All posts must be substantially related to the UK, associated islands, Overseas Territories, or Commonwealth (as it pertains to the organisation itself or the UK). Posts which are not, or are only tangentially related to the aforementioned may be removed.
Posts must use the headline from the source article. Any posts with editorialised headlines will be removed. If the headline changes or title metadata is incorrect then the moderation team will use its discretion to allow or remove the post or flair it appropriately.
Images and videos may be permitted if they are interesting, related to the UK, non-political and good quality.
Pictures of UK landmarks and landscapes, personal achievements, or generally humorous images about the British experience are encouraged, as are interesting videos on British culture, history and comedy.
News videos and pictures of text or memes are not permitted.
No surveys, polls, petitions, fundraising, or solicitation. We occasionally allow official government petitions if they are sufficiently UK related and can benefit the majority of UK citizens, at our discretion.
Self-posts with contentious questions designed to provoke ire should not be posted. Nor should hot-takes, shitposts, or PSA's. Self-posts with neutral titles are allowed and indeed encouraged if they are well considered, and provoke good discussion. Moderators may still remove your post with a redirection to a more suitable subreddit, for example, DWPHelp, UKVisa, UKPolitics, AskUK, etc.
No Twitter, blog promotion, Spotify lists, unspecified social media or Facebook posts. Links to individual tweets or tweet/threadreader app summaries are not permitted. However a Twitter link as part of a well considered selfpost as per the 'no low-effort selfposts' rule is fine.
Do not post opinion pieces. If an article is in the "Opinion"/"Comment" section of a website, or is from a website that just deals in opinion, it will be removed.
Use the Freetalk/Megathread (if available). This includes linking/discussing other subreddits. Any such meta submission must be pre-approved by the moderators via modmail or it will be removed.
From time to time a megathread may be sticked to the top of the subreddit for specific subjects. If your submission is related, please do not post it to the subreddit, instead comment in the megathread with a link.
Only submissions containing substantial new information are permitted. Articles from different sources with essentially the same information are liable to be removed. This includes self-posts on similar subjects.
Don't submit or comment using mirrored AMP links, redirects, link shorteners, or other forms of URL obfuscation. Users must be able to tell where they will end up.
As this tends to be worthy of a selfpost or comment on an existing submission.
"Brigading" has several meanings but r/UK defines it as encouraging users from one subreddit into another to comment/vote, whether that is a explicit call to action or a likely consequence. We enforce "no brigading" by banning users which appear on both sides of the link (i.e. they appear both in the submission linking to us, and in the submission on our sub). Reddit is not your personal army. Consider using a screenshot instead.
Please report bots if you see them. The only exception is; Nicola_Botgeon, coverageanalysisbot, Automoderator.
No agenda-posting or frequently making posts about the same subject or from the same source. Please direct your focus to the appropriate subreddit.
Don't attack the Redditor, attack the content. Being able to disagree and discuss contentious issues is important, personal attacks strain this, and make it less likely for people to continue participating. Avoid personal attacks aimed at Redditors. Do report personal attacks and please try to keep your interactions with others civil and courteous. If you are being attacked, do not continue the conversation - report the user, block them, and move on.
The mods have discretion to take action on users, comments, or posts, that they think break the site rules, amount to self-promotion, appear to be spam, are intended to derail discussion or undermine the functioning of the subreddit (including aggressive history wiping). We will issue warnings or bans for this, abuse of the report system, mod-mail, or the moderation team.