No Memes or "meme-like" image macros. These include overdone references in the title (e.g. “banana for scale”, “potato quality”, and so on).
We don't like memes because they're low quality. See this post. This includes "trendy" title names such as "This shit." and this rule is automatically enforced by automoderator.
2) Title must be an accurate and concise description of the picture (e.g. "This Shit").
a) Titles must not contain jokes, backstory, or other fluff. Put that in a comment reply. b) If someone does not get halfway to mildly infuriated by reading your title, it’s probably not a good title. c) No lying for karma. If your title says "I made this", but you didn't actually make it, it's going to be removed.
3) Content requirements:
a) Please try to post original content. Reposts or crossposts of someone else's content will be removed if it has been posted on Reddit within the past 6 months. b) No GIFs that end slightly before something happens Example. c) Unnecessarily overdone text, arrows, scribbles, or substantive edits over the original content are not allowed. -**d) No posting
No reddit meta posts.