My local charity shop has a book stand outside they put reduced books on that haven’t been sold in a long time and I was having a quick browse on my way home. A man on a bike stopped and I didn’t really hear what he said at first because I had my headphones in but I thought he’d asked me for a recommendation so I said “sorry, I have no idea!” But then realised he was offering to give me a suggesting so I said of course. He recommended Buchi Emecheta’s Second class citizen and Amy Tan. Even gave me a short backstory of their lives. Can’t believe I managed to remember the names all the way home but thank you to that man. I am always seeking out new books and people in the real world who love reading too. I just can’t believe he stopped for me. I’m so grateful and happy. I’m hoping to read some of these books and leave a note on the window of the charity shop (if they don’t mind) so if he ever rides past again he will know I read them! Id love to be friends with someone that passionate about books in my town. Thank you, sir!