FILMS - Discussion and posts related to the films should be regarded as spoilers until its DIGITAL RELEASE /IN-HOME RELEASE (Disney+, iTunes, DVD, Blu-ray etc..
DISNEY+ - Discussion and posts related to Disney+ shows should be tagged as spoilers until A WEEK after each episode's release.
RUMORS/LEAKS - Unconfirmed news or information about upcoming movies or shows should be regarded as spoilers.
Respect the opinions of others and treat them with dignity without regard to their gender, race, political beliefs, religion, appearance, or sexual orientation. Insulting, harassing, threatening, or acting rudely towards other users will not be tolerated and can result in the removal of your comment and a temporary or permanent ban.
Film, television, and media is subjective.
Reposts include, but are not limited to:
The same news article or story
News articles or stories that provide no new information
Screenshots, gifs, or clips from movies and television shows already posted
Videos or BTS photos that have already been posted
We also discourage karma trains, which is when one user has a popular post reach the front page and other users attempt to replicate it with similar, repetitive content. These posts will be removed when we notice a karma train going.
Low effort content includes, but is not limited to:
Blatantly fake or misleading news
Rumors from unreliable sources
Recurring Discussions such as "Am I the only one..." or "Let's appreciate..."
Fan casts with minimal effort put into them
DVD Collections
Apparel and Clothing
Recently purchases merchandise
Birthday posts
Spam or Self Promotion
Improperly titled posts include, but are not limited to:
The title not matching the title of the article being linked
The title is sensationalized or written in the form of clickbait
The title is written in the form of a standard clickbait title
The title is too vague and does not adequately describe the contents of your post
Your post will be removed and you will be asked to resubmit it with a more appropriate title that follows these rules.
It is perfectly fine to have loyalty to a fandom, franchise, or brand. However, if that loyalty is so strong that it prevents one from having civil discussion, seeing the faults in one's own fandom, franchise, or brand, or mocking those of others - it simply becomes fanboyism.
If a user is being habitually offensive or submitting provocative posts with the aim of upsetting other users - they are a troll.
We like to support the community and creators of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as much as possible and properly crediting them for their work is the least we can do. When submitting fan art or a piece of concept art, we ask that you properly link to the original source and mention the name of the artist in the title.
[Short Description of Art] by [Artist Name/Handle]
Posts that do not adhere by this rule will be removed and you will be asked to resubmit it, properly sourced and titled.
We do not allow the discussion of movies or shows unrelated to the MCU. If the movie or show isn't listed on the filmography page it doesn't belong on r/MarvelStudios.
Anything only tangentially related to the MCU will also be removed, which is up to the discretion of moderators.
If a post uses anything from the MCU to relate to politics, current events, or any other inflammatory subject - it will be removed.
Users are prohibited from prompting or encouraging the use of torrents or streaming sites. Anyone seen or reported engaging in such behavior will be banned.
Users who post camera rips, even small clips, of movies still in theaters you will be banned and depending on past infractions and history, permanently banned.
Any direct links to torrents or unofficial streams will be removed and the user who posted them will be permanently banned.
Stay up to date with MCU Countdown created by u/boxaq.
Release Calendar* by u/SirIndubitable.
*Confirmed Dates Only