware or any other software the is distributed with malicious intent. If you're unsure if your link might be included then message the moderators. Do not discuss how to perform illegal activity. This includes stealing files, RATs, or any other illegal activity.
We do not allow posts or comments harassing other users from this subreddit or elsewhere. We don't allow our users to to argue or fight in a uncivilized way.
Profanity is allowed as it is not used to harass or abuse another user or Moderator. Overwhelming profanity may be removed at the moderator's discretion. Users with a pattern of abusive behavior towards other users, the community or Moderators may be subject to bans. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis.
You cannot post or ask for the location of other sites that host scammer phone numbers or other information. You also can not post asking other members of the sub for phone numbers.
Sometimes a post could include NSFW content due to the nature of the sub. Be sure to mark it as such so those that don't wish/can't currently view that content can safely browse the sub.
Thanks To All Those Who Have Worked Here In The Past!
/u/SeanJenkins - Co-owner from 2016 to 2018
/u/allahuakbar79 Created subreddit, Co owner from 2010 to 2017
/u/gustjor - Mod from 2018 to 2018