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[–]noclue_whatsoever 852 points853 points  (212 children)

I feel kind of weird that I got vaccinated a month before the leader of Canada.

[–]ZanderDogz 256 points257 points  (124 children)

That was my reaction too. Literally everyone over 16 has been eligible for a bit now where I live before the prime minister of Canada even got dose #1

[–]Mmeraccoon 166 points167 points  (106 children)

Canadian: Can we get some vaccines if y'all have extras?

[–]Man_Bear_Beaver 68 points69 points  (64 children)

They haven't approved AZ yet and have 20m doses in freezers but can't send them because operation warp speed means they can't export them unless they are near expiry.

[–]AxagoraSan 13 points14 points  (61 children)

We approved AZ months ago, just paused it when Europe did, and then re-approved it cause probability was considered for once.

I don't want to speculate too much, but our Procurement and Health ministers kept touting that we had the most diverse vaccine portfolio of any nations every time they were asked about vaccine stock. A year later all we have are four vaccines with laughably small shipments.

I wish they could have been honest from the onset: "We will receive substantially less vaccines than other first world countries because we couldn't afford more / prioritized different things"

But the current political framework doesn't allow for any admission of faults so they just have to lie or use buzzwords and non-answers to deviate public attention.

[–]PMMeYourWits 2 points3 points  (41 children)

"substantially less vaccines than other first world countries". Which country are you talking about?

[–]Man_Bear_Beaver 13 points14 points  (18 children)

Canada doesn't produce our own vaccines and our greatest ally the US shut the doors on us, that's 100% the problem right there.

[–]Tint_Snob 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Very OT, but I remember your username from your Zebralight moonlight runtime test.

[–]ZanderDogz 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Haha you must have a crazy memory then! That was what, four years ago?

[–]DoubleDThrowaway94 14 points15 points  (7 children)

As a Canadian who was vaccinated before our leader, I thinks it’s very admirable. I’m in healthcare. He waited until the most at risk population for their vaccines before he got his own.

[–]finemustard 4 points5 points  (6 children)

I agree that it's admirable that he waited but I think it was also a political move - it would look terrible if people knew he was getting vaccinated alongside 80 year olds even though from a strategic standpoint prioritising vaccinating the leader of the country first makes perfect sense. Having the prime minister potentially die during a pandemic when we need a steady hand at the tiller would just be a stupid, completely avoidable own-goal.

[–]toadfan64 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Yeah, it’s weird to be fully vaccinated a month before he even got his first jab.

[–]Crulo 5 points6 points  (0 children)


[–]273degreesKelvin 4 points5 points  (0 children)

So have 10.4 million Canadians (about 1/3 of the entire adult population).

[–]Skeletor- 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Lol in Nova Scotia it might be July before people under 25 get their 1st dose.

[–]CrippleSlap 957 points958 points  (161 children)

Got the AZ vaccine on Tuesday.

The symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks. Felt awful the last few days.

My wife also got the shot. Felt nothing. Go figure

[–]--0mn1-Qr330005-- 820 points821 points  (27 children)

That's the 5g cells entering your testicles

[–]iToronto 208 points209 points  (23 children)

Does that make it easier to send dick pics?

[–]Slyj0ker 243 points244 points  (17 children)

Should be fine, not a lot of data sent anyway.

[–]CranberryNapalm 56 points57 points  (12 children)

What he means is that you have a small penis.

[–]SexlessNights 65 points66 points  (10 children)

Or a really good compression algorithm

[–]goldendildo666 27 points28 points  (3 children)

Middle out?

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Follow me, I’m the Pied Piper

[–]SexlessNights 6 points7 points  (0 children)

🎶🎵🎶👉🏿✊🏿👈🏿 👉🏿✊🏿👈🏿 🎶🎵🎶

[–]eddytedy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m a grower, not a show-er!

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (0 children)

No, but certainly a lot faster

[–]TotosTables 80 points81 points  (19 children)

My mum got the AZ and felt absolutely fine other that soreness around the injection area. My 20yo sister was in bed the day after her vaccine with a horrible headache. Can’t wait to see which end of the spectrum I fall on...

[–]basic_baker 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Got my second one and only mild symptoms

[–]frickindeal 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Got the second dose of Pfizer on Wednesday and had nothing but a slightly sore arm, same as the first shot. Seems all we have here is Pfizer and Moderna.

[–]ExaBrain 27 points28 points  (3 children)

My dad had literally zero reaction for either dose. It's amazing how different people respond.

Hope you are feeling better.

[–]CranberryNapalm 122 points123 points  (43 children)

Exact same. Got it Tuesday. Was a long, unpleasant night. Everyone I know in my age bracket (40s) who got jabbed this week had similar symptoms (high fever, uncontrollable chills, fatigue, etc.). Better now, but not looking forward to the supposedly worse second shot later this summer......

[–]Morde40 57 points58 points  (31 children)

Symptoms are more often worse for 2nd shot mRNA. Don't know if this applies for AZ though (I've heard the opposite).

[–][deleted] 60 points61 points  (18 children)

I have heard that there is pretty convincing evidence saying the second shot is worse for people who haven't had COVID. The first shot is worse for those who have already been through COVID. I had it and got my first shot, it was rough for a day or two, but have bounced back pretty well.

[–][deleted] 40 points41 points  (8 children)

If you look at it, for people who haven't had COVID, the second shot is boosting their pre existing Immunity.

For people who have had COVID, the first shot itself is a booster to the Immunity they might have gained from their COVID infection

[–]lolwutpear 6 points7 points  (4 children)

What I haven't heard, though, is how people who had been infected with COVID have responded to their second shot, because that would be their third immune response. I imagine it would be comparable or slightly stronger than the first shot, but I have no data or even anecdotes about this. Also I'm not an immunologist, so I have no damn idea.

[–]Mgyr23 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Immunologist in training here. The answer is we simply do not know yet. We don’t have enough evidence to know exactly how long immunity lasts after natural infection. Some experts say a couple of months. Usually the first of any vaccine induces a slightly dampened immune response (in cases where a booster is needed). This is because your body is making antibodies towards a foreign invader for the first time. During the second vaccine (booster), people typically have a more pronounced immune response because your trained immune cells come out to fight with antibodies in hand. In other words they will remember your first encounter with this invader. During this time, your body makes molecules (known as cytokines and chemokines) in much higher levels to help the immune response which are responsible for the side effects. However everyone’s immune system is so individualistic, we react in slightly different ways to all invaders. In fact, some do not react at all. Although I have not seen any data, I would suspect the response would be dependent on how long after COVID infection the booster was given. They are recommending that if you have COVID, you should wait 14 days to be vaccinated. This is for two reasons, A to prevent the spread at vaccination sites and B to generate a stronger response to the vaccine. I would agree with you that in general, someone that had their first dose and became naturally infected would probably have more of an immune response but the infection might be cleared faster and symptoms would not last as long. However, there are people who are asymptomatic to both vaccination and natural infection.

[–]Goatfellon 4 points5 points  (3 children)

I wonder if my second pfizer shot in July will be shitty or if the delay between will affect that...

[–]hudsoncider 3 points4 points  (2 children)

July? When did you get your 1st Pfizer shot? Aren’t you supposed to have your 2nd one less than a month after your first? Unless you aren’t getting your first until June, you should probably check on that.

[–]3381024 7 points8 points  (5 children)

I got Pfizer vaccine and got hit with fever, chills, headache and tiredness around 20 hours after the 2nd dose. It lasted for about 12 hours. My younger brother (in his 30's) got the vaccine at the same time and ... nothing ... He didnt feel a thing.

So yeah, your mileage may vary... My wife hd Moderna's 2nd dose this morning and is going through the same fever/chills/headache/tiredness.

[–]alternate_geography 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I’m in my 40s & pretty much just have a sore arm. I was pretty exhausted yesterday, but I hadn’t slept well the night before my appointment.

[–]Hamiltonguy99 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I read the second AZ is actually not bad and has less side effects. Apparently the second Pfizer and Moderna second shots can be rough.

[–]RayTown 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yesterday I had my second shot at 10:00AM, and today I'm truly fucked 😂.. Aches are amplified, fevers back - but it's not as bad as the first, but maybe it's a "better the devil you know" kinda scenario. No issues sleeping last night, but today everything aches 😴

[–]OzzeyfromVek 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I'm upper 40's, got the AZ shot yesterday at 8am, stupid me thought i could work outside for the rest of day and by 5pm i was chilled, exhausted and total body aches. I sweat all night but this morning i feel better. I'm grateful to get this shot now and my best advice is to take it easy afterwards.

[–]FaceDeer 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Got mine about eight hours ago, and I'm starting to feel generalized muscle aches. Oh well. Given I haven't been sick with anything in over a year thanks to all the quarantining and whatnot I figure this is more than fair.

[–]dogdrawn 1328 points1329 points  (119 children)

I’m glad he’s taking AstraZeneca mainly because it makes me feel better about my over 60 essential worker parents getting it

[–]WhatsOneMoreDarling 1331 points1332 points  (21 children)

You have too many parents!

[–]imme267 105 points106 points  (6 children)

I had to read that twice too lol

[–]MoneroMon 19 points20 points  (5 children)

I think it needs a hyphen

[–]vc6vWHzrHvb2PY2LyP6b 7 points8 points  (4 children)

I’m glad he’s taking AstraZeneca mainly because it makes me feel better about my over 60 essential-worker parents getting it


[–]FlyingWeagle 62 points63 points  (0 children)

And that's just the essential workers!

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Over 60 of them is a bit too much I agree

[–]i_have_too_many 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Mother's day is financially and emotionally crippling for the whole year I'd imagine

[–]DieMidgetLover 28 points29 points  (0 children)

The way that party was going, his mother is glad he doesn't bark.

[–]Reddit_Bork 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Even more than Captain Holden. And he was a bit of a smoothie.

[–]dogdrawn 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I know :( that’s why I’m so concerned for all 60 of them with AZ. It’s just such a big bubble.

[–]silly_vasily 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Dude was conceived in an orgy

[–]captainhaddock 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Wait until you hear how many nonessential parents he has.

[–]NYFan813 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It takes a village.

[–]NorthernerWuwu 315 points316 points  (52 children)

It was no accident I am sure.

[–]viccityguy2k 203 points204 points  (29 children)

There was an article two days ago saying the PM staff were actively calling pharmacies to find AZ vaccines to boost confidence in the AZ shot.

[–]NorthernerWuwu 86 points87 points  (20 children)

I have my appointment for an AZ shot next week! I must have been future-influenced.

(It was what was available... I don't care.)

[–]tampering 49 points50 points  (7 children)

Under the current protocol its the only one available to him here in the Province of Ontario.

Age 40+. The Government / Hospital clinics are currently working down through the ages. Probably still in the 55+ range.

Government messaging has been to take the first vaccine offered to you so there it is for him.

[–]left-button 36 points37 points  (5 children)

I (40M - Toronto) got the first one I could get... while I technically live in a hot-spot, it's essentially impossible to get one of those appointments. When they opened up AZ shots, everyone jumped on them.

That being said - I had a full day of feeling like garbage once I got my AZ shot. AND IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT.

Let's get through this.

[–]hopelesscaribou 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Grats! 51F, Got it yesterday. Headache and nausea most the night, really sore arm. SO RELIEVED, next is my august booster. Better believe I'll be there.

[–]Noligation 37 points38 points  (0 children)

That vaccine will end up saving millions of lives worldwide, specially in countries that can't get other vaccines because they aren't a priority.

It's absurd that an at cost life saving vaccine is seeing so much misinformation against and there's little support from governments for them.

Good on Canadian PM and his staff to take notice of it.

[–]MultipleScoregasm 5 points6 points  (6 children)

Is there low confidence there? I had my AZ last week and it seems like most people here in the UK get that one without issue. Everyone I know anyway.

[–]MalHeartsNutmeg 2 points3 points  (4 children)

In Australia the government has told people under 50 not to get it and they’ve decided to build a lab to produce Pfizer which will take a year to begin production.

[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (14 children)

It probably is a coincidence. He literally just took the first one that became available to him per the Ontario rules (which he does not dictate).

[–]TheGazelle 43 points44 points  (4 children)

Let's be real here. He's the Prime Minister of the country.

I'm sure he could've got whichever vaccine he wanted whenever he wanted. Political decision or not, I think it's a good look that he waited until he'd be normally eligible and got the first thing available just like everybody else. The fact that it happens to be the vaccine that's driving most of the hesitancy is just a bonus.

[–]Clothing_Mandatory 28 points29 points  (2 children)

No, JT insisted on getting the AZ shot to restore confidence in it. There was articles about it days ago.

[–]whatsinthereanyways 2 points3 points  (2 children)

really? your intuition tells you it’s coincidence? i have just the opposite feeling

[–]NorthernerWuwu 2 points3 points  (5 children)

Eh, ok. I wasn't sure what options are open in Ontario right now.

[–][deleted] 19 points20 points  (4 children)

AZ available for 40+, Pfizer/Moderna for 55+ (slight variations by municipality and health unit)

[–]beigs 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I’m 37 and got the Pfizer, as did my 29 year old brother. He’s in healthcare, I’m just sick :/

We’re the two exceptions to the rule

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (3 children)

In Ontario it is restricted for those in the 40+ age category. It isn't a coincidence, it's the one available in his age group.

[–]marsupialham 48 points49 points  (17 children)

Your parents are much safer for having taken the vaccine.

18 people died out of 25,000,000 vaccinated with AZ in the EU + UK[i]. That's 0.000072%

154 out of 4,727,516 60-69-year-old Canadians died of COVID between March 19th and April 16th. That's proportional to 814 deaths out of 25,000,000 people.

Bear in mind, this is only between March 19th and April 16th. This means two things, firstly: since COVID hit, it'd be equivalent to 10037.6 deaths out of 25,000,000 people. Secondly: the people who died during this period would have likely been infected with COVID around the start of March when our numbers were more like 2,800 cases per day instead of the current 8,300 cases per day—i.e. there are 3x more new daily cases right now.

For those curious:

For 20+, there were 959 COVID deaths out of 29,865,726 people, proportional to 811.1 deaths out of 25,000,000 people.

For 30-39 years old, the highest-risk demographic for the clots, there were 10 COVID deaths out of 5,292,403 people. Proportional to 47.2 deaths out of 25,000,000 people.

[–]apparex1234 14 points15 points  (4 children)

François Legault, Doug Ford and quite a few other provincial and federal ministers have taken that vaccine. I believe Stephen Harper took it as well.

[–]gamingwithlunch 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Mannnnnnnnnn I read this like you had dozens and dozens of parents, it took a minute to realize you meant age

[–]phluidity 4 points5 points  (0 children)

FWIW (and as someone scheduled to get the AZ today), I saw a video that did a great job summing up why the whole "AZ is 61% and Pfizer is 95%" thing is actually a bad use of math and statistics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3odScka55A

Basically all the vaccines are equally good at doing what they are supposed to, which is keep people out of the hospital and beyond that the whole % thing comes down to when and where the tests were done and what the local virus load and variant distribution was.

[–]ONE-OF-THREE[S] 112 points113 points  (9 children)

TORONTO -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, are scheduled to receive their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday.

According to the prime minister’s itinerary for the day, the two will receive the AstraZeneca vaccine at 12:45 p.m. in Ottawa.

[–]vladdy- 23 points24 points  (7 children)

Like that they mentioned Ottawa specifically, as if he might fly to the Yukon for it

[–]poktanju 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Someone actually did that... and falsely claimed to be native as well. So you want to repudiate that.

edit: "repudiate" isn't the right word but you know what I mean.

[–]Everestkid 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I think that's why they said that.

[–]alternate_geography 178 points179 points  (13 children)

Please don’t wear a long sleeved dress shirt to get vaccinated challenge.

Edit: Wait, I just realized that the PM’s tattoo might end up in the photo - will he get vaccinated on his left (where the tattoo is) or risk muscle soreness in his dominant arm? Can’t wait to find out!

[–]Goatfellon 36 points37 points  (3 children)

I did, had to get half undressed in the parking lot. It was not fun.

(I didn't know I was getting my shot that day)

[–]Dayofsloths 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Should have just asked for it in the rump

[–]RandyChavage 28 points29 points  (4 children)

What if they take his shirt off and it turns out he was brown all along?

[–]jacksclevername 38 points39 points  (2 children)

He's been wearing whiteface this whole time.

[–]RandyChavage 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Except for that one time when he was caught without his makeup

[–]Reginault 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Three times, wasn't it? The man has a passion for costume makeup.

[–]Beelzabubba 69 points70 points  (4 children)

Scrolling to the bottom, wish me luck.

[–]arbitraryairship 9 points10 points  (0 children)

The weirdest standout to me so far is all the Americans shitting on the Canadian Parliamentary system without taking the effort to understand it.

It's such a weird tangent from this news story, too, it's weird that it dominates so much of the discussion.

[–]squireofrnew 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Godspeed, soldier.

[–]djkhan23 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Too lazy to click all of the bad takes myself

[–]vanillabeanlover 38 points39 points  (1 child)

Huh. I got my vaccine before our Prime Minister! I’m impressed that he didn’t jump the line for this. I’m so pumped to have it done! I giggled through my entire appointment, I was so giddy to get this thing in my arm!

[–]firthy 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I was weirdly euphoric too.

[–]Oglark 34 points35 points  (1 child)

I just got my first shot of AZ today. I am under 55 and I offer no apology to the fools who believed the Facebook FUD and allowed me to get protected in T minus 15 days.

[–]RebelWithoutAClue 31 points32 points  (5 children)

So over 10 years of taking birth control pills, something like 500 women will experience a blood clot per 100,000.

The AZ vaccine? Somewhere between 1:100k and 1:250k.

We really need to be looking at new risks in context with risks that we have become enured to.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (0 children)

The problem is that AZ causes blood clots in a way that requires doctors to treat it in an atypical way. A lot of the announcements are more about informing doctors to be on the look out and prepared to do a different treatment.

[–]Cassak5111 29 points30 points  (3 children)

I take your point but birth control causes a completely different and less deadly type of blood clot.

Can we stop using birth control as the example?

[–]DarkStarStorm 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Good for him!

[–]Serenity101 2 points3 points  (3 children)

I don't know if this helps with post-vaccine immune response symptoms like body aches etc., but I read that you should be well-hydrated for your vaccine appointment.

Here's one article:


"Doctors agree that staying adequately hydrated before and after getting the COVID vaccine is extremely important. "Not only does everything in the body work better in a well hydrated state, but some with needle phobia and fainting history will do a lot better if they show up hydrated," says Dr. Malinow."

"Before and after getting the vaccine, I recommend drinking plenty of fluids," says Dr. Koza. She also encourages consumption of foods like fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups to boost the immune system. The CDC also recommends drinking fluids after your shot, if you're experiencing discomfort from fever."

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (4 children)

This comment section has managed to flush out a lot of stupidity O-o

[–]Bigsuge88 9 points10 points  (3 children)

I'm not his biggest fan, but this shows great leadership and hopefully will help people get over their hesitancy when it comes to the AZ shot.

[–]ShuantheSheep3 13 points14 points  (0 children)

This is why you inject yourself with all the vaccines simultaneously. Becomes super vaccine + unlimited 5g wherever you go.

[–]Clam_Chowdeh 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m surprised he hasn’t received his dose well before this, what with him being the head of a major country such as Canada

[–]Showerbag 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Young people in their 30s are now registering to get vaccines and n BC. I’d say it’s a good thing, but the reason for that is all of the fucking moron anti-vax Facebook crew harassing and bullying people out of getting the vaccine so the supply is going to almost anyone who wants to take it.

[–]Rance_Mulliniks 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Natural selection.

[–]Andrew5329 7 points8 points  (3 children)

For those worried about catching a blood clot, the risk of an Astrazenica/Oxford vaccine related blood clot is approximately 7.9 per 1 million doses.

The risk of catching a bullet in Chicago last year was 1,493 per 1 million residents.

Chicago is a leader of the pack, but even a safe city like Toronto has 156 shootings per million leaving you 20 times more likely to catch lead living in a canadian city any given year than a blood clot.

[–]chucknorris99 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Damn, Bill Gates will have full access to all Canadian secrets. Hope he doesn’t release the top secret Maple Syrup recipes.

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (56 children)

Why that vaccine over Pfizer or moderna

[–]Geler 139 points140 points  (20 children)

Because its the one his age group can get right now in Canada.

[–]funkmaster29 78 points79 points  (12 children)

I think it's to give more confidence to the canadian population about the AstraZeneca vaccine after all of the negative press about it.

[–]Dartser 41 points42 points  (5 children)

In BC they lowered the age for AZ and it immediately burned through the stockpile. There is the demand for it even with the negative press. Most people know its safe.