Posting content that deceives or harms others is prohibited, as is other user behavior that is destructive to the community, including but not limited to misinformation, ban evasion and other destructive behavior. Users who act destructively may have their content removed or be outright banned at the moderators' discretion.
Examples of personal attacks include but are not limited to behavior such as name-calling, questioning someone’s intelligence, and otherwise treating people in a way you yourself would not want to be treated. Friendly ribbing and trash talk is part of sports fandom, and is fine. This can be a narrow line sometimes, so if you're not sure, tread carefully. Such comments must also not violate any other rules.
Please review our rules..
Only serious discussion is allowed about serious crimes, injuries, and death so jokes and trash talk stemming from these subjects are prohibited. If you're not sure, err on the side of caution. This includes, but is not limited to:
Victim blaming
Sexual assault & rape
Domestic violence & other violent crimes
Wishing for and celebrating injuries or death
Using any comment that is demeaning, racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, or bigoted in any way is not allowed. This also applies to jokes about mental and developmental disabilities.
You may not post any personal information of private individuals. That means: no names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, Facebook links, or anything else that might identify someone. This applies whether or not you have permission from the person.
For more information about what is considered personal information (and other Reddit sitewide rules), refer to the Reddit Content Policy and their definition of personal information. We're bound by site rules to enforce this strictly.
Posting the same or similar links, posts, or comments repeatedly in a short time frame may result in a ban.
Posting links to external sites for the primary purpose of generating income is forbidden and may result in an account suspension, ban and/or a domain ban. Instead, we recommend purchasing an ad.
Posting fundraiser links without mod permission is also considered spam.
If your bot randomly wanders into r/CFB and is annoying users or not serving a specific purpose, you can expect it to be banned. Don't take it personally - we just prefer to keep the bot fluff to a minimum.
We do make exceptions for certain bots on a case-by-case basis. If you are unsure of whether your bot will be welcomed at r/CFB, send us a modmail and we will be happy to review.
College football is inherently political. However, avoid any political/religious discussion or threads unless it's directly related to a college football issue that’s being discussed. Such comments must abide by all other r/CFB Rules.
We do not permit linking to removed and/or deleted posts and comments or to sites that are designed to get around those removals and/or deletions. We also do not permit comments redirecting other users to removed comments or posts in any way. This rule also includes bots that overwrite past comments.