Do not personally attack or troll people. If someone attacks you, report them to the mod team; do not respond.
Do not advertise or discuss topics that violate WoW's ToS. This includes game exploits, private servers, buying/selling accounts, and real-world transactions.
Real-world politics are not allowed on r/wow. Exceptions may be made for topics that relate closely to WoW. Contact the mod team if you think your post falls in this category.
Don't rile up the community against a person, guild, or organization. Blank out all player and guild names to protect their identities.
Spoilers pertain to the story of WoW, not gameplay. Spoilers are not allowed in post titles, and posts containing spoilers must be marked appropriately.
Images and videos must be recognizably related to WoW without considering the post title or captions. All generic memes are subject to removal.
"Rule 34"/hardcore porn-style posts are not allowed - think late-night TV, not Pornhub. NSFW content must be marked appropriately.
We do not faciliate the buying/selling/trading of items in-game or in real life. LFG / LFR / recruitment posts are not allowed (except in the weekly Recruitment sticky) - check our related Discords for more suitable places to recruit or group up.
The submitter has selected the wrong flair.
Any post flaired as "Art" must be properly sourced. Proper sourcing requires both of the following:
The artist's name or handle in the title of the post. Examples: Name/Description of Art [Artist's Name] -or- Name/Description of Art by Artist's Name
A top-level comment in the thread that includes a link to the artist's website, social media, or user profile.
Include the item list. No list = removal
Do not use any words that can be considered hate speech. These words can be sexist, ableist, racist, homophobic, prejudiced, or any other word that is about intrinsic properties of real people.