This includes, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, encouraging group buying, timed buying, fixed price buying, organizing, protesting and brigading. These actions are prohibited and may result in a ban.
This action is considered harassment and financial discrimination, and will not be tolerated under any circumstance. This includes calling people “shills" or degrading an individual for their investment techniques. These action will result in immediate removal and ban, and may be reported to Reddit
Pushing, suggesting and advising someone to BUY, SELL, TRANSFER, or DRS is considered financial advice, and is PROHIBITED. These actions COULD have consequences beyond the sub and puts investors at risk beyond their own decisions. These actions may result in a ban. Using terms like “NFA" will not be considered in the banning and removal process.
Any group movement with the intention of derailing, dog whistling or harassing r/amcstock or other subs and their members, will not be tolerated. This includes single individuals pushing a group narrative from other subs and vice-versa. Immediate bans will be given and users will be reported to Reddit and their home sub. And absolutely NO organizing protests. No cross-posting.
Multiple posts in one day, LOW EFFORT posts OR COMMENTS especiallywith less than 100 characters, comments repeating the same phrase, etc. Spam posts will be removed at the mods discretion and if spamming persist, a ban may be given. Re-posting a post that has been removed, or creating a post to ask why, will result in a ban. If you have a question as to why your post may have been removed by the mod team, please utilize mod mail.
Karma farming is another form of spam. Asking for upvotes strictly to hold a higher social score on Reddit is prohibited on our sub and will be removed. Some exceptions like the EVENT CALENDAR where we will hold a “proof or ban” requirement, will remain, be removed or edited at the mods discretion
This encompasses other subreddits, tickers, youtubers, influencers, brokerages, public figures, financial actions, etc. FOR OR AGAINST. Any promotions, advertisements, defamations or attacks to any entity, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, will be removed immediately, with a ban, at the Mod teams discretion. Failure to reason with this rule could result in further repercussion, including legal action (REMINDER: People can still be charged/sued for their action on the internet). ATM, WE DO NOT ALLOW VIDEOS
If information is lacking, or you cannot provide a source, your post will be removed and reviewed by the DD team. Do not abuse the flair system. Your post will be taken down, and you will need to reach out to the team if you'd like to re-post.
We encourage users to do their own research and help people who’ve posted misinformation to better educate users on our sub.
Please do not try to buy or sell ANY merchandise. We are not a mall kiosk, please do not try to sell buy, or giveaway physical/digital items related to AMC or other entities on this subreddit.
Content MUST be posted under the correct post flair. Posts can be filtered by post fairs to help users find what they are looking for. If a post is incorrectly posted under the wrong flair, it maybe be changed, removed or the user may be banned if done intentionally or as an act of malice. DO NOT ABUSE THE DUE DILIGENCE FLAIR. This will most likely cause your post to be removed.
Any conversations pertaining to heavily weighed opinions that cause division, controversy and/or uncivil discussion will be removed and depending on the severity, may result in a ban. This includes, but is not limited to, political parties, government organizations, race, gender and cultural relations, war and other global dilemmas, etc. Some exceptions may be considered IF in direct relation to AMC, however politics and controversy can be a vast subject matter and therefore, may be removed.
Insulting, attacking, bullying or flaming another person both private and public, will result in an immediate ban. This includes doxing, pushing unsolicited opinions/narratives, flame baiting and defamatory allegations like “shill,” “paper hand” or any other malicious assumptions. Private and public covers both private individuals and public figures. Light hearted jokes are okay within reason, however removals will be at the discretion of the Mod team.
THIS IS NOT AN NSFW SUB. Sexually explicit speech, photos, or other material, including links, is prohibited and will result in an immediate ban. Egregious attempts at posting pornographic material, i.e., nudity including photos, cartoon, or art will result in a PERMANENT ban.
Asking for funds and posting links such as CashApp, PayPal, So-Fi, Venmo, GoFundMe, etc. are not welcomed, will be reviewed and remove and may result in a ban. We advice users to take caution clicking on links as they could be scams, hold viruses/malware or be misleading.
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A place to get your mind off the chart.