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[–]OppositeDifferenceTexas 3020 points3021 points  (205 children)

The section quoted below is just about the most clear and concise summary I've found of the Mueller report findings versus Durham's sham. Gonna hold onto it for the next three dozen times someone says Trump was exonerated by the Mueller report while having never read a word of it.

“The only distinguishing thing between [Mueller's] investigation and yours is he refused to bring charges where he couldn't prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and you did,” Schiff said.

Durham brought three charges forward, went to trial with two, and won convictions on zero—a point Democrats repeatedly brought up during the hearing.

Mueller’s investigation concluded that there were “multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government.”

“Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied way.”

The Mueller investigation ultimately brought forward roughly three dozen charges and about a half-dozen convictions.

I really don't think this hearing is going the way Republicans planned, guys....

[–]the_simurghKentucky 1349 points1350 points  (103 children)

i can't wait till the republicans are charged because trump fucking rats on em to save his own ass.

[–]HallucinogenicFishGeorgia 468 points469 points  (49 children)


[–]SurrrenderDorothy 144 points145 points  (47 children)

t(R)eason. ( I hate when repubs do the Thats (D)ifferent!

[–]Nitrosoft1 55 points56 points  (6 children)

The (R)eason for the t(R)eason?

[–]FrankTankly 48 points49 points  (35 children)

Awww, come on, that’s all they’ve got at this point.

I like to fire back with “It’s Diffe(R)ent”. Well, I would, if I weren’t banned from all those shithole subs.

[–]foxyfoo 141 points142 points  (34 children)

The r/conservative sub is insane. You cannot have a rational conversation there. They just had a fake democrat/liberal there for fake AMA and they said things like “The only way forward is to pardon Trump.” C’mon, who’s buying this BS?

[–]FunIllustrious 79 points80 points  (13 children)


“The only way forward is to pardon Trump.”

then they're saying he's guilty?? Can't be pardoned without admitting guilt, right?

Yeah, I've never been in that sub, probably would be bounced out in seconds.

[–]ArthurBurtonMorgan 61 points62 points  (6 children)

I used to consider myself a “Conservative”. I can’t read more than 3-5 comments on any given post in that sub without bouncing the fuck out. Those people have literally lost all ability to think, let alone rationally.

[–]The_Lapsed_Pacifist 23 points24 points  (3 children)

If you’re even halfway rational, yeah, you’ll get bounced immediately. Ask a simple question, ask for clarification or, heaven forfend, proof from a reputable source, you’ll be out. You don’t even need to kick up a fuss or be contrary.

[–]L3yline 22 points23 points  (2 children)

I did simple math on covid deaths and how had it was and I was banned. Not for saying anything about their covid conspiracies but for doing math

[–]I_Heart_QAnon_Tears 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Lol it took me one comment... and it wasn't even that bad. 100% if your not a Trump ass clapper your bounced in 3 seconds

[–]killerkadugen 17 points18 points  (0 children)

And more to the point-- what way forward? We aren't in some quandary, seeking to maneuver between a rock and a hard-place.

We are already in agreement with the rule of law. Some of which Trump himself helped to personally enact.

Wouldn't even have to allow any subjectivity, except that of his own.

[–]Stoomba 69 points70 points  (3 children)

Bring it all down because the big cheeto throws a fit to save his ass? Sign me up.

[–]HelpersWannaHelp 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Can we stop referring to Trump as Cheeto? Cheetos are delicious. Trump is more like the vomit found outside a bar Saturday morning after someone ate Cheetos while downing shots of tequila the night before.

[–]Ball-Blam-Burglerber 26 points27 points  (12 children)

His testimony wouldn’t exactly be reliable.

[–]Pretend-Excuse-8368 16 points17 points  (8 children)

An insanity defense is going to be rich. I don’t think they have anything else.

[–]troymoeffinstone 50 points51 points  (1 child)

"So, the former president is too insane to snitch on you?"


"And you support said former president in the 2024 presidential election?"


[–]iluvugoldenblueNew Zealand 16 points17 points  (4 children)

There’s no way in hell trump pleads insanity. The prick is all about his image being as perfect as possible. He’s not gonna admit to anything regarding his mental state, he will as always just expect everyone to bend to his wishes and find him not guilty.

[–]illit1 I voted 82 points83 points  (3 children)

And then the republicans will rat on their staffers to save their own asses.

You're going the wrong direction. trump is the last rung of the ladder, they're not going to negotiate themselves down.

[–]LuckyOne55 32 points33 points  (1 child)

It's not down if he can expose a conspiracy between many Congress members and foreign actors.

[–]ashesofempires 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It’s kinda sorta yes and no.

They were working to install him as a dictator. He instigated the entire conspiracy well before the election.

At the same time, the conspiracy is still active. There is no doubt in my mind that the GOP members of Congress are still actively plotting a path to install a Republican in the White House, win or lose, in 2024.

And Trump has firsthand knowledge of the conspiracy and the other participants. I would not at all be happy about him being given immunity in exchange for giving up the rest of the members of the conspiracy, but I think it would be worth it to excise an existential threat to our democracy.

[–]johnnybiggles 13 points14 points  (0 children)

With any luck, they won't have to and they've already got the goods on them for seeking out pardons and conspiracy before, on and after J6.

[–]LuckyOne55 23 points24 points  (0 children)

That would be the best possible outcome. He walks in exchange for all information he has, including foreign influence and kompromat. There would be dozens of GOP congress members in jail.

[–]kushhaze420 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Comment of the fucking Year. Wow. Spot on. He only has consideration for himself. The D takes care of the D first. He will do whatever it takes to stay out of jail. He probably has more files in his exwife's coffin buried in the back yard.

[–]CaptainJackSorrowArizona 14 points15 points  (3 children)

I like your thinking. Who would he have to turn on to save himself? How many would be enough?

[–]SlightReturn420 29 points30 points  (1 child)

What if, rather than saving himself, he can't help himself but take them all down with him? He's beyond saving at this point. He needs to face consequences.

[–]DadJokeBadJokeCalifornia 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I like how you think.

[–]myquest00777 11 points12 points  (3 children)

I hadn’t focused on that yet. He would rat the living SHIT out of about half the House GOP to save has own ass.

[–]temporary311 10 points11 points  (2 children)

He would betray the entire world to save himself.

[–]idonemadeitawkward 355 points356 points  (35 children)

Anyone who says the Mueller Report exonerates trump hasn't even heard of the Part 2.

[–]Tom_NeverwinterDistrict Of Columbia 270 points271 points  (29 children)

I personally love part 5


Less redacted items. A whole lot of specifics that pin people to prison walls.

[–]EmpyrealistNevada 81 points82 points  (2 children)

sparkle point distinct degree intelligent soft heavy full humor coherent -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/

[–]Trix_Are_4_90KidsMissouri 29 points30 points  (1 child)

It was on the internet for free and people didn't read it after screaming for it for so long.

[–]LegoBeetlejuice 73 points74 points  (9 children)

that first line is fire.

"The Committee found that the Russian government engaged in an aggressive, multi- faceted effort to influence, or attempt to influence, the outcome of the 2016 presidential election."

it's insanity that they were able to bury this stuff

[–]Carlyz37 134 points135 points  (1 child)

This report unfortunately got widely ignored. As planned by trump and GOP once they knew what was going to be in it. Burr was the Intel chairman at the time. When he refused to block release of Vol 5 trump bff bill barr decided that Burr was THE ONE MOC who should be charged with insider trading. So of course GOP felt "obligated" to remove Burr from Intel and replace with Rubio. Who was unable to block release but kept it as quiet as possible

[–]comingsoontotheaters 28 points29 points  (9 children)

It’s 966 pages and i as a non congressman don’t have time to come close to reading some of that. Any highlights to look at?

[–]Based_Ment 45 points46 points  (0 children)

Don't worry, most congressmen didn't read it either

[–]Tom_NeverwinterDistrict Of Columbia 35 points36 points  (1 child)

The very beginning and very end will be pretty good. You see how they started and how they end. Can probably pick a few spots in the middle for the spice!

[–]LegoBeetlejuice 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The spice must flow.

I hadn't seen this stuff. Thank you for the link.

[–]evilbrent 36 points37 points  (0 children)

If this report exonerated the President it would so state.

[–]Agitated-Tadpole1041 205 points206 points  (22 children)

The blue check weirdos were on twitter all day saying how Durham “owned” everyone and that todays testimony proves the “russian hoax”. There really is an alternate reality for like 30% of the country. I hate it here sometimes.

[–]WildYams 164 points165 points  (12 children)

The Durham investigation went on for four years and all it accomplished was getting one guy to admit he'd altered an email, which got him probation. The Hunter Biden investigation went on for five years and all they got was a plea agreement on a misdemeanor tax charge with probation, and a gun charge also with probation that will almost surely wind up expunged from his record in a few years.

What an absolute waste of tax dollars these "investigations" are.

Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation lasted only 18 months and resulted in charges against 34 individuals and 3 companies, 8 guilty pleas, and a conviction at trial, and it only did not recommend charges against Trump because he was the sitting president at the time, though it did implicate him in at least 10 instances of obstructing justice.

[–]ncc_1864California 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Don't forget, the Mueller investigation managed to recoup the costs of the investigation something like tenfold through their convictions.

[–]FunIllustrious 47 points48 points  (4 children)

Don't forget the 8 or so investigations into Hillary Clinton emails and Benghazi over multiple years, costing millons, and nothing.

[–]ifcknhateme 21 points22 points  (3 children)

They got what they wanted out of that, it paid them back in ways that will be felt in this country for literally generations.

[–]md4024 21 points22 points  (2 children)

Exactly. Almost everything about the 2016 election still makes me angry, but the thing that might bother me the most is the way the mainstream media covered the Benghazi/private server investigation. I remember Maggie Haberman being dismissive about complaints, saying something like "the Dem nominee was being investigated by the FBI, we couldn't ignore that," which is such bullshit. Of course it deserved media coverage, but the story was that Republicans were grossly abusing their government power to hurt a major political opponent. Even after the investigation wrapped up, the vast majority of the media didn't even try to convey to the public that there was nothing nefarious or corrupt about Clinton's use of the private server. They framed it exactly how Republicans hoped they would, though I bet even they were surprised by how easy it was, while literally giving it more attention than any other topic throughout the election. Fucking gross.

[–]henryptungCalifornia 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Probably doesn't matter. GOP desperately interested in proving that 1984 wasn't just a warning, but a blueprint - and their success in that effort so far is honestly terrifying.

[–]I_Brain_YouTennessee 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Forbes has a youtube channel called Forbes Breaking News. It is very conservatively bent. Today they posted snippets from the hearing. The comments on each video are awful, and from MAGA assholes.

[–]WildYams 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I blocked that YouTube channel long ago because of the strong right wing slant for everything they published. It's pure propaganda.

[–]Critical_Half_3712 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Something something: across the magaverse

[–]peter-doubt 42 points43 points  (3 children)

MAGA isn't gonna hear it.... There's nothing between the ears to acknowledge they've been lied to

[–]AhhBiteMe 13 points14 points  (1 child)

They don’t care about being lied to. They knew it and wanted to be in on the lie.

[–]NYC_Underground 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Durham is going to need a pack of frozen peas to help with that smackdown

[–]tykneedanser 14 points15 points  (1 child)

And the Republicans just censured Schiff

[–]fixnahole 23 points24 points  (3 children)

I love watching Schiff cross examine these folks. It's a master at work. But I have to disagree with the statement that Mueller refused to bring charges where he couldn't prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. He didn't press charges because of the memo that says he couldn't charge a sitting president. A memo that is legally debatable, but nevertheless, what Mueller was operating under.

[–]Trumpov 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Mueller explicitly declined to bring charges against others, like Don Jr., even when he thought all the elements of the criminal statutes had been met. I think that must be what Schiff was referring to.

[–]This-Speed9403 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Unless you're watching the testimony, you won't hear the entire story. Fox has their mouthpieces blathering on and on about how corrupt the FBI/DOJ are, highlighting the GOP questioners and nary a word about this particular aspect of the testimony.

[–]j_laFlorida 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Also, federal prosecutors have a reputation for not missing frequently. Durham dragging down their success rate.

[–]WebbityWebbs 7 points8 points  (3 children)

It literally doesn’t not matter. The Republican Party exists in a created reality with curated facts. I don’t see this changing those circumstances.

[–]GhettoChemist 1220 points1221 points  (25 children)

JFC no wonder republicans want to censure him. Adam Schiff makes them look dumb AF.

[–]PKanuck 484 points485 points  (3 children)

Adam Schiff makes them look dumb AF.

GOP actually don't need any help to be dumb AF.

[–]_far-seeker_America 166 points167 points  (1 child)

Indeed they don't, but Adam Schiff is still better at making them look stupid than they already are.

[–]Carlyz37 209 points210 points  (4 children)

Exactly. GOP is scared to death of Schiff. And I really didn't realize just how befuddled Durham gets when a real prosecutor questions him

[–]WildYams 110 points111 points  (1 child)

[–]Carlyz37 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Thank you. I miss Ted Lieu since I dont do Twitter anymore

[–]johnnybiggles 56 points57 points  (0 children)

Exactly why they kicked him off the Intelligence Committee.

[–]jhpianistArizona 56 points57 points  (2 children)

I’m pretty sure Durham knows more than he’s letting on. It looks to me like he’s playing dumb in hopes that he won’t be asked any probing follow-up questions for which truthful answers would offend Trump or Trump’s base—similar to how Trump’s AG Barr was stumped by then Senator Kamala Harris’s question: “Attorney General William Barr, has the president or anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone?”

[–]laughingbandi7 20 points21 points  (1 child)

He dissembled in response to a question that would make him look both like an idiot (asking a judge for permission to access personal information and being denied for insufficient cause), and corrupt (because he then attempted an end run around the judge’s order through a grand jury).

Durham was shown to be on the lower end of competence by more than one person on the committee.

[–]BringOn25A[🍰] 64 points65 points  (0 children)

He doesn’t make them look dumb, but he does a great job shining the light on their stupidity.

[–]KahzgulCalifornia 32 points33 points  (2 children)

They've been showing up to school board meetings in his district (where I live) and threatening parents and board members. The School Superintendent resigned today. I'm so disappointed that she gave in to their threats, but I understand she had to put her safety first.

[–]B0b_a_feetAmerica 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Pretty sure Boebert doesn’t need much help with that

[–]YesDone 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I effing love Adam Schiff.

[–]CanCaliDave 6 points7 points  (0 children)

TIL he's not even particularly little, he's 5'11"

[–]spacegiantsrock 271 points272 points  (9 children)

‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ - Eric Trump

[–]No_Animator_8599 61 points62 points  (6 children)

Now it’s Saudi Arabia

[–]Deadwing2022 27 points28 points  (4 children)

Why not both??

[–]DadJokeBadJokeCalifornia 17 points18 points  (3 children)

Cuz Russia is running out of funds these days

[–]Helfix 811 points812 points  (98 children)

Trump Jr., Manafort and other Trump campaign officials met several high level Russian operatives at Trump tower to get dirt on Hillary Clinton.

This news story was broken in 2016, and Don Jr. Released his own emails to try get ahead of it which confirmed the reporting Washington post did where Don Jr. Was setting the meeting up with the Russians.

Muller never investigated this or any of the Trump children.

[–]Turdlely 346 points347 points  (27 children)

They're all criminals. They got Hunter for tax evasion (something they worship) and illegal gun ownership (which, according to them, literally shouldn't be a law).

Since they seemingly want to pursue family, I suggest we take their concerns to heart.

Investigate the fucking Trump and kushner families. At face value they have committed numerous (likely) crimes. Let's collect information to prove it, why don't we?

[–]FionaWor 155 points156 points  (23 children)

It wasn't tax evasion. It was just paying his taxes late. But I understand your point.

[–]Critical_Half_3712 83 points84 points  (22 children)

That’s what fox was making such a huge deal about? I thought he did something bad

[–]inquisitive_guy_0_1 I voted 93 points94 points  (0 children)

That was exactly their intention.

[–]Ven18 63 points64 points  (16 children)

Literally if his last name wasn’t Biden he would not have even faced misdemeanor charges anyone else even you or me would have gotten a call from the IRS saying file your late takes and pay X penalty and go on with your life. (Assuming you can pay said taxes) they talk about 2 tiered justice this is that in reverse Hunter is actively getting harsher criminal penalties to make his dad look bad.

[–]WildYams 53 points54 points  (12 children)

Yep, and the GOP spent five years investigating a guy for paying his taxes late, even continuing for years after he had paid his back taxes plus penalty. If you want to see a "witch hunt", that was it. Five years of investigating just to secure a misdemeanor change and probation. What a farce.

[–]valeyard89Texas 8 points9 points  (11 children)

they've spent 30 years investigating the Clintons and all they have is lying about a BJ.

[–]VictorZiblis 10 points11 points  (10 children)

He didn't even lie. He asked them to define something, they did... and a beejer didn't meet that qualification.

[–]umm_like_totes 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Someone in my family didn't pay taxes for YEARS. They did eventually get their head out of their ass, contact the IRS and pay their back taxes. Never got charged with anything, not even a misdemeanor. I know a lot of people who run their own businesses who are terrible with money and paying taxes. Never once heard of anyone being charged with a crime. Hell I used to own my own business and couldn't pay my taxes one year. IRS was just like "eh pay it when you can we'll just keep tacking interest on it..." (I did eventually pay it off.)

[–]FionaWor 24 points25 points  (1 child)

The IRS never prosecutes for this. It's a simple misdemeanor. Pay a penalty. But they went ahead with the prosecution to remain on the up and up. It's genuinely a nothing burger.

[–]DemiMini 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It is something. It's the weaponization of the justice system by the GOP in order to hurt the Dem president. Forget Hunter, they've successfully used the justice system for Kompromat, again. I know where you're coming from but this is not on the up and up.

[–]WhileNotLurking 18 points19 points  (0 children)

It's all for the Fox narrative.

They know they committed crimes. So they went after family first. That way any charges will be spun as "political" and a "retaliation".

They knew they stand for tax evasion and guns. So charging "the other side" is a "see this is what happens with stupid laws like that"

Their voters eat that up. Just watch.

The "the election was stolen" in 2016 was because they were trying (or did) steal it.

My take is send them all to prison. Republicans. Democrats. Anyone who broke the law. One good sweep across the board.

[–]umm_like_totes 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Hunter paid his taxes he just paid them late.

[–]InALostHorizon 109 points110 points  (46 children)

Mueller refusing to pursue Junior's obvious criminal behavior was always astonishing. He was too stupid to collude? THAT was the excuse for not pursuing anything further? Really? JFC Mueller failed our country in so many ways.

[–]xtossitallawayx 51 points52 points  (9 children)

Mueller failed

He was setup to fail which I think a lot of people don't know or overlook on purpose. Mueller was always an employee of the DOJ. Barr was literally his boss and had to approve Mueller's most significant actions. Barr worked directly for Trump. Trump was in charge of investigating himself.

Ken Starr had completely different powers while investigating Clinton and it was precisely because Starr actually went after Clinton that both parties agreed that no one should be able to do that again.

[–]MarkHathaway1 22 points23 points  (2 children)

The Republicans intentionally abused that law, so it would be eliminated and someone like Trump could run rampant without fear of a Starr Report in which he starred.

[–]Ven18 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Which really should put into perspective just how far Smith has gotten at this stage and just how staggering the volume of crimes this man committed. A system designed to help and protect him in every way is breaking under the sheer force and pressure of all his crimes. Scientist should investigate this to make sure all the crimes don’t condense into a black hole of pure crime, or as Fox would call it Chicago

[–]metengrinwi 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Mueller was gone 2 months after Barr arrived. Barr just shut him down.

[–]Weird_Algorithm 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Rod Rosenstein initially created the limits of what Mueller could investigate. And today the GOP made a big deal that the investigation was flawed. It was, but mainly because they were protecting Trump and GOP operatives.

[–]skkITer 53 points54 points  (34 children)

Mueller is a lifelong Republican. He was very clearly protecting the office of the Republican president. He chose not to even interview Jr., a key participant in the most obvious example of collusion possible, and then decided that the government would have a hard time proving he knew what he was doing was illegal.

[–]xtossitallawayx 15 points16 points  (32 children)

He chose

It is important to remember that Mueller was an employee of the DOJ - and therefore AG Barr was his boss. Everything significant had to be approved by Barr - who reported to Trump.

The Legislative Branch removed the laws that let Ken Starr go after Clinton with independence.

[–]skkITer 20 points21 points  (31 children)

Bill Barr was AG for a total of one month when Mueller completed his investigation.

[–]xtossitallawayx 13 points14 points  (25 children)

Right at the time that it came to make charging decisions...

Barr himself doesn't really matter, put Sessions there, the setup was the same. Mueller reported to the AG that reported to Trump.

[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Everybody knows this was a meeting about adoptions.


[–]dejus 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I mean it technically was. Just mostly indirectly. There was also a real chance they were going to extradite bill browder to Russia in exchange (regarding the magnitsky act).

[–]axisleft 20 points21 points  (5 children)

I didn’t see anyone else mention it. However, didn’t Manafort give internal polling data to the Russians for whatever purpose? What am I missing here that could be interpreted as not colluding with the Russians?

[–]luna_beam_space 17 points18 points  (4 children)

Russia also hacked the voting systems in all 50 states in 2016 to help trump "win"

Senate Report

So theres also that

[–]IckyGumpWashington 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Oh yeah was that the one where reporter was like, “I researched this for a year and he just… tweeted them out..”.

[–]HallucinogenicFishGeorgia 204 points205 points  (5 children)

“And Trump made use of that, as I said, didn’t he, by touting those stolen documents on the campaign trail over a hundred times,” Schiff said.

Durham said he didn’t “really read the newspapers, or listen to the news.”

“So I don’t know that,” he said.

“Were you totally oblivious to Donald Trump’s use of the stolen emails on the campaign trail more than a hundred times?” Schiff asked. “Did that escape your attention?”

Durham responded that he wasn’t aware of that.

“I didn’t see the tweet”

[–]DBCOOPER888Virginia 67 points68 points  (1 child)

It's odd Durham knew so little about the case he investigated for 3 fucking years. Imagine being an alleged top DoJ prosecutor and not knowing very basic things.

[–]IEATPASTEANDILIKEIT 35 points36 points  (2 children)

“I was too busy scrolling through porn on reddit to notice articles on it”

[–]Former-Lab-9451 17 points18 points  (1 child)

"I can't read it without my glasses"

- Gym Jordan

[–]No-Programmer-7253 104 points105 points  (3 children)

How can anyone get away with "I'm not aware of that" for basic facts?

[–]dirtywook88 46 points47 points  (0 children)

It’s almost like they wasted four years on an investigation and didn’t even read the mueller report which started it all and no prosecutions Let’s not forget Barr and Durham went on holiday to Italy together.

But hey it’s schiff that wasted taxpayers money according to the freidumb kackus

[–]Deadwing2022 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Durham lying his face off. Just another disingenuous lytng Republican.

[–]1Operator 3 points4 points  (0 children)

No-Programmer-7253 : How can anyone get away with "I'm not aware of that" for basic facts?

When the options are:
1. speak the truth, which would incriminate yourself and/or others
2. lie to authorities, risking severe penalties for lying to authorities
3. claim to have no knowledge/recollection
...it's gonna be #3 every time.

[–]mountaintop111 324 points325 points  (8 children)

Nobody went to jail in the Durham investigation, as opposed to the Mueller investigation where multiple people in Trump's circle went to jail. In addition, Federal prosecutors for the DoJ have a 99.6% conviction rate but yet Durham went to trial twice and lost both times. Durham's investigation is an embarrassment and a true waste of tax payer money - it was a real witch hunt that found no witches.

[–]Pdonk5 98 points99 points  (5 children)

It cost more and lasted longer than the Mueller investigation too.

[–]Former-Lab-9451 73 points74 points  (3 children)

Pretty sure the Mueller investigation actually paid for itself and then some with asset seizures.

[–]CelestialFuryMinnesota 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I believe the Mueller Report actually made money in the end.

[–]Eric_in_America 113 points114 points  (4 children)

The Mueller investigation turned over dozens of indictments and multiple convictions, not to mention actual evidence of wrongdoing. The Durham report? It's only two criminal cases ended in acquittal. Yet Conservatives remain wilfully ignorant on this issue, jumping to their conclusions and refusing to acknowledge that Durham couldnt find any evidence of "The crime of the century".

Durham's report was underwhelming to say the least. Four years the guy spent investigating this, and all he could come up with was some vague, non incriminating language. Durham's featured story on Fox News will say something different of course, but in the end, he couldn't find anything damning. So he appealed to conservatives with paragraphs of empty, opinionated rhetoric that will fuel partisan conspiracies and attitudes toward the FBI. Let's move on to what prompted all of this.

The Steele Dossier has become the target of right wing outrage and ridicule, conservatives use it as the basis for their argument that the entire investigation was a "hoax". The Steele Dossier was not the impetus for the Russia investigation. Investigators, even Mueller himself did not rely on the dossier (or Hillary Clinton) to seek criminal charges, it had no influence on any significant findings.

In fact, the investigation, which was eventually handed over to Mueller by the FBI, began well before our intelligence agencies were made privy to the Steele Dossier. The opening of the investigation was entirely warranted and relied on several things, the most significant concerning evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and stole emails, and also evidence of a Trump campaign advisor revealing that Russia had reached out to the campaign with an offer to release damaging information on Hillary Clinton. And that's not all.

Let's start with the report that describes how when Trump found out about the Mueller probe for the first time he exclaimed "This is the end of my presidency, I'm fucked". That's not how an innocent man responds to an investigation.

How about when Trump asked for Russia's help on national TV?

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Or how Trump cast doubt about Russian cyber attacks, contradicting our own intelligence agencies (and himself). During a press conference with Putin after meeting with him privately, Trump proclaimed in front of reporters, "...President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today"

"I have president Putin, he just said it's not Russia... I will say this. I don't see any reason why it would be"

Less than 24 hours later, Trump conveniently declared that he "misspoke", that he meant to say "wouldn't" instead of "would".

He even suggested Putin and Russia work with the U.S. on cyber security, have Russia join in on the special counsel that's investigating... Fucking RUSSIA!

Throughout Trump's presidency, he often aligned himself with Putin, defended and enabled him, repeated Kremlin talking points, and on several occasions, refused to confront Putin, chosing to blame America instead. America first my ass. Trump practically glorified Putin at any opportunity, and often at the expense of America and it's allies.

Trump also sought to rescind or loosen Russian sanctions, and after becoming president in 2017, if it weren't for veto proof sanctions, he would have most likely ended them.

Nonetheless, the Mueller investigation led to 37 indictments, multiple arrests, convictions and guilty pleas, and it was determined that there was a link between Russian officials and Trump campaign personnel, it was also determined that the president obstructed justice.

Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their Russian contacts and connections, while Trump dodged inquiries related to his efforts to influence testimony and impede proceedings. Trump associates George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen all admitted that they made false statements to federal investigators or to Congress.

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager, and eventually found guilty of fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, tax evasion and the list goes on, gave Russian intelligence polling and campaign information. He also met with Russian nationals at Trump Tower, NY. Jared Kushner and Trump Jr joined him in that meeting after an intermediary informed the Trump campaign that they had damaging material on Hillary Clinton.

In the end, the Mueller report also found that Russia meddled and "interfered in the election in systemic and sweeping fashion" and to the benefit of the Trump campaign no less.

If you're the type to indignantly claim "nO cOlLuSIon!", Understand that Mueller never sought to use the term "collusion", nor was it a crime he was investigating. He believed that "collusion" wasn't an appropriate crime to investigate under the conditions of charging or indicting a president, instead Mueller focused on criminal conspiracy law, and in the end, never came to anything nearly as conclusive as "no collusion". In fact, according to the Mueller report, the results of the investigation were unresolved and inconclusive

"[W]hile this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,"

Mueller declined to exonerate Trump and detailed obstruction of justice charges against the president for his actions in attempting to undermine the investigation. In the end, Trump's obstruction was painfully clear, involving multiple efforts to jeopardize the investigation, curtail investigators, prevent evidence from being disclosed, coerce DOJ/admin officials, install loyal lackeys to oversee the probe, fire those who wouldn't compromise efforts, influence testimony and the list goes on.

However, indictment/further investigation didn't follow thanks to William Barr, his deranged theories on executive authority, and a DOJ policy prohibiting the indictment of a sitting president in the first place, how convenient. Mueller never cleared Trump of obstruction.

Any conclusion or mention of "no collusion" doesn't even appear in the Mueller report. "NO COLLUSION" is a phrase propagated by Trump, right wing media and conservative mouthpieces for the purpose of instilling it into the minds of Republicans who would go on to repeat it ad nauseum, and guess what, IT WORKED.

Adding to it all, In 2020, a Republican controlled senate panel released a nearly 1,000 page report detailing Russia's interference in the 2016 election in favor of a Trump presidency, an extensive web of contacts between the Trump campaign and Kremlin officials, an eagerness from Trump officials to accept Russian assistance, and inexperienced, unqualified Trump campaign officials and advisers that *“presented attractive targets for foreign influence, creating notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities.”, among other things of course.*

When it comes to this radically polarizing issue, it's nowhere near as simple as "no collusion" or a "leftist hoax", and it was without a doubt, justified. Findings have been made clear, efforts weren't steeped in some conspiracy, there was no "witch hunt", and the FBI was entirely warranted in opening it's probe. All while Trump's continued attempts to thwart and obstruct justice remain evident.

[–]Ok_Percentage5092 11 points12 points  (0 children)


[–]Aurhasapigdog 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I love you just a little bit rn

[–]hello_world_wide_web 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Unfortunately your excellent logic and evidence is completely disregarded by all MAGA believers...our only hope is there are enough others to keep them in check.

[–]Injest_alkahestAmerica 48 points49 points  (0 children)

The people that need to see this are allergic to facts and averse to reality. They will bring up the Durham probe until they’re in the grave rather than admit they support a Russian asset who is tasked with destabilizing the USA.

[–]MidwesternWitch 169 points170 points  (17 children)

I love Adam Schiff❤️

[–]InALostHorizon 144 points145 points  (6 children)

There's a reason why Republicans hate him. It's because he's damn good at his job.

Also worth pointing out Schiff was one of the few Democrats going after Garland a long time ago for being derelict in his duty in prosecuting the Jan. 6 attack. There may have been some others (not near enough, that's for damn sure), but Schiff's voice was definitely one of the loudest.

[–]dirtywook88 35 points36 points  (1 child)

It’s pretty damning w the report of Wray and garland both trying their damnedest to not investigate j6/trump connections outside of scooping some low hanging fruit which imo validates schiffs concerns.

Of course the projection from the gop and the whole two standards/weaponization/impropriety is in their favor.

[–]SuperSpecialAwesome-Georgia 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Reminder that Wray covered up 4,500+ tips against Kavanaugh.

[–]MidwesternWitch 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Exactly. He’s brilliant and not only does he genuinely care about his county and the constitution, but he’s got steel in his backbone.

Unlike all of these puffed up, posturing chicken-shits who are trying to destroy anything that shows them in the cowardly circus they’re all vying to be the ringleader of.

[–]Oleg101 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I hope he does another AMA on this sub again in the near future.

[–]babysinblackandImblu 97 points98 points  (4 children)

The GOP is so desperate to get rid of democracy.

[–]BACK_BURNER 7 points8 points  (2 children)

ATM the Grand Old Party is half-assed trying to get rid of Trump. They'll get back to trying to get rid of democracy later.

[–]who519 23 points24 points  (3 children)

In an alternate universe somehow FOXNEWS is using the exact same testimony to say that Schiff was "SHUT DOWN" by Durham as their primary story.

[–]sentimentaldiablo 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Hey, "So, I didn't know that . . . " is a bad-ass slapdown. Almost as bad-ass as "Please stop! Don't hurt me!"

[–]IckyGumpWashington 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Man I don’t know how you cut that video to make Durham look good. Like a one second mumbled “not illegal” is all there is.

[–]ekb2023 53 points54 points  (1 child)

C'mon guys, it's totally believable that Durham didn't watch a single second of Trump's campaign back in 2016. There were very few networks that gave Trump publicity back then! He ran a really obscure campaign and it was hard to tune into his speeches on TV!

[–]joelthefoolish 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu tag-teamed the hell out of that trumpy shill

[–]Pleasant-Article8131 18 points19 points  (7 children)

I’m not sure why the press overlooks this and why it isn’t further discussed, Trump’s campaign manager was convicted of lying to the FBI that he didn’t have contact with Russian FSB assets, when he in fact gave internal campaign polling information to an FSB asset.

I don’t understand…..

[–]SiWeyNoWay 9 points10 points  (3 children)

And Michael Flynn met with them a few more times than disclosed.

[–]SuperSpecialAwesome-Georgia 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Michael Flynn was involved in Jan 6, yet still hasn't been court martialed.

[–]SiWeyNoWay 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It makes me SO mad that people still refer to him as general. That fucker is a traitor

[–]tommfury 37 points38 points  (4 children)

Schiff is a bad ass muthr fukr.

[–]discussatronArizona 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Every Republican voter responded with, "LOL so?"

[–]def_indiff 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Can we set up a committee that's just Adam Schiff and Katie Porter eviscerating Republicans and unethical business people day after day?

[–]Renorico 13 points14 points  (0 children)

It's obvious why GOP hate this man so much. He absolutely clowns them with facts at every opportunity

[–]MynameisJunie 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Schiff is so masterful at what he does. I wish he would run for the DNC

[–]Wrecksomething 10 points11 points  (0 children)

He was investigating whether it was appropriate for the FBI to investigate links between Trump campaign and Russia. He claims he has no knowledge of the hundreds of times that Trump publicly used intel stolen by the Russians with the intent (both Russia's and Trump's) of aiding his campaign.

Sure sounds like he wasn't qualified for his job. That's day 1 material if you're reviewing that investigation.

[–]Skip12 9 points10 points  (0 children)

To Republicans it absolutely does not matter whether Durham found any wrongdoing or not. They spin the results to serve their purposes. That's all that matters.

[–]tek_ad 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Trump asked for Russian help ON NATIONAL TELEVISION and the Russians did exactly what Trump ordered

[–]schrod 7 points8 points  (2 children)

And Putin wants Trump back to give him Ukraine.

[–]Sniffy4 18 points19 points  (0 children)

The House censuring a member for investigating something that's verifiably true is some primo-level political bulls*t.

[–]CountrySax 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Those Radical Republicon Seditionists sure get all worked up when someone hits em dead on in their third eye with the truth.

[–]writingt 9 points10 points  (1 child)

John Durham is almost as stupid as his goatee looks

[–]DBCOOPER888Virginia 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It's pretty interesting Durham knows so very little about the case he's investigated for 3 fucking years.

[–]Circumin 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Watching that video exchange it is very clear that Dunham is a partisan hack

[–]FreeWestworld 6 points7 points  (0 children)

MAGA won’t care. MAGA is hell-bent on protect the treasonous traitor that we call Trump. MAGA wants him in at any cost. You need to start planning for the possible eventuality that Trump may become Dictator in chief. I have no confidence that Biden will win. If Biden wins great but I’m gonna assume that Biden will lose and plan accordingly.

[–]OnTheFenceGuy 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I know everyone wishes that Mueller would have gone further with his report/call to action, but it cannot be understated how important his findings in writing will be for posterity.

[–]Ice_BergSlim 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Like the Mueller report pointed out.

[–]clockwork655 8 points9 points  (0 children)

And the communist party is the second biggest party in Russia and holds seats in the duma and continues to win elections, they are even putting up statues Of Stalin again...trump actively supports and gets support from communists, he arguably does the MOST for communism in America

[–]broadmeadowbk 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Republicans and their voters are objectively stupider than other people.

[–]wired1984 24 points25 points  (1 child)

The accusations over Russia had substantially more merit to them than the GOP’s attempt to smear Joe Biden over his son Hunter. It makes the attempt to censure Schiff particularly disingenuous.

[–]Fragmentia 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I thought this was already established? The Mueller report outlines this. Mueller also stressed that Russia is continually going to keep trying to interfere in our elections. Trump supporters got an out from having to face the fact that Trump literally asked them to interfere during a debate with said opponent on live TV. It became more about a massive conspiracy. The MSM ran with that and kept trying to change perceptions to the point it was a win for their base when it was shown that Russia did in fact act on Trumps request.

[–]RDKryten 5 points6 points  (0 children)

"You're telling me that you investigated this case for three years and never once looked to see how the information leaked by the Russians was being used by the Trump campaign? To me, that doesn't sound like someone investigating in good faith. Does it to you?"

[–]brianishere2 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Durham was hired to be an "independent" prosecutors he has been purely an advocate for Trump's benefit at all stages. Zero independence.

[–]BetterthanbeerAustralia 3 points4 points  (0 children)

They literally bragged about the Russian assistance to an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer. Downer was once leader of the Liberal Party, Australia’s Right leaning major party. He has no Leftist axe to grind.

[–]JoeDirtsMullet00 5 points6 points  (3 children)

Russia and the Saudis will be trying desperately to get him back in there again.

[–]Riversmooth 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Putin was doing all he could to help trump win and many around Trump were doing all they could to help putin. The mueller report quickly swept under the rug by Barr.

[–]david-writers 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Gosh. Watching the video, I was embarrassed for Durham's sake--- it was cringe-worthy. Durham stated several times that he did not know that which is common knowledge.

By the way, the Wikipedia article on the subject is excellent.

[–]swennergren11 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Durham trying so hard not to admit the truth so he can stay in favor with the right wing shitbags who put him in place. Desperately trying to cling to his next job offer….🤡🤡🤡🤡

Only so many bootlicking synchophant jobs to go around after all…

[–]housemeat 23 points24 points  (1 child)

stating the obvious eight years later. i guess this is the world we live in.

[–]manhatim 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Schiff is a smart cookie

[–]nuckle 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This guy reminds me of Newsom a bit. He does not fuck around.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It’s dumb to assume they never got help from Russia. One of the useless trump kids even said all their golf courses were built with Russian money. Why is far fetched to think they wouldn’t help him when he ran for president.

[–]MarkHathaway1 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Shocker. Who could have imagined. It's unbelievable. /s

[–]knuckboy 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Now we need two new justices and maybe we'll start being a democracy again.

[–]StockHand1967 4 points5 points  (0 children)

TRUMP is black mailing the talking snake party... These people are so loyal they put labradors to shame... He got something on all of them... The protection is too frenzied, too emotional... The whole party is kompromated... 👆

A year ago..id say it was the "Trump Voters". Nope.. This ain't that... These guys lie with an intensity of Men and Woman paddling a kayak for their life in a volcano... It's desperate and fatalistic

[–]marriedwithchickens 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The Cambridge Analytica scandal proved Russia was involved

[–]wish1977 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Adam Schiff smart, Republicans dumb.

[–]hello_world_wide_web 4 points5 points  (0 children)

He is a worthy GOP opponent... had the pleasure of shaking his hand last summer in Austin, TX.

[–]UnamedStreamNumber9 10 points11 points  (2 children)

No wonder he’s under censure. Unforgivable to expose gop hypocrisy

[–]ahern667 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Adam THE HAMMER Schiff

[–]Impossible-Pie4598 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This has been forever recorded in Republican brains as the Russian Hoax.

[–]mzialendrea 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Not only OP. Gaetz was giving Durham a good tongue lashing for not getting the results Republicans wanted from his investigation.

[–]JackOMorain 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh the SS tubby fake tan is taking on water and the rats are looking for escape!

[–]UnderwaterFloridaManFlorida 2 points3 points  (0 children)

At one point Durham says that's what I saw in the news and then at the other he says well actually I don't watch the news. No wonder why Republicans love him so much

[–]tgallup 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Can we censure Republicans now?

[–]wolfgate13 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That just shows the Republicans willingness to spend taxpayer dollars on their REVENGE Agendas. They're like a dog with a bone. They just won't let anything go, no matter how futile it is. All that detracts from their own party's numerous crimes. Books could be written on the crimes presented by the GOP. But, they try to distract from all of that, by pointing fingers outward.

[–]richorfamous 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Effectively, the House Republicans just endorsed Schiff in the Democratic primary in the upcoming US senate election in California. Katie Porter must be so jealous.

[–]misterguydude 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This fucking GOP “party” is so owned it’s despicable.

[–]gritzbo 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The GOP just censured Schiff for his investigation and comments showing Trump campaign's Russian connections which the GOP has called a "HOAX"!!! for the last 6 years. How does that make any sense? If it was all a HOAX why censure??? DO they ever think of what they do?