No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or general attacks on others. No name calling, doxing, or harassment. We're mostly all adults, act like it!
Spam is a hard word to define. In addition to the obvious case of posting the same or similar content repeatedly, you can also follow the 1:10 rule. If more than 1/10th of your posts are from the same source then you are probably considered a spammer. If you only post links and don't participate in discussion you are probably considered a spammer. If you post and our community downvotes your comments consistently then you are probably considered a spammer.
Missing Persons posts are only permitted when accompanied by information from either a local law enforcement bureau or a reputable local news source.
Lost/Stolen property posts are generally not permitted.
Posts about missing pets are sometimes permitted as long as they include details about the animal including location, description, and ideally a photo, but no personal info such as a phone number or email address.
Before posting you should ask yourself, "Does my post belong in r/Atlanta?" Does the topic have to do with the city or metropolitan area?
Example of a good post:
Where can I find the best BBQ in the city? - belongs in r/Atlanta *
* make sure to search first to avoid reposting questions
Examples of a bad post:
Valdosta Teacher Arrested For Conduct Violation - Belongs in r/Valdosta or r/Georgia
What are the best headphones for studio mixing? - Belongs in r/wearethemusicmakers
Comments must be related to the topic at hand. Discussion of moderation actions in comments is not permitted. If your comment is off-topic, please utilize the daily discussion thread.
Trolls make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. This is not allowed on r/atlanta.
Low quality content, rants, complaints, so-called "shitposts", and other content with little or no substantive value is welcome in the Daily Discussion thread only.
Memes are not allowed and should be posted in r/atlantacirclejerk instead.
This is a complicated rule but easy to enforce. If you are posting a url that has a referral code unique to you or that could benefit a unique account it will be removed. A good example of this would be an Uber referral code where the original poster gets $5 credit for having users sign up using a url + referral code. Even if there's no direct benefit we are taking the stance of not allowing these to be posted here.
You may not buy or sell anything (including both goods and services) or offer to do so. This includes advertising and promotion of commercial businesses and pet adoptions. Offering goods or services with no consideration is sometimes permitted at the discretion of the moderators.
If you're looking to rent/sublet an apartment or house, try r/ATLHousing.
Please flair political posts with the "Politics" flair.
In addition, only political posts with direct ties to the city of Atlanta or the surrounding metro area will be allowed. Posts with statewide or national relevance are best suited for other subs, e.g. r/gapol or r/politics.
Surveys, forms, and research studies are not allowed in r/atlanta. This includes anything that requests or solicits personal information.
All events should go to the weekly events thread on r/atlanta.
Crowdfunding sites are blacklisted reddit-wide due to the potential for abuse. Crowdfunding and solicitation of donations via payment services (e.g. Venmo or PayPal) are not allowed as well. While we are sure there are many legitimate worthy causes out there, unforunately, the admins and moderators cannot vet them, so we cannot allow them.
Do not post articles that are behind a paywall, as the majority of our readers won't be able to view them.