
Additional discounts at IST by csummerss in OmnibusCollectors

[–]runtheplacered 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Does that happen with any sort of clockwork or is it seemingly random?

Rob McElhenney throws pool party for Wrexham players in Vegas by Electrical-Cow-5147 in pics

[–]runtheplacered 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think your feet like... go inside the ball. I think you wear the balls like shoes and then you kick a umm. No, that's not right. I'm not actually sure either

This time right in front of Lois (action comics #260) by Butthole_opinion in comicbooks

[–]runtheplacered 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The whole affair was a ruse so that some aliens, who were planning to invade Earth to get revenge on Superman, would leave peacefully.

"Cuz, we need to bang right quick so uhhh... some aliens or whatever like, I dunno, leave? I can't do these lines, even for a porn this is dumb..."

Illinois moves toward gender inclusivity as others move away by steve42089 in illinois

[–]runtheplacered 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Considering his most frequented sub (ILGuns), and what he says in it, I'm gonna go out a limb and say it has something to do with "mah guns".

Printing burns in every Marvel title by saltybirb in OmnibusCollectors

[–]runtheplacered 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What does it look like exactly? I don't think I've seen this before but I still have a ton of unopened Omni's like War of King's, so maybe I need to be looking out for this.

An artist I follow online, Seb Carey, shared this for Valentine’s Day and it gave me a good laugh. by mokmok522bm in comicbooks

[–]runtheplacered 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You forgot to mention why that matters. You weren't just being a generic redditor and trying to find some dumb reason to shit on a submission.... were you?

Full ESRB rating for Starfield by Tokyono in Games

[–]runtheplacered 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I'm not saying this game won't be Skyrim in space, but nothing you said is exclusive to Skyrim, which I think is more the point /u/GatoNanashi was trying to make.

You could substitute "Dragon Age Inquisition" into everywhere you wrote "Skyrim" and it'd still be accurate, with the one exception being the possibility to play in First Person. You could almost even put GTA in your parenthesis instead of Skyrim and it'd still mostly work.

It's all pretty generic stuff, which makes sense, since this is just an ESRB rating. It could be Skyrim in Space based on this, it could be something else entirely. Nothing here describes how the game actually plays.

Continuing the theme of Superman stepping out I present “Blackout” (Superman Man of Steel #6) by idlefritz in comicbooks

[–]runtheplacered 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Which is weird, cause this is a Weezie comic. She's usually on point with not giving any vibes like that. Or maybe that's just from what I've read in New Mutants, X-Factor and Power Pack, never read her Superman. Just hard to picture this coming from her

Hanging out with some of the coolest cats out there. by FifaConCarne in pics

[–]runtheplacered 28 points29 points  (0 children)

By building a taller house first, I mean come the fuck on here

Proud Dad moment (All-New Wolverine #1) by PakistaniSenpai in comicbooks

[–]runtheplacered 3 points4 points  (0 children)

His super power should be lying on his back, showing you his stomach, but then when you go to rub it he guts you like a fish

Although physical sales were down, with the digital data, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor actually beat Star War Jedi: Fallen Order's launch sales by over 30%. This is because Survivor's digital accounted almost double what Fallen Order managed by M337ING in Games

[–]runtheplacered 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I am a diehard PC gamer that absolutely hates having to call myself a PC gamer, exactly because of the shit you're pointing out there. I still love my hobby, which is not worshiping PC's, but rather playing video games.

PAYDAY 3 Teaser Trailer by Turbostrider27 in Games

[–]runtheplacered 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don't play a lot of Paradox games, I am someone who likes a good city-builder though, but I swear I am not a Paradox fanboy. I know they exist, I'm not one of them. I'm just a guy that thinks the idea that not all the DLC from the previous game will be in the new game isn't always so damning.

First, I'll preface by saying, I won't buy it on Day 1 anyway. I'm always going to wait for reviews and general consensus some time after release and probably even wait for a sale. In other words, all of this implies the game actually winds up being good.

Secondly, I should also preface that I'm someone who thinks getting 8 years of continuous entertainment out of something (which is how long the first game was supported), is pretty great. So great, that I don't mind paying some amount of money occasionally for more content. So for me, that just leaves what the content is and whether the price is fair.

Third, I think it's also important to understand what the DLC even is. Cities Skylines is a little weird because there's shit like Content Creator packs and radio stations. Personally, I don't give a shit about these, nor are these things that will wind up in a sequel. I think people would be pissed if it literally had all the same music and same exact buildings as the last game. So I don't think these are fair to bring up in this specific discussion. It would be fair play in a discussion about someone who feels the need to own literally every piece of content possible, and whether that's fair or not, but since none of this will carry over then it doesn't seem in scope.

So what are we actually talking about here? The main expansions for Cities Skylines, the ones that have actual content that adds features, costs roughly $13-15. If you look at the release schedule, this comes out to like $30-40 a year. Now this is also assuming that for whatever reason, I can't wait for a sale, which in reality is exactly what I do. And because I do that, additional Cities Skylines content winds up costing me roughly 2 fast food meals per year. But if I didn't want to wait, then I suppose you could double that.

That just doesn't seem that insane to me for a game that I'm playing for 8 years of my life.

Would I rather that the company just hands me everything in a brand new engine with all new graphics and all I ever had to do was pay $60 one time and get 8 years of enjoyment out of it? Fuck yeah. But also, that's just not generally how any of this works and I'm not sure I'd even be getting a Cities Skylines 2 if that were the case. So again, this doesn't really create the sticking point for me that /r/games likes to think it should.

Everyone has different thresholds, but I don't think this is even close to being nefarious. Just don't be someone who feels the need to own every little thing and gaming ends up being one of the cheapest commercial hobbies imaginable.

And since this comment is wrong, another reminder, this is just about Cities Skylines. I can't talk about any other Paradox games.

Can we ban AI and Chatgp content? by Dimsum852 in horror

[–]runtheplacered 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Every downvote let’s me know that there’s another person who mindlessly says how easy ai is, then can’t make the art or book themself.

Your knee-jerk defense mechanism can pretend like that's what it means, but it's not. At this point, I downvoted you for being such an incredibly whiny person that it's embarrassing.

Nobody here has to take the time and energy to prove anything to you. I don't even get why you would think anyone should waste their time on that ridiculous thing.

The lord works in mysterious ways by LiveWithinYourMemes in PoliticalHumor

[–]runtheplacered 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And don't forget he'd be a non-white. Yeah he's getting gunned down the second he tries to make himself known

How do you feel about famke’s portrayal of jean grey by plastic_mann1977 in xmen

[–]runtheplacered 4 points5 points  (0 children)

God at that age I was so in love with her from the TNG episode she was in, I would have just probably melted into the floor in bashfulness

How do you feel about famke’s portrayal of jean grey by plastic_mann1977 in xmen

[–]runtheplacered 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I, on the other hand, hope they leave Phoenix out of the MCU.

And, on yet a third hand, I hope they do it but want them to wait a good long time and properly build up to it. Dark Phoenix should be an Infinity War level situation, where the pieces are in motion before the movie even happens, so maybe we could actually emotionally resonate with the cosmic goings-on and get to know our (hopefully) well cast protagonists.