In an effort to make this subs content searchable, any post containing screenshots from DJT's Truth Social page must contain the month, date, and year in a recognizable format (X/X/XX or X/X/XXXX) as well as key words from the subject of the post. This will make it much easier for users to find the content they are looking for when searching the sub.
Trolling is defined posting content trying to elict a negative response from a user(s) or the sub as a whole.
A personal attack is a negative or critical post that is directed at the user or the user’s character/lifestyle/choices etc. A personal attack does not necessarily need to contain derogatory language or slurs.
Meta in this case means, no negative posts or comments about the subs users or the sub as a whole.
Avoid posting content that has already been posted before. Accidental reposts are bound to happen, but we hope you try and avoid.
This includes no: spamming, ban evasion, vote manipulation, harassment, bullying, threats of violence, doxxing, impersonation, to name a few. Please review the Reddit content policy for more details.
Self-promotions, spam, surveys, and/or fundraising of any kind are not allowed here on this sub in any capacity.
Posts must be about Donald Trump in some way. However, the mod team will review any posts not specific to Donald Trump and may approved based on mod discretion as long as they have the potential for positive engagement/discussions.
Mod discretion can be used to remove content that the mod team feels causes issues/problems/harm to the sub or it's users. This rule is in place to act as a buffer between situations/issues that may arise that do not have a rule in place.