Posts must be humorous, and they must be humorous because they are programming related. There must be a joke or meme that requires programming knowledge, experience, or practice to be understood or relatable.
Content that is part of top of all time, reached trending in the past 2 months, or has recently been posted, is considered a repost and will be removed
We also remove the following to preserve the quality of the subreddit, even if it passes the previous rules:
Feeling/reaction posts
Software errors/bugs that are not code (see r/softwaregore)
Low effort/quality analogies (enforced at moderator discretion)
Hotlinking is not allowed without explicit permission from the mods, unless it is obvious that the host allows it (e.g. Imgur or other image hosting services).
Rehosting for the purposes of offering a direct link to an image is allowed in the comments.
Any post on the list of common posts will be removed. You can find this list here.
Established meme formats are allowed, as long as the post is compliant with the previous rules.
Titles must also be creative, high effort and relevant to the content. Titles such as “Interesting title”, “.”, “print(title)”, and “I don’t know what to put here” are not allowed.
Posts or comments must not focus around merchandise, merchandisable goods (mugs, t-shirts, etc), or advertising. These posts are considered spam and removed on sight, even if no purchase link is provided.
In order to improve readability of posts, all titles must now be in camelCase
All posts containing some form of image or video must include some form of alt text (description) for accessibility.