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Spoiler tags are needed for any media that is not yet released or is less than 30 days old. Do not put spoilers in titles but make it clear what the spoiler is for.
If you want to talk spoilers, please use proper spoiler formatting. To use the spoiler tag to hide information in your comments, use the following method:
>!Clark Kent is Superman!<
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Avoid gatekeeping or generalizing groups of fans that you find distasteful.
If you disagree with someone, expression your opinion civilly or not at all.
We want to show creators the respect they deserve.
Sharing short clips or a few notable panels from a comic is okay. It's not okay to share an entire TV show, movie, or comic book. Limit comic book excerpts to three pages.
Keep posts and comments relevant to Superman and his related family of characters. No discussions of unrelated controversial real-world subject matter are allowed (politics, religion, celebrity personal lives, etc).
Posts should make an effort to encourage discussion. Multiple posts within a small timeframe may get removed.
Search before posting, especially if it's news that has likely been shared already.
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Don’t join just to drop links or self-promote, and make sure they are relevant. Do not spam the community.
If you are sharing anything that may be questionable, tag it as NSFW.
Unless using the fancy-pants editor, to use the spoiler tag to hide information in your comments, use the following method:
>!Clark Kent is Superman!<
For example:
Clark Kent is Superman
To view the spoiler, simply click the box.
(Note: If on mobile, this widget may be broken, but it will work in comments)
Title | Links |
Birthright | Amazon, Comixology |
Superman, by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason (Vol 1 - 7) | Amazon, Comixology |
Man of Steel, by Brian Michael Bendis | Amazon, Comixology |
Title | Links |
Superman: Secret Identity | Amazon, Comixology |
All-Star Superman | Amazon, Comixology |
For All Seasons | Amazon, Comixology |
Kryptonite | Amazon, Comixology |
Red Son | Amazon, Comixology |
Action Comics, by Grant Morrison (Vol 1 - 3) | Amazon, Comixology |
Superman Smashes the Klan | Amazon, Comixology |
Superman: Up in the Sky | Amazon, Comixology |
Title | Links |
Up, Up, and Away! | Amazon, Comixology |
Action Comics by Geoff Johns (Last Son of Krypton) | Amazon, Comixology |
Action Comics by Geoff Johns (Escape from Bizarro World) | Amazon, Comixology |
Action Comics by Geoff Johns (Legion of Superheroes) | Amazon, Comixology |
Title | Links |
Lois Lane: Enemy of the People | Amazon, Comixology |
Super Sons Vol. 1: When I Grow Up | Amazon, Comixology |
Adventures of the Super Sons, Vol. 1: Action Detectives | Amazon, Comixology |
Superboy by Karl Kesel | Amazon, Comixology |
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen: Who Killed Jimmy Olsen? | Amazon, Comixology |
Superman (Jon Kent) Snoo by u/HylianLibrarian