Hey everyone! Looking for some gamer friends who don’t have weird ulterior motives. The amount of times I get unadded by someone when they go to “restart their pc” after they hear my voice is insane lol. People need to start thinking of a new excuse and need to get off this sub if they wanna hookup.
Anyway, I play Valorant (Silver), Overwatch (Plat Support), Genshin, and Palia. If you would like to play any of those games and are LGBTQ+ friendly then feel free to hit me up! Preferably looking for people to play comp with in the games that have a comp mode.
I play both, lately more BF than COD but am looking for people to play with. Typically weekends, sometimes weekdays. I'm in right now for a while and would enjoy having someone to rip with. My whole thing is, as long as you had fun, that's what matters. I don't care about score necessarily. Although im a decent player, so that's nice. But isn't required. I'll carry you if I can, and if I can, I'll do it with a smile 😊