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[–]Worth-Enthusiasm-161Boosted! ✨💉✅ 2315 points2316 points  (490 children)

I assume this will also be the case in Norway.

What I wonder the most is what this means for the future of J&J in DK and NO.

[–]zfire 763 points764 points  (91 children)

There's going to be a press conference today at 14:00, maybe we'll find out more then. The small shipment(of J&J) we received today has been put on hold for now.

[–]Aeceus 136 points137 points  (0 children)

I thought the press conference was Thursday?

[–]itjohan73 93 points94 points  (88 children)

the lady that fainted, did she take the Astra vaccine?

[–]Kooky-Shock 398 points399 points  (86 children)

do you mean that the vaccine caused the fainting? because getting a vasovagal reaction is very common when getting poked by a needle (not that I'm defending astra vaccine, i took the first shot and i'm not very happy about how my country delivered information about potentially dying and then saying we should just deal with it)

[–]ActualMerCat 322 points323 points  (30 children)

My dad comes close to passing out, and occasionally has, when a needle comes for him. We rag on him for it constantly, because...he's an anesthesiologist. He jabs people for a living!

[–]fiftysixtypercent 87 points88 points  (5 children)

Your dad at work: sorry, if I were you, I wouldn't let any niddle near me.

[–]dalovindj 56 points57 points  (2 children)

I like that your version of their dad calls them niddles.

[–]TabulaRasaT888 148 points149 points  (0 children)

Yeah sorry that is hilarious lol

[–][deleted] 43 points44 points  (6 children)

Dude, I’m going to hell, but I’m laughing my ass off! Needles are the ONLY reason I’m not a nurse. I can handle bodily fluids with ease, but the moment a needle becomes present, I go into fight mode

[–]dalovindj 9 points10 points  (1 child)

I can handle bodily fluids with ease

Should be in your Tinder profile.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Dude I’m not even joking that cracked me up. Also...

•BONK• go to horny jail!!!

[–]kenkaniff23I'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Figures, people tend to like dishing it out but once the tables turn they can't take it haha

[–]rtothewin 92 points93 points  (3 children)

I get them pretty much every time a needle is involved for me or someone else I'm looking at. The first shot I prepped the nurse and then nothing happened(she did a really good job and I didnt even feel it).

The 2nd shot I figured "well im good I guess" and the EMT squeezed my arm and I really felt it...boom out immediately. I come to, start to explain it happens, sorry, and boom out I went again. He made me wait in the waiting area extra long.

[–]mwngky 23 points24 points  (7 children)

Can confirm. Source - had life long vasovagal issues. Had AZ jab yesterday. Fainted. Happens with every injection.

[–]GnawRightThrough 54 points55 points  (6 children)

Yeah people pass out from shots all the time. Anyone who has gone through boot camp probably knows of someone who passed out. Someone in our division passed out almost immediately and hit their head on a gurney.

[–]aghastamok 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Haha, I just mentioned that I hate getting shots and they had four people hold me up while I got my shots.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The guy next to me didn't know he was allergic to penicillin. Sitting in observation after the peanut butter shot the man goes into seizures. What a shitty way to find out.

[–]Icarus_Le_Rogue 54 points55 points  (10 children)

There's also isolated sycopal reactions post distribution that don't necessarily show up in trials. Example being, everytime I've got the typhoid vaccine my body gets really hot immediately and I collapse and pass out for a few minutes. Nothing seriously adverse and then I'm back to normal when I come around. But it's only that one, I have no reaction to needles and unless it's a lumbar puncture they don't bother me or cause that kind of reaction.

[–]DanielMadeMistakes 183 points184 points  (309 children)

A bigger question is what are they going to do with the AZ they have received and are planned to receive? Redistributed throughout the EU?

[–]Sabotik 172 points173 points  (296 children)

I would guess donated to developing nations.

[–]DanielMadeMistakes 775 points776 points  (280 children)

I'm not sure it looks good to say "Hey we think these vaccines are too dangerous for our own citizens, you're poor however so it doesn't matter here you go"

[–]fdesouche 176 points177 points  (8 children)

Morocco gladly takes whatever is available, Chinese, Russian or Astra but doesn’t have the cooling capacity for mRNAs yet. As up today 4,5 m have received at least a dose.... mostly older people and it’s mandatory for all public employees.

[–]MagnesusBoosted! ✨💉✅ 41 points42 points  (3 children)

Poland too. But I suppose since we have the cooling capacity it might be fairer to give it to someone else.

[–]fdesouche 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Especially since Pfizer is providing 50 millions doses more for Q2.

[–]chlamydia1 156 points157 points  (100 children)

Canada has been lapping up America's unused AZ vaccines. We're not a developing country, but we're so desperate for vaccines we'll take anything.

[–]punch-it-chewy 46 points47 points  (22 children)

I’m my city people are scared of them. We have walk in appointments available for AZ because people are not making the appointments. They’re waiting for Pfizer. It’s a bummer really.

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (17 children)

I got the AZ vaccine. The nurse told it's wise to noy get it if you have family history with blood clots. And the vaccine for some reason causes more side effects in women.

[–]KittyGrewAMoustache 35 points36 points  (14 children)

The whole reason I got the AZ vaccine early for my age was because of my blood clotting condition, which is what makes me vulnerable. I got the vaccine and then find out all this stuff, that it really does seem to be causing blood clots in some people. I have been feeling a little terrified and I don't really want to go for my second shot now, when I'm given the appointment. :-(

[–]notmadeoutofstraw 24 points25 points  (9 children)

Talk to your doctor about it of course (IANAD), but what ive heard is that if you survive the first one the second one is a much lower risk.

[–]McDuchess 133 points134 points  (56 children)

The reality is that the chance of avoiding dying from COVID is about five thousand times greater that the chance of getting a blood clot.

Not just avoiding getting COVID, avoiding dying from it.

[–]The_Fresser 71 points72 points  (24 children)

They estimate a chance for 1 out of 40.000 to develop blood clots from the AZ vaccine in Norway. If we can reach herd immunity using only m-rna, that could potentially save a lot of people from unneccessary harm.

Also there is the whole argument, about making sure people trust the vaccines. Denmark has a very pro-vaccine population atm, and I think the authorities want it to stay that way.

[–]tomoldbury 7 points8 points  (6 children)

But the trade off for younger people would be that they don't tend to suffer that much side effect from COVID, but could risk a blood clot.

So it's better to give AZ vaccine to those who are older, if there is a shortage, and Pfizer to the youngest, where there is a lesser blood clot risk (possibly not one above the statistical norm.)

[–]TobiasKM 146 points147 points  (22 children)

The risk assessment will be different. Had we been more severely hit in Denmark, this decision would have been a lot harder to make.

I’m just worried what this will mean for J&J. Abandoning AZ would mean a delay of 2-3 weeks with our program, dropping J&J as well will have a lot more impact.

[–]EggsegretBoosted! ✨💉✅ 54 points55 points  (16 children)

J&J/AZ are rather similar so i imagine they'll reach the same conclusion as with AZ that bloodclots are significantly rare so some countries will put the same restrictions that they have on AZ on J&J as well.

[–]luciferin 19 points20 points  (15 children)

Wouldn't it depend entirely on how these complications arise? If I remember correctly they use different Adenovirus' in each vaccine, so unless the complication is from Adenovirus in general it's probably not that. Could it be the spike protein in general? And if that's the case, then COVID would have the same increased risk factor, as would the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, since your body builds the proteins.

Either way, they need to do a lot more research to figure out what is going on. I hope it's not slowed down by wealthy countries just dropping AZ.

[–]ChiAnndego 56 points57 points  (4 children)

They've known from the early 2000's that adenovirus vector can cause platelet dysfunction. It was seen in early studies for gene therapies.

[–]pingveno 8 points9 points  (4 children)

Yeah, it's hard to overstate how screwed some of these nations are. High COVID rates with vaccine herd immunity years out. A vaccine that has a low rate of clotting would be a different calculation than in Denmark.

[–]Sabotik 51 points52 points  (10 children)

Won't look good no, but I'm guessing they will argument that not all countries can afford the mRNA shots, nor do they have the cooler capacity to store them, and AZ is better than no vaccine (atleast when you are over 30 yo).

[–]ShaggyninjaI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 43 points44 points  (0 children)

nor do they have the cooler capacity to store them

Absolutely this will be the argument. And to be fair, it's a pretty decent one.

[–]augur42Boosted! ✨💉✅ 23 points24 points  (3 children)

(atleast when you are over 30 yo)

That age value is 100% dependent on current community levels and how long you'd have to wait to get an alternative, that's why the age cutoff varies by country.

Unless you're in a place with zero cases if your only option is AZ then have AZ, no matter what your age is.

The UK setting a cutoff at 30 is based on community levels at around 40 per 100k and waiting 16 weeks for an alternative.

[–]tossup8811 58 points59 points  (66 children)

Might not look good but a lot of people are completely willing to take the risk.

[–]SirBobPeel 81 points82 points  (62 children)

It's not much of a risk. Maybe if you're a younger woman it's greater. But I think in a lot of places the virus is still a far greater risk.

[–]sack-o-maticI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 173 points174 points  (59 children)

Birth control is like 1000x the risk, this fear mongering is absurd

edit: apparently taking aspirin is also more likely to give you a stroke than the risk with this vaccine

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Not even remotely the same type of clots.

The clots from birth control arent even in the same hemisphere in terms of mortality as those that are arising from the AZ vaccine

[–]Enerbane 61 points62 points  (6 children)

We barely know what causes this clotting, and what the true rates are now. We know that it affects mostly younger people, and we know that older people have been prioritized in vaccinations. The rate of complications in younger people could be much much higher than the 1 in a million number that's being thrown around.

Birth control is a known risk, that doctors discuss with patients. This is a new developing risk that needs to be properly evaluated so people can make informed decisions.

[–]EmDashxx 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Yeah but there is definitely more awareness about BC so people can make informed decisions. The doctor told me to avoid it because I get migraines with aura and am higher risk for blood clots. So I absolutely did.

[–][deleted] 54 points55 points  (4 children)

I get your point, but two things: 1. I don't think the risk levels associated with BC should be acceptable; 2. for women, you have a combined risk, vaccine + BC.

I understand that at the general population level the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks, but this doesn't mean that we should ignore these risks. The least we should do is to adapt the distribution strategy.

[–]splvtoon 51 points52 points  (2 children)

AZ is absolutely worth it for the vast majority of people still, but this comparision really doesnt hold up because its a very different kind of blood clot, and if the risk really turns out to be greater for young women, those are also the group who are at a relatively low risk of covid death/complications.

[–]TrespasseR_ 50 points51 points  (38 children)

And also the risk outweighs actual infection. If AZ were available here I'd take it still.

J&J is now postponed here because 7 women had clotting issues out of 7 million vaccinated so still a great vaccine

[–]Enerbane 22 points23 points  (0 children)

All younger women, and most vaccinations have been given to older individuals due to prioritizations. I.e. the rate it affects those who are likely to get affected, is probably higher. We need to pause to evaluate. It's a serious issue and should not be brushed off until we know the actual risks to the relevant populations.

[–]jeopardy987987 36 points37 points  (1 child)

J&J is now postponed here because 7 women had clotting issues out of 7 million vaccinated so still a great vaccine

That's a bit misleading. It affects one specific demographic: younger women. For everyone else, the risk is basically zero.

Only a fraction of the 6.8 million J&J vaccines were given to younger women. The real risk is 7 out of however many J&J vaccines were given to younger women, a group that hasn't been prioritized for vaccination.

[–]drawb 20 points21 points  (23 children)

And to add to that, I've heard 1 of these 7 women died.

[–]vitaly3548 19 points20 points  (0 children)

They all had cvst, a rare type of stroke, only one died, but it's likely the others still got brain damage

[–]PFC1224 32 points33 points  (2 children)

Well certainly looks better than not giving out highly effective vaccines and throwing them away

[–]vitor_zBoosted! ✨💉✅ 42 points43 points  (0 children)

My guy, I, as a Brazilian, would happily receive your AZ doses. Send them to us please I think it's a dumb decision to stop vaccination anyway

[–]Al-Khwarizmi 36 points37 points  (5 children)

Taking into account that EU countries did not get the AZ doses they ordered, I think it would make sense to offer them to the rest of the EU first. At least, it can serve to partially compensate for the AZ underdelivering in countries that want to keep using it. If no EU countries want them, then sure, donate them.

[–]maybelle180Boosted! ✨💉✅ 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Switzerland here. Yeah we wouldn't mind getting our pre-ordered AZ shipment either...

[–]RannashaBoosted! ✨💉✅ 20 points21 points  (1 child)

AZ still isn't approved by SwissMedic though. And I believe that current planning doesn't include any AZ anymore.

[–]vacacay 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Please sell to Nepal. We're happy to buy it.

[–]martzzz[S] 81 points82 points  (21 children)

With J&J having the same technology and side effects as AZ, it would be surprising if J&J gets put in use.

[–]NotAnotherEmpire 52 points53 points  (0 children)

J&J is delaying EU launch pending the investigation in the United States.

[–]Ncsu_Wolfpack86 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Sort of the same technology. AZ uses chimpanzee adenovirus, JJ uses replication incompetent human adenovirus.

[–]C_h_a_n 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Incompetent human? Are they using my stuff?

[–]TripleSevenCZ 34 points35 points  (10 children)

Today , Czech minister of interior annouced, that Czechia will try to buy those doses from Denmark.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The Latvian prime minister did the same

[–]iSpringdale 53 points54 points  (21 children)

We will probably do the same in Norway, it seems like Denmark and Norway are following eachother closely in the fight against Covid.

It is disappointing, but isolated I don’t think it’ll mean much due to the low AZ volumes. Dropping J&J will be a lot worse.

[–]Gregor1368 26 points27 points  (12 children)

Yes, I expect that Norway will do the same tomorrow. FHI said today that they will increase the time between the Pfizer doses from six to twelve weeks for people under 45, so that might reduce the delays somewhat if J&J is also taken out of the vaccination program.

[–]JoSeScI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 17 points18 points  (3 children)

BionTech said this morning that they will delivere an additional 50m doses to the EU in Q2 that could almost completely replace the 55m doses of JJ the EU was planning with in Q2, for the unlikely case the whole of the EU would take JJ out of the program, it should def ease supply for countries who decide to take AZ out tho.

[–]Ncsu_Wolfpack86 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Uhhh. J&j is one shot. 50 million Pfizer doses covers less than half of 55m j&j

[–][deleted] 1459 points1460 points  (188 children)

Ireland is only giving it to over 60s now. France I think only over 55s.

I would almost say let people skip the queue if they are willing to take astrazenca, at their own risk, which is by all accounts tiny.

[–]Drumah 449 points450 points  (59 children)

43 year old here in EU. I'll take an AZ vaccine right now

[–]IncaThink 125 points126 points  (7 children)

I got it the day before they shut it down for my age group. I'm thrilled.

[–]P_Jamez 58 points59 points  (6 children)

Haematologists around the world know what symptoms to look for now, hot to test for it and the treatment now:


[–]Suglet 4 points5 points  (1 child)

That article read like an episode of House.

[–]WhammyShimmyShammy 320 points321 points  (22 children)

I'm a 40 year old woman and I'd take it right now if given the possibility. I understand the risks (minimal as they are) and don't remember such a fuss about the birth control pills I took daily for 8 years.

[–]microcosmographiaBoosted! ✨💉✅ 168 points169 points  (19 children)

YES, thank you. I had a blood clot and my only possible risk factor (I was young, active, no clotting disorders or other underlying problems, non-smoker, etc.) was having been on birth control. Many years later, I am now reading quite a bit about possible correlations between certain types of BC and blood clot risks. Would be so nice if we cared about blood clots in the large percent of the population that is taking BC.

And yes, even having had a blood clot, I would still take J&J or AZ over being in my current unvaccinated condition.

[–]darkblaziken94Boosted! ✨💉✅ 122 points123 points  (8 children)

the type of blood clot is different (and I guess the CVST type from the vaccine is more deadly), but the risk of getting a blood clot from being on hormonal birth control for a year is about 1 in 1000. and yet I'm willing to bet most people don't hear about this from their doctor when prescribed hormonal birth control.

[–]microcosmographiaBoosted! ✨💉✅ 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Thank you for the clarification -- these are indeed very different kinds of blood clots, and those from the vaccine are indeed potentially more deadly. A much lower risk for the vaccination, as everyone is pointing out, fortunately...!

[–]StarryEyed91 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I was on hormonal birth control for over ten years and I’m just learning about the risk of blood clots. I knew there were risks of course (just not specifically blood clots) but the benefit outweighed the risks for me.

[–]vinaleta 17 points18 points  (1 child)

It’s incredible how BC possible blood clotting isn’t discussed enough. I have been nothing but healthy all my life (also active, no known risk factors, etc). Half a year ago I began treatment for my adult cystic acne which included birth control and accutane. The dermatologist told me that I needed to take bc because of the adverse side effects of accutane on a fetus. (Note: this is my first time taking oral contraceptives). I told her it wasn’t necessary because I’m not sexually active and i didn’t plan on being either. She refuses to give me any medication without me accepting to take bc.

Cut to almost 6 months later and here I am, in the hospital, for a pulmonary embolism 😐

[–]Tchillie 100 points101 points  (45 children)

This is indeed what they should do imo. It's not like this is a wildly unsafe vaccine this gets blown way out of proportion, the complication is very rare still. Tell people that they can get it, but if they do so they agree to the "risk" and there's no liability to AZ. I'm willing to take a 1 in a million chance, if I die from that so be it. There's no zero risk situations in life. I have a larger chance to die from a stroke tomorrow for all I know.

[–]P_Jamez 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Haematologists around the world know what symptoms to look for now, hot to test for it and the treatment now:


[–]soulofboop 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Are the symptoms the severe headaches, light aversion and vomiting that the poor woman in the article had? Or do you know if there are there other things to look out for?

[–]tacotirsdag 42 points43 points  (21 children)

At the press conference they said that AZ risk is 1 in 40.000 though, not 1 in 1 million. The second number is apparently for J&J.

[–]brainhack3r 41 points42 points  (7 children)

I did the math in another thread if you want to see my comment history but it should be about 3-6x riskier to go without it based on the data

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Well that probably assumes you cant get an alternative at any point

[–]rose98734[🍰] 2127 points2128 points  (317 children)

Without Astrazeneca, Britain wouldn't be in the happy place it is today, with cases falling and deaths falling too (there were only 23 deaths yesterday, out of a UK population of 67 million).

[–]Bubbly_Taro 1217 points1218 points  (237 children)

I took the vaccination and even if I die because of it (however unlikely that may be) it was the right call.

This shit needs to end.

[–]Legirion 476 points477 points  (95 children)

I'm with you on it being the right call, but I wouldn't willingly die, I'd rather continue staying home...

[–]collegiaal25 400 points401 points  (67 children)

The risk of dying from the AZ vaccine is comparable to participating in traffic for a couple of months. If someone would rather stay inside for a couple of months instead of taking the AZ vaccine, they should also rethink whether they'd want to go out at all when the pandemic is over.

[–][deleted] 86 points87 points  (44 children)

It's hard to get exact numbers on fatalities from the AZ vaccine yet.

The chance of blood clots is 1 : 250 000, but it can be still treated in time if you're lucky and you know what to watch out for, so not yet a guaranteed death.

(Source Gov UK: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/977653/PHE_COVID-19_AZ_vaccination_guide.pdf )

In comparison: Tandem skydiving is pretty safe, the chances of dying are 1 : 253 000, so similar to getting a blood clot from the vaccine.


[–]MrBanjankri 124 points125 points  (33 children)

I know your trying to make a point but entire populations of countries don’t go sky diving.

[–][deleted] 72 points73 points  (27 children)

No, but the equivalent of entire populations of some countries have died from covid.

I'd much rather risk a the 0.0004% chance at potentially getting a blood clot, and there are no confirmed deaths from vaccines as of yet, than the 0.0003% chance of dying to covid, or the 0.195% chance of contracting it and possibly getting one of the myriad of effects from it, like reduced lung capacity or loss of taste and smell.

[–]FreeWilly2 12 points13 points  (7 children)

Can confirm loss of taste and smell for a long period of time sucks. It has been 3 weeks post symptoms (except taste and smell), and it comes and goes at 20% max. After I taste something I get excited and try to taste again and nothing. It is getting better, but still sucks. I had a very mild case, no breathing issues, but I would get a vaccine over getting a worse case.

[–]TheTrollisStrong 15 points16 points  (6 children)

Yeah but this isn’t the only option either. While I agree the risk is very minor, I very much understand why people would rather get the mRNA vaccines.

[–]SliceNDice69 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Small correction, people did die from the clots caused by the vaccine. Two case series are published on NEJM, just google vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia. However, the risk is indeed very low and the benefits outweigh the risk of clotting. But, I would still understand people being hesitant and preferring to take the mRNA vaccine and choosing to remain isolated.

[–]kraftpunkkI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 5 points6 points  (3 children)

It takes about 3 months to form a habit. I don’t think people realize they’re just so used to not doing much, that it’s just become normal for them.

[–]Legirion 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I mean to be fair I've done more now than I did before. Now when I finish work if I want to take a nap I don't have to sit in traffic first, which is also an unintended safety feature of it, I'm no longer almost falling asleep in 20 MPH traffic. Not only that I find I have more free time in the afternoon since I don't have to shower and change to start work. I usually eat and shower during lunch and then around 5 or 6 I can go take a walk, see a friend, etc

Also the local sports team is offering a discount for people that have at least one vaccine shot, so even though I'm not into sports I'm going to go with friends because it sounds fun and a good way to celebrate being vaccinated!

(I'm vaccinated and always wear a mask around people unless I'm eating or drinking)

[–]wandering-monsterBoosted! ✨💉✅ 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I agree with this especially given how fast the moderna and pfizer operations are scaling up here in the US. We're gonna be basically done with the whole country in a month or so at this rate. Then we can start exporting on the scale of hundreds of millions of doses.

Might mean waiting a few more weeks, maybe a couple months. Seems totally worth it to me.

[–]CidO807 41 points42 points  (3 children)

I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to die... but I got J&J and it was the right thing to do.

The alternative is I get covid and maybe I die, maybe I don't but J&J supposedly has 5 related deaths in the US? And covid has what, 600,000 related deaths in the US?

And real talk, blood clots is a symptom of the virus itself in some people. My boss got them after he tested positive for the virus, and this was months before vaccines were rolling out. For all we know, they could have had the virus in the incubation period, not known, answered "ayy, I haven't had contact with the virus in the past 14 days" when signing in for the vaccine, and low and behold they had the virus active at that time.

It's smart to put distribution on hold. But panic is premature. Science can't account for people lying.

[–]cbraunstein24 16 points17 points  (0 children)

J&J has 6 potentially related blood clots, 1 of those women have died and 1 was in critical condition last time I checked, I think the other 4 are okay and alive.

[–]morosco 75 points76 points  (12 children)

Some countries prefer periodic lockdowns forever, thank you very much.

The idea that a handful of blood clots that might or might not be caused by the vaccines should result in submission to a virus which has killed millions is mind-boggling. There are so many medications with a documented worse side effect risk that accomplish less than ending a global pandemic.

[–]AgreeableClassroom96 942 points943 points  (85 children)

Ok, great, cool now donate them to india or Brazil Or mexico

[–]InherentlyAnnoying 206 points207 points  (24 children)

Isn't india manufacturing and sending to other countries?

[–][deleted] 103 points104 points  (2 children)

They were, but they hit a bottleneck and are currently limiting exports.

[–]Ginevod 41 points42 points  (1 child)

Serum Institute is making ~100 million doses a month. Just not enough with the current vaccination rate which is about 1.5x. Didn't have shortage early on because SII already produced a lot of stock before approval. Need atleast 3 times as much every month to complete vaccinations before year end.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Yeah, what I was reading was that with the double mutation strain they have going on, they are prioritizing getting their own citizens vaccinated. Which they should!

[–]whocares7132 22 points23 points  (0 children)

they stopped when their cases went way up.

[–]DubFactory 16 points17 points  (1 child)

No! Send it to <insert your country name here>

[–]Cub3h 192 points193 points  (40 children)

Send them to the UK, we've still go our 30 to 50 years olds to vaccinate with AZ.

[–]Mattershak 1180 points1181 points  (320 children)

I honestly don’t understand this. It’s becoming clear that the adenovirus vaccines may very well be related to these rare blood clots but a delay like this will certainly cause far more deaths than the blood clots ever could. There are minute risks in most medication we take routinely

[–]vitor_zBoosted! ✨💉✅ 487 points488 points  (169 children)

Yeah, the blood clots are absurdly rare, and, even when they happen, they kill just a few people. Letting the virus circulate and mutate is far more dangerous than a minor setback as those rare blood clots

[–]JoSeScI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 591 points592 points 2 (78 children)

They are absurdly rare overall but they seem to be rare but significant in some groups. Specially women under 40 appear to be at a risk of devoping blood clots in 1 to 30,000 or 40,000 of cases and for a a healthy young woman the risk to get serious covid complications is about the same or lower. So at that point it very dicy for a government to promote a vaccination campaign that might be riskier for some groups than the actual virus it's supposed to protect from.

[–]drawb 130 points131 points  (10 children)

If that is confirmed, I expect that J&J (and maybe AZ) won't be given to women under 40 in a lot of EU countries and maybe the US. Then it is a bit easier to use more of the available vaccines.

[–]Alias_X_ 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Austrian here, and I have no idea why that's not already being implemented. It's a rather easy step.

[–]yeyeftw 116 points117 points  (4 children)

I just want to add to this, that they made it completely clear in Denmark, that they dont suspect that gender has any role. The reason that we primarily see women, is because it has mostly been people who work in healthcare that has received the vaccine. Which is again mostly women under 60.

[–]Mezmorizor 28 points29 points  (1 child)

It's far, far too early to make that call either way with any real conviction, but HIT affects woman ~1.7x more than men, and right now our best guess is that the adenoviruses partially binds to PF4 which is the same thing that heparin does in HIT.

[–]warbeforepeace 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I think there are some clear indications that women have more severe side effects for the vaccine. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/04/10/covid-vaccine-women-report-more-side-effects-than-men-heres-why/7139366002/

[–]lava_time 68 points69 points  (42 children)

Isn't that comparable to the risk of death from COVID19 for under 40 women?

People keep comparing the overall risk of death for COVID19. But since this problem seems to only affect that demographic the risk analysis should only look at that demographic.

[–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (1 child)

I don't know the exact numbers but I assume you mean comparable to the risk of death IF you get covid in that age group.. So the chances of getting covid in general are still low for any one person. Especially with masking/distancing. Those two probabilities (chance of actually getting covid and chance of dying if you do get it) are what need to be compared to the chance of dying from a blood clot because by definition you will be subjecting yourself to that risk by getting the vaccine.

[–]gilboman 45 points46 points  (15 children)

You need to also account for probability of catching covid19 in the first place as well

[–]daenerysisboss 16 points17 points  (4 children)

Here are the charts for the AZ vaccine risk vs the clot risk in HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW risk.

Bear in mind that the rate for the clot is a one-off chance, and the COVID ICU risk is a repeating chance every 16 weeks.

[–]MoistMilkyMan 5 points6 points  (0 children)

According to a study they did, no it won't, it would actually cause more deaths because we have it under control.

[–]Arachnapony 472 points473 points  (105 children)

As a dane, I've never felt so hopeless. I can't wait untill fucking late october to be vaccinated.

[–]Just_improvise 171 points172 points  (41 children)

This is how australians felt last week after AZ vaccine was pulled for under 50s

[–]tallanvor 124 points125 points  (30 children)

But at least Australia is past the lockdowns. Here in Oslo we're still mostly shut down (except for children who are clearly spreading it now) and there's no end in sight.

[–]Gorau 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I feel the same, previously i would have been in the under 65 with increased risk. Then they dropped that and I was dumped down to the last group to be vaccinated. Now it's feeling like I will be lucky to get a vaccine this year. Not long ago it felt like life could somewhat return to normal but now I am looking at months more isolation, i honestly don't know if I can do it.

[–]justaprettyfaceI'm fully vaccinated! 💉💪🩹 54 points55 points  (26 children)

Late october? I think we’re looking at December before vaccine immunity will kick in for most young people. I’m almost crying

[–]Arachnapony 41 points42 points  (23 children)

I know, right? And just the fact that they don't even give us the option to get vaccinated. I couldnt care less about a 1 / 100,000 risk and the vaccine would help me so, so much. Why do they feel the need to torture us like this?

[–]Yolo_420_69Boosted! ✨💉✅ 46 points47 points  (2 children)

Sorry canada

[–]SammyMaudlin 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Well it may mean more vaccines for us so I’m happy.

[–][deleted] 69 points70 points  (14 children)

damn, my dad just suffered a minor stroke approx. 16 days after taking AZ vaccine. They haven't determined the exact cause but it doesn't help with the guilt I have. He asked me if he should take it and I presented him with the information that's it is a rare occurrence and the benefits greatly outweigh the risk.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the kind words. You all are right, the benefits outweighed the risk. Let's all just hope for a better tomorrow.

[–]Wasiktir 27 points28 points  (0 children)

The same thing happened to my mum despite having no other health conditions. She was told it had nothing to do with the vaccine, but I do wonder if the scale of the problem is being underestimated.

[–]OfficerDougEiffel 21 points22 points  (0 children)

You gave the same advice a doctor would have given him.

And he could have easily died from COVID or have had a stroke from COVID.

On top of that, there are a lot of people getting vaccinated right now. The odds of that number overlapping with the number of people who were going to have a stroke this week anyway, regardless of vaccination status, are extremely high.

Don't stress it man. You absolutely made the right call.

[–]ExcellentsBerry 121 points122 points  (27 children)

Gonna be a big surplus. Wonder if it will be dumped.

[–]GodAcid 129 points130 points  (9 children)

They‘ll probably redistribute inside the EU, to countries which still use AZ. However I think that in a few months EU will have a lot of unused AZ, once the majority of 60+ year olds is vaccinated. I hope they‘ll ship it to poorer countries then.

[–]permavirginmeganerd 83 points84 points  (7 children)

Many EU countries still use AZ unrestricted (which is the recommendation of the EMA).

[–]ExcellentsBerry 22 points23 points  (3 children)

It's more will people actually take it

[–]permavirginmeganerd 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Hmm, at least here in Austria you are put on the end of the list if you refuse your AZ shot. So they have to take it if they want to get vaccinated before fall.

Edit: apparently this isn't the case for all of Austria but at least where I live (and I appreciate this move).

[–]drawb 15 points16 points  (0 children)

At the moment: yes. More then enough people in Europe are willing to take it.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (2 children)

here in Hungary Astra is a wanted one. basically only VIP gets Pfizer, Moderna is like 5% of overall vaccines, so you can forget that, then you have Astra, Sputnik or Sinopharm. Most of us would take them in these order

[–]EggsegretBoosted! ✨💉✅ 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Everyone's acting as if there will be a huge surplus of vaccines. That's simply not true maybe in richer countries but the majority of the world hasn't even started vaccinations and many countries won't even have enough vaccines for their entire population this year.

[–]defrgthzjukiloaqsw 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yeah, huge surplus of like five million doses. Dude, denmark is tiny.

[–]Chilaquil420 250 points251 points  (64 children)

Antivaxxers are gonna have a field day

[–]QuestionEntirety 97 points98 points  (34 children)

Honestly they shouldn't if they are logically consistent. The very foundation of the anti vaxxer movement is that the government is hiding information from them regarding what is entering their bodies. The vaccine causing autism idea, for instance, is one such thought.

For the company to out itself and governments shut it down, isn't this the exact opposite of what was expected as an anti-vaxxer?

[–]BrokeWABunny 121 points122 points  (4 children)

“Logically consistent”

[–]yyc_guy 40 points41 points  (0 children)


logically consistent

Pick one, you can't have both.

[–]Chilaquil420 23 points24 points  (0 children)

  • Anticaxxers -Logic

Pick one

[–]Hillvalley_34 64 points65 points  (11 children)

I've had AZ vaccine. I'm 33 years old. Side effects were horrendous for 24 hours. Fever, headache, did not know what to do with myself! Second jab coming in may.

No regrets.

[–]bixed 106 points107 points  (30 children)

Some context: We currently have relatively good control with the pandemic in Denmark. While most other countries in the EU have increasing infection rates and are tightening restrictions, the infection rates are stable here while we gradually loosen restrictions. This may be because we test a lot here compared to most other countries.

[–]RPofkins 96 points97 points  (25 children)

For now.

[–]Lucky-Surround-1756 84 points85 points  (22 children)

Every country had stable infection rates until suddenly they weren't. Funny how that exponential growth thing works.

[–]JoaolandiaBoosted! ✨💉✅ 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Bring them to Brazil

[–][deleted] 27 points28 points  (9 children)

I’m very pro vaccine but the amount of people who think everyone should get one of these shots without doing more research to make sure they are safe is a little ridiculous.

[–][deleted] 87 points88 points  (52 children)

Just turned 30 got stabbed up by az last week, haven’t died yet, along with most of the mid/younger population in my town. did kick my ass for a few days though, hopefully no issues when the 2nd jab comes round as i guess I’m locked in to it now. Hell of a job by my local nhs medical centre to get round to our age group already though.

[–]CaptainWanWingLo 34 points35 points  (3 children)

Wait, you haven’t died yet?

[–]JWGhetto 26 points27 points  (39 children)

what country already vaxxes their 30yo poulation? I'm jealous

UK and US, damn

Can't wait for their surplus production to hit Europe soon. Shouldn't take more than a few months now

[–]chastrength 35 points36 points  (9 children)

31yo Texan here. My friends and I have all been vaxed. You can just sign up and go to the drive-thru here!

[–]superdpr 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Me and a bunch of my friends had luck by just randomly stopping by pharmacies after the last appointment of the day and asking if there were any no shows or leftover doses. It’s not a high probability to work, but we just timed our errands that we run to work out that way and got lucky eventually. The pharmacies don’t want to throw out a dose if they don’t have to. Alternatively, you can volunteer at a vaccine clinic for a couple days and they’ll give you a dose.

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (2 children)

The US opens up to 16 year olds tomorrow. Opened up to everyone I think 40+ a few weeks ago

e: apparently some states opened up to 16 year olds weeks ago, and some haven't. mb. i think most will have by tomorrow though

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (1 child)

19 year old in Cali, already got both doses

[–]P_Jamez 8 points9 points  (0 children)

You should be fine, haematologists around the world know what symptoms to look for now, how to test for it and the treatment now:


[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (0 children)

This doesn’t sound good

[–]CaptainVaticanus 102 points103 points  (18 children)

Send them to the UK please, we’ll use them

[–]vitor_zBoosted! ✨💉✅ 147 points148 points  (13 children)

You guys have vaccinated lots of ppl. Send them to Brazil, or our stupid gvt will allow new variants to evolve and end the worldwide effort to vaccinate

[–][deleted] 41 points42 points  (5 children)

Honestly, a worldwide effort to vaccinate Brazil wouldn't be such a bad idea...countries with low case numbers aren't really a priority when it's running rampant in Brazil.

[–]IronDoges 28 points29 points  (0 children)

As long as they remove Jair Bolsonaro from power. Otherwise it'll still be a variant hotspot but with a higher chance of vaccine resistant strains.