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This Gulf War-era anthrax PSA knife

r/mildlyinteresting - This Gulf War-era anthrax PSA knife
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That shot hurts like a fucking BITCH so I can’t imagine how bad actual anthrax must be.

ETA: I’m not just talking about the dying bit, I’m saying it must be an incredibly painful way to go about dying.

Anthrax is bad, but the shot hurting is not because anthrax hurts.

Vaccines train the immune system to attack a pathogen. However for a vaccine to work effectively, it must produce a robust immune response. In the case of the anthrax vaccine, the strain of bacillus anthracis used is non-lethal (and obviously further weakened as well) and the immune system doesn't care much about it. To make the immune system care about it, they add "adjuvants", which is a fancy word for immune stimulants (kind of). These make the immune system care more about whatever is nearby. In this case they added a shitload of aluminum, which hurts like a mfer.

u/Some_Weeaboo avatar

At least my blood will weigh less and be more thermally conductive

i build my planes with aircraft-grade clotted blood, do you?

So how many bodies does it take to build a plane out of the blood of your Anthrax vaccinated enemies?

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Hey Siri how do I delete comments from Reddit?

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u/kautau avatar

Trying to explain to some people why aluminum is used in vaccines is like trying to explain to people from the 1800s who bred horses why carburetors are a good invention. Have to grasp the whole thing before you can see all the parts that make it work.

Carburetors are the shit though, no joke.

u/lambsoflettuce avatar

Why is aluminum used in the process? Sounds dangerous.

u/oligobop avatar

Your blood is full of iron. Sounds dangerous.

Alum is used to precipitate antigen during the immune response. For wahtever reason, the metal ion concentrates chunks of protein that then aggregate in your lymph nodes where B cells can interact with the alum-antigen precipitate.

B cells require whole protein to become activated, and once activated start to produce antibodies that neutralize the protein the alum is precipitated with. This is a hyper rudmamentary take on it however,

alum+antigen = good B cells

good B cells = good antibody

good antibody = good protection against antigen

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u/thetinguy avatar

and here we have the 19th century horse breeder lol.

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Its easier to understand if we look at it this way. You know how different foods like meat and veggies have different minerals like iron, zinc etc? Same way. It’s safe if used correctly and not overdose. You can literally die from eating too much sugar or vitamin__ and this is no different. Heck you can die to H2O. Bottomline: it’s safe

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u/sweat119 avatar

YoU cAn PuT a MaGnEt On YoUr ArM wHeRe YoU gOt ThE vAcCiNe

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u/aqf avatar


Calling thimerosal a mercury derivative is like calling table salt a chlorine derivative lol.

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I always find it fascinating how I associate "natural medicine" and anti-vax mentality with hippie free love type of people when I was younger, but now I link it with right wing nuts and MLM huns.

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u/paaty avatar

Thimoersal is also metabolized into ethylmercury, which is MUCH safer than methylmercury, the primary type of organic mercury that bioaccumulates in apex predators. If you are regularly eating something like albacore tuna, you will likely have far more mercury exposure, both in quantity and toxicity, than you would have ever gotten from a vaccine.

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u/Work-Safe-Reddit4450 avatar

Don't you get more mercury build up from things like tuna and salmon than anything you could potentially get from vaccines?

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No, in that case it was used as a preservative. It's called "Thimerosal"

u/Khraxter avatar

No iirc the mercury in vaccine was to mix a bunch of differents virus in one shot, so you don't have to take one shot for every virus. I'm not sure about that tho, but what I am sure of is that it wasn't metallic mercury (the toxic kind) or organic mercury (the very toxic kind)

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u/CockroachJohnson avatar

Well 99% of the time you die, so...

u/Ryan_Stiles_Shoes avatar

Looks like, after 2 decades of advancements, it's now "only" 90% fatal without treatment, and 45% fatal with "aggressive treatment."

How did advancement help reduce the "without treatment" percentage?


Stats tend to stabilize after a period, so the initial spike or fall is generally not as accurate and can lead to over or under estimation. The reasons for the spikes can be insufficient data from e.g. lack of reporting, small sample groups, etc

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u/firebat45 avatar

Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with

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u/howlongamiallowedto avatar

We found better motivational chants.

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you can get it by breathing blood or eating and they have different lethalities. Could just be different numbers

The mortality rates from anthrax vary, depending on exposure, and are approximately 20% for cutaneous anthrax without antibiotics and 25 - 75% for gastrointestinal anthrax; inhalation anthrax has a fatality rate that is 80% or higher.


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u/Eggplantosaur avatar

Mostly through managing symptoms, which gives people the time to get better on their own.

We evolved resistance as a species? /s

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Because we have become much better at keeping people alive. It's the same with covid. We aren't actually fixing them. We're just using machines to keep you alive long enough for your body to fix itself. That's why there's a difference between curable diseases and treatable diseases. The latter refers to how we basically treat the symptoms instead of cutting the disease.

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So there's a chance I can make it without the vaccine

You just need a strong immune system. Something you can apparently identify by looking in the mirror or counting how often you workout.

u/kautau avatar

Bro, if joe rogan can beat covid without the vaccine I’m sure he can beat anthrax. Bill burr said so

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in a confident tone: So you’re saying there’s a chance…

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u/Mahgenetics avatar
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My friend got anthrax from an antelope he shot. Was in hospital because of it, he survived. But of course with treatment it's not as deadly

Cutaneous (skin infected)? That's only fatal 20% of the time without any treatment, and nearly always okay with treatment. It is more common way of getting anthrax.

Not sure 20% is a number I'd put "only" in front of. That's an awfully mean fatality rate for any disease

True but compared to the fatality rate for inhalation..

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during the anthrax freak out I read farmers and people who work with hoofed animals are pretty familiar with anthrax...usually you get it on your hands while working, but getting exposed to a germ bomb or getting mailed an envelope full of powdered anthrax, as was the worry, is a lot different


Inhalation is nasty, but cutaneous isn't bad - and it's the kind you are most likely to get exposed to animals or hides. West African goat hides used in drums have been the source for some cases. Anthrax is rare in the US (5 cases/yr).

Agreed, any bioterror weapon would involve some way of getting it into the lungs to be effective. Getting a dry, highly concentrated spore prep is the tricky bit.

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u/rhirhirhirhirhi avatar

How did he get it from an antelope?

Anthrax, in it's natural form is a bacteria that infects domestic and wild animals. It spreads by spores on animals or in the soil.

Can't wait to see this on r/til tomorrow.

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Why did you get it? For work?


Standard pre deployment vaccine for Afghanistan


Standard pre deployment shots period to my knowledge.

Would rather get anthrax again over the smallpox vaccine though.

How did the smallpox vaccine feel like?

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US military required it for overseas travel. I was required to get it before being stationed in Japan.


I had to get the first shot twice because they didn't sign the first on my shot record. So I got 2 in the same day. Still kinda alive though so no biggie...

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I always described getting my anthrax (prior military got 9 total anthrax shots) shot as this: the nurse gives you the shot in your arm and it’s pretty rountine. Then you get up and go sign a clipboard or paperwork and as your doing that mike Tyson randomly passes by you and punches you squarely on the injection site. The resulting dead arm lasts for a sec and it swells and is sore for like 72 hours.

Hated that shot/booster lol

Why did you get an anthrax vaccine if you don't mind me asking? Was it required for a job or international travel or something?


It’s a standard issue pre deployment vaccine for the US Army


DOD contractors/high risk lab workers also get it (I got initial series plus 5 annual boosters, not that bad)

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u/BenTwan avatar

I had to get it before deploying to Iraq with the Marines in '04. I think it was 6 shots in total.

When I was in Korea in '07, the Med Group kept losing my shot records, and I had to keep going back for more Anthrax shots every week or two for about 6 months. I swear anymore I could snort powdered Anthrax like coke and probably be just fine, lol.

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I only got the first 4. They didn't have the last two before we deployed and then it became voluntary by the time they did so I declined.

When the fuck did it become voluntary!? I had to take it. Honest question and what branch?

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Agreed - the shot made me rough AF

I felt so bad for about a week after my second anthrax jab. The third was also awful. Have my 4th coming.

Yes dude... My arm felt like it was on fire!

u/billiarddaddy avatar

I second this.

u/Leftfeet avatar

Definitely one of the most memorable vaccines I have gotten. My arm burnt for days.

u/ZamboniJabroni15 avatar

Is the anthrax shot the one that’s almost like a gel consistency?

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Like a wasp sting.


I’d rather take a wasp sting to the eyeball than get this shot again. My arm hurt for a month

This is my new favorite comparison, I will be using this next time the Anthrax shot comes up in conversation again. I luckily only had to get three boosters before they discontinued use

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u/80sBadGuy avatar

was hoping for...



was the greatest metal band of the 80s

We have a vaccine against it now

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(but seriously Megadeth is better)

u/Zephyr93 avatar

Any love for SLAYER?

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Megadeth is the best of the Big Four

u/oneplusandroidpie avatar

What do you mean I don't support the system.... I go to court when I have to.

this is not debatable

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u/AtLeastThisIsntImgur avatar

More government lies. The fact that they're considered one of the big 4 is bad enough.

u/FthrFlffyBttm avatar

Love me some Anthrax but Testament are the rightful owners of that spot.

u/Oneringtofoolthemall avatar

Man, y'all better Run to the Hills and get Lost Somewhere in Time before someone calls the Number of the Beast and the Trooper gets on the scene to show you some Revelations. Just needed to warn you for my own Piece of Mind.

Because the true answer is Iron Maiden.

u/Swagcopter0126 avatar

Iron Maiden is NWOBHM, different category

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u/iivomeister avatar

Well the big 4 was based on album sales, so it would make sense that they are in it.

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u/52Hurtz avatar

Other side:

I used to have a bunch of these in little blue paper boxes with an image of a bow, an Army pharmacy tech I was acquainted with distributed them at the time of the Gulf War and gave them to friends later on. Neat little Victorinox-style knife with scissors, nail file, plastic toothpick and metal tweezers.

Was this just an Army initiative or did SAK make these for the public too?


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I was about to disagree before I clicked the link. Definitely isn't.

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Super cool. I love retro military stuff. One of my prized connex finds in the army was an 80s med kit. Filled with long expired supplies.

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I'm guessing these are from around the time of the second gulf war based on the fact that there's a URL printed on them. Although the World Wide Web has been available to the general public since 1991, most people wouldn't have known a website if it jumped up and bit them on the butt back then.

u/harmala avatar

Also the 877 toll-free area code wasn't in use until 1998.

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u/SubtleCow avatar

TIL there is an anthrax vaccine

It's mostly US Military and it's situational.

High risk lab workers are the other main catagory (where it is required).

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u/HungrySubstance avatar

Anthrax vaccine fuckin hurts too

Yeah, I thought the covid shots were rough, but then I had to get an anthrax shot, and holy shit that was rough. I also went to donate blood the next week, and when I listed all of my recent vaccines, the nurse was confused when I listed anthrax lol

surprisingly the covid vaccine is probably the least painful vaccination i’ve ever gotten tbh

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Ask for an anthrax vaccine today and get added to a list.

u/NarutoDragon732 avatar

And break your fucking bones every time you take it

Wtf are you talking about.

I've had it 6 times. No broken bones or feeling like their breaking.

Yeah I’ve had all 6, just feels like getting punched in the arm.

u/Hendlton avatar

That's how the Covid vaccine felt for me. Both times. I couldn't lift my left arm for two days.

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He who catches Anthrax will soon be caught in a mosh.

There's always room for one more...

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u/beanbagger16 avatar

Took 16 shots. “Only” supposed to be 6. Don’t ask. Turns out there were no weapons of mass destruction:). As a side note, I THINK I have had no side effects. Weird how each shot seemed different than the previous though. Yeah…I’m still a bit salty about it I guess.

Initial series is 6 with a yearly booster after.

Well, it was 6 when it was administered subq and changed to 5 (with yrly booster) when they started to administer it IM.

u/drestin5 avatar

Maybe I’m just an old fart now, but that’s what I don’t understand about some active duty freaking out about the covid vaccine. Being a vaccine petri dish was just par for the course. Same for my pops.

Same here. You mean to tell me you let the Army put 35 vaccines in your arm and now you want to cry about one more?? Lol

u/sierrabravo1984 avatar

Fr man. When I was in boot camp in 2003 we got like 20 vaccines in an assembly line of medics wielding CO2 powered hyposprays without needles. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes and most of that time we were getting yelled at "don't ask stupid questions like why there's not a needle."

Am I allowed to ask why there is no needle? And how you get one without a needle?

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u/GKrollin avatar

How does a hypospray compare to the feeling of a needle? I've always been curious about them.

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u/HotShitBurrito avatar

It's because, at the end of the day, it's not about the vaccine, it's about their politics. Never should have been a political issue, but here we are. People attached to an occult of personality so deeply that they'll ignore all of the obvious contradictions in their new beliefs.

My friend's sister is that nutjob. She's been deployed to a few different countries and gotten more vaccines than she can even remember. She never balked at anything. Now she's being separated before she earns her retirement (I don't know the exact words but she's close to getting certain benefits and she's getting axed before she earns them).

Now she says she's going to stop vaccinating her child and consider homeschooling the kid so she isn't "indoctrinated." It's so hard to wrap my mind around---she joined a profession that is known for following instructions, has gotten a hundred vaccines over the years, and NOW somehow she's gone batshit crazy. I swear this is a new type of mental illness popping up across the country.

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Did it give you swinging moods that changed from calmness to deranged?

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Turns out there were no weapons of mass destruction

Wait you mean the government LIED?!

Thank goodness they'd never do that again.

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Is it a lifetime vaccine or do you need to get boosters?


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u/Ryan_Stiles_Shoes avatar


Fuck that


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That’s compared to the 10 year booster for Tetanus, a bacterium with an endospore.

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u/5Beans6 avatar

I mean, anthrax Is literally 990x more deadly though

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I have to concur.

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Military gets them every deployment on cycles. I know some people who have gotten it like 8-9 times

u/HercFE avatar

I deployed 7 times and only had 1 booster.

🤷‍♂️ I've only deployed once so I'm goin off the homies lol

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Boosters. I had like 3 doses in the military

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Went to Tijuana in October of 2001. Every shop advertised "drug to against the anthrax" so I assume it must have been under control.

/s of course.

That's weird that it's even a concern there. Anthrax is extremely rare in humans, basically impossible to transmit from human to human, and you can only really get it from handling grazing animals. I'm not sure why in an urban area like Tijuana that would be a concern.

It was because of the anthrax attacks happening at the time. People were panicking, thinking their mail was all full of anthrax. So Mexican pharmacies were advertising meds for it.

Oh, and of course they didn't slow down on their Viagra offers either, apparently that's a big seller right over the boarder. I was visiting with my brother and I'm not sure if he was more horrified that they thought we were going to have sex or that they thought he'd need any help.

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I’ll just keep a bottle of cipro nearby

u/HercFE avatar

And here I am with my series of 5 Anthrax vaccinations. FML.

Don't they burn a bit? I've had medics tell me they don't but I've had 6 and I swear by it. No other side effect than that though.

u/HercFE avatar

They definitely burn but that’s it.

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u/Bigred2989- avatar

TIL anthrax was a threat during the Gulf War and not just in the mail post-9/11.

u/reborngoat avatar

Wow that's awesome. Anthrax is fucking terrifying. Apparently a single gram of Anthrax spores is enough for something crazy like 100 million lethal doses. Plus wherever it ends up it just sits there being deadly basically forever until cleaned.

u/Airmanoops avatar

Every shot I got for anthrax felt like my bones were breaking for the two following days. I was 50/50 on taking death by the last one lol

I really didn't feel bad with them. Just the usual sore arm and a bit run down.

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anthrax is not much more harmful than any other white powder such as cocaine

dont look at my username

Scott Ian never hurt no one!


But Dan Spitz may have, lol.

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Gulf war syndrome go brrrrrrrrrr

Underrated comment

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Member when bush and co suggested we put garbage bags and duct tape on our windows in case of an anthrax attack?


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u/HercFE avatar

It was a series of 5.

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I've gotten it 6 times. It is the most painful shot I've ever had, tho just in the form of a burning, soreness. It's hardly painful, just noteworthy.

As for type 1, I have seen articles about it but confess I don't know too much about it.

u/Salty-Can1116 avatar

Yea i think they were annual but my resignation went in as soon as I got back so didnt get any more.

For me the NAPS and BATS tablets were worse. The coffin dreams I had on them was insane.

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u/PresidentOfTheBiden avatar

You don't want to get caught in a mosh.

Oh boy, the flood gates are opening up for all of the medical professionals now.

u/Tritium3016 avatar

Oh come on! Their music is alright.

u/icelock013 avatar

I didn’t get a pocket knife…where’s my pocket knife, Uncle Sam?

u/Hub-Deezle avatar

I got the entire series of vaccines for Anthrax. 6 shots over a few months, right in the tricep. It was either “get the shots, or get out of the Army.” Quite the ultimatum for a young soldier.

I was in the navy and our shots were optional. Granted the options were get the shots or get a discharge. Also got the small pox vaccine with the same options.

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In 1998, the US Marines were given a 3-shot regimen over 3 weeks, I think I remember. There were many Marines who wanted to refuse the shot, but any who tried were threatened with brig time and a dishonorable discharge.

... After the first shot, it started circulating that there were over 100 strains of Anthrax, the shot we were getting only protected against 1 strain. The shot also would not save your life if infected with Anthrax, it would just prolong your life for a week or two.

... We also found out the barrels of this vaccine had been sitting for 10 years, the contents had settled. The people whose shots came from the top of the barrel had less than the prescribed vaccine elements; the people whose shots came from the bottom had more than prescribed vaccine elements ... and there were more allergic reactions ... this was probably why our Chaplin had his arm swell to twice its normal size.

... I guess Uncle Sam thought a bunch of infected Marines, who knew they were going to die anyway in a week or two, are a great weapon.

I feel like I was a "human guinea pig". But, I also didn't even get a cold until more than 10 years after I was discharged from the Marines. So I guess some of the experiments worked...

u/Hub-Deezle avatar

They nailed all of us who were stationed in Korea in ‘98. Only time I’ve ever heard of Anthrax being used was after 9/11 by a disgruntled lab worker who sent that shit in the mail. I’m pretty sure Anthrax is difficult to weaponize and disperse effectively. We were used as Guinea Pigs.

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u/ArchDukeNemesis avatar

"Which one of these words don't you understand?"

Talking to you is like clapping with one hand!

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u/aaronjaffe avatar

That’s what they want you to think. But of course they won’t follow up with anyone who got anthraxxed but DIDNT get the vaccine! Typical lefty propaganda (/s)

TIL anthrax has a vaccine

And back then, you only get 3G.

Yea, the equestrian vaccines they gave us…. Sure that was totally safe. Had labels all over it “not for human consumption”. When I pointed it out to our medic his answer was “They treat us like dogs, but give us horse medicine so they can ride us longer”.

u/LoverboyQQ avatar

Now our military has the cure all for Covid. A vaccine that is a one shot stop.

I got six of those shots they are painful.

That shot was a fiasco and has since been proven to only protect against the anthrax gotten directly from contact with sheep.

Also it didn't cure anything even then, just make it so you can fight a little bit longer before you die.

Wouldn't carry the same effect if the 2nd line said "Anthrax is 1% lethal."...

u/botaine avatar

I thought anthrax was a poison, not a virus. How is there a vaccine for it if it isn't a virus? Wouldn't it be an antidote instead? Or some kind of preemptive antidote?


It’s a bacteria.

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From what I understand it makes soldiers able to go on for a few more hours and complete the task basically, anthrax can still overcome the body but it essentially massively delays it’s effectiveness time

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u/HomeIsWhereTheWineIs avatar

I'm severely allergic to the anthrax vaccine...

u/U2V4RGVtb24 avatar

I got that knife as a Christmas gift this year, minus the writing. That little grey thing on the side? Tweezers that come out of the side. There's also a toothpick on the opposite side.

Anthrax was a liberal lie to control you! /s


A neo-conservative / neo-liberal lie, but close...

u/Odaecom avatar

Actually teh domestic crap that was mailed, was DOD grade powder, sent by a right wing operative, (to scare through the unPatriot Act, and create the bureaucratic shit-sandwich that is the Office of Homeland inSecurity.) Iraq had an old liquid variant that Rumsfeld sold them.

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And now a couple of decades later, some of the same exact troops who happily took the anthrax shot for their country have now fallen for kremlin propaganda on facebook about how covid is the flu and vaccines have microchips. What a sad shell of a military force.

u/Jomflox avatar

Anthrax vaccine actually resulted in a lot of birth defects. Many soldiers who took the shot were advised to not have kids. Do some learning it's good for you

u/CaptBranBran avatar

But the knife says it's safe and effective.

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u/HercFE avatar

Every veteran I know didn’t give a shit about getting the Covid vaccination. We’ve all been shot up with so much stuff that it doesn’t matter one way or another. The ones that didn’t serve but wear the leathers and drive their Harleys around with the “Don’t tread on me” gear are the ones who you’re getting confused with. Most vets got the shots.

u/igneousink avatar

I got the shots. There wasn't any going back and forth in my head it was just like "yep get the shots" and I went to the VA.

Interestingly enough, I just found my Vaccine record from the Marines and I got a vaccine for "The Plague".

That Japanese Encephalitis one hurt like a sumuvabitch. Also, it had the consistency of yogurt? They made us sign a bunch of waivers for that one. "Yes i know it might make me die". It was one of the ones you technically could have refused but no one I know did.

Oh! The Yellow Fever one that they gave me right next to my armpit was my least favorite. Felt like a bee sting in my armpit.

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Most active duty got them for sure, but we got a few losing their careers to a bullshit psyop and it's fucking embarrassing. I don't know about the vet numbers, I don't think they're tracked anywhere. I know a few vets who did and a few who didn't.

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u/diamond avatar

DoD reports that percentage of compliance with the vaccine mandates is in the high 90s so far. The Marines have only discharged 200 people for refusing the vaccine.

That's pretty damn good; way better than I expected, and a hell of a lot better than the general population. Certainly far from an "empty shell". If anything, our military will be better with these idiots gone.

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Big difference is that anthrax has a 99% mortality rate, which people don’t question. That shit sucks.

COVID has a 99% survival rate, so… not too motivating to get an experimental vaccine with tons of reported side effects/deaths.

Big difference is that anthrax has a 99% mortality rate, which people don’t question. That shit sucks.

COVID has a 99% survival rate, so… not too motivating to get an experimental vaccine with tons of reported side effects/deaths.

Don't be a fucking idiot.

The survival rate is unacceptable. Idiots (you, for example) cannot seem to fathom basic math and think 99% means 100%. 1 in 500 is too many (assuming the survival rate is 99.8%). You wouldn't accept that risk for other things, and you certainly don't have the right to impose that risk on others by spreading disease. Anthrax isn't contagious, it's used as a weapon people are exposed to. COVID-19 is infectious while the host shows no signs of having it.

It's not experimental. It's based on decades of research and it's well past the experimental phase.

The side effects are minor and I assume the reported deaths you're referring to are the misused data from VAERS, which means nothing in this context.

Get your head out of your ass.

You do realize you accept a certain level of risk by leaving your house? If you want to drive your risk acceptance threshold to nearly zero then by all means, live in a hamster ball and never leave your house, it is within your right. You can work from home and have food delivered. No one is forcing you to go outside and interact among humans. My risk tolerance just happens to be higher. I believe the risk of contracting a virus w/ 99% survivability is worth the benefit of…living. We have several mitigation’s available but if you don’t like, by all means, stay home.

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I absolutely would accept that risk for other things. You wanna live your life in fear because it’s not 100% risk free, be my guest. Doesn’t make you an idiot. Just makes you a bit of a pussy imho.

The whole unvaccinated asymptomatic spreaders prolonging the pandemic narrative is bullshit. The media has convinced you to blame everything on the unvaccinated. Get your head out of your ass. Learn to accept new information and change your opinion.

I got the vaccine fyi. One of the first (dec 2020). I believed back then. A year later, no change, more bullshit. Blame the unvaccinated instead of searching for where this virus actually came from (cough BSL4 lab in Wuhan cough) and what the fuck happened/how China seems just fine. Get your head out of your ass.

The medical field has been wrong in the past and will be wrong in the future. Vaccines have been FDA approved and pushed by physicians with full confidence only to be removed from the market (zostavax for example fairly recently, which I gave to many patients!).

Pharma companies are not saints. They have no liability with these mrna vaccines. People have every right to think twice about them, especially young patients with no comorbidities. Every. Fucking. Right. Get your head out of your ass, or someone else’s ass if you’re actually a gastro.

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I mean…neocons literally made it up.

My dad was in the gulf War He refused that vaccine because it was a huuuuuge dose that was "I size fits all." He said it was clearly designed for either horses, or the linebackers that become navy seals. He saw it mess up a younger 110 pound lady. She walked with a limp afterwards.

Little did I know, my dad was a 110 pound lady.

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u/devnull2004 avatar

Always trust the military industrial complex


We’re not comparing COVID 99.9% survival rate against anthrax are we? Feckin hell

Wonder if any of these soldiers had the "they're controlling us with vaccines" schizophrenic episodes that people have today.

u/HercFE avatar

A lot. Go read about how many left the service because of it.

There was a large phase out of military personnel who refused the vaccine just like there will be with the covid vaccine.

See a correlation?

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Vax safe and effective? Hmmm sounds familiar 🤔

It should by now. Vaccines are safe and effective and from a utilitarian standpoint the greatest accomplishment of medical science.

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They forgot to mention the lifetime of suffering from Anthrax cramps.

What’s that?

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