
GOP City Council member Matthew Reilly of Cranston, RI was arrested after he was found behind the wheel passed out holding a crack pipe with crack and fentanyl in the car. by Nefarious_Archfiend in tooktoomuch

[–]BigBoiBob444 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A police state is: a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities.

The States have issues, but it has a functional democratic system with mostly fair legal procedures. Not a police state

Did he just not care? by OneAcanthocephala178 in DarwinAwards

[–]BigBoiBob444 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can see his pace quicken slightly right before he gets hit. I don’t think getting hit was his plan.

GOP City Council member Matthew Reilly of Cranston, RI was arrested after he was found behind the wheel passed out holding a crack pipe with crack and fentanyl in the car. by Nefarious_Archfiend in tooktoomuch

[–]BigBoiBob444 5 points6 points  (0 children)

If you can prove that you have had other people in your car recently who it could be reasonably argued that it may have belonged to, then it can be enough to contest a possession charge in court. At least there was a precedent for that in Australia.

Airship takedown by mufkan in battlefield_one

[–]BigBoiBob444 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I can find full servers of air assault on Asian servers. I live in Australia so the ping isn’t toooo bad.

Two octopuses throwing silt and shells at each other, Jervis Bay, Australia by KimCureAll in TheDepthsBelow

[–]BigBoiBob444 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I guess you’re right, if they were talking about the bay itself and not the territory, or land in the territory.

Paradox PLEASE, I don't wanna train new divisions when I have a 25K GUN DEFICIT by You_Dont_Know_Mi in ParadoxExtra

[–]BigBoiBob444 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I wish they would get rid of that notification completely. I am more than capable of deciding how many divisions I want feilded

Roast Me by WMR298 in RoastMe

[–]BigBoiBob444 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think A$AP Rocky still fits, cause his life sure as hell ain’t stable.

Drop a Song that Name Drops or References Eminem or Slim Shady (Not including Diss Tracks). by DickStrangler445 in Eminem

[–]BigBoiBob444 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don Toliver - Situation

Please don't test me, I pop pills like M&M's Better stack my M&M's, smoke good with my kin and 'em, no joke, rock Eminem

AITA For "humiliating and demasculating" my brother in front of our family? by throwrascapegoatt in AmItheAsshole

[–]BigBoiBob444 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I understand why it is a source of pride for some families with a long tradition of military service to have your children also join, sort of the same as children continuing a family business or trade. But it’s completely stupid if they expect and pressure their children into joining up, and then demean them if they don’t join.

Roast me Reddit. by Shot-Assumption6694 in RoastMe

[–]BigBoiBob444 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I’d take a crack a roasting him, but it looks like he took all the crack.

Must be this guys brother