music lovers
No bots are allowed on this subreddit.
Please do not spam and overly promote your music across reddit. Do not post a link/song here if it has been posted to any subreddit within the last 24 hours. The post will be removed and the second offense will result in a permanent ban. If you or anyone else promoting the same artist have posted a track to this subreddit, please wait 5 days before posting a different track. This is also up to the moderators discretion.
If you don't like a post, explain why you don't like the post. We are all artists here and we are all posting to get critique or have someone listen to our creations.
No Playlists, Full Album, or DJ MIX Posts. Posting "top 100 tracks" "indie playlists" "comment and i'll add you to my playlists" will be removed. Multiple infringements will be banned.
If you post a "message to me to add you to playlists" promotion post you will be automatically banned.
This is to address the recent discussion threads that have popped up. This rule was created to keep ThisIsOurMusic about music and not questions requesting answers. This rule was amended 2020 to also include Tutorials, YouTube Channel Spam, Sample Packs, Group Requests, and other elements of posting that is not STRICLTY original music. This also means ONLY POST MUSIC LINKS. If your link is not a direct music link, then it will be removed.
Promotional posts that ask you to comment and they will add you to some promotional playlist, shoutout, etc, will be removed. If you want to promote someone, then listen to the music of the channel and engage that artist individually.
This will result in an immediate ban.
We do not allow sample packs. There are other subreddits for these types of posts.
Do not post a snippet, sample, or small portion of a song. This includes anything under the moderators discretion. These will be removed.
This is put in place to stop low effort posts from labels asking for artists to post their music to their thread. If you are a label, we welcome you here, but please engage with the artists directly through direct message after listening to the posts here. Do not post in the comment section. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban.
Submissions: [Genre] Artist - Song, Details
This subreddit is for posting your own music for others to listen. Critique is encouraged but not required. Please do not use [Listen] tags.
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