Title format should be name of game or item, followed by price and location. For example...
God of War - $34.99 at Amazon
If the deal is for a country or region outside of the US, please tag it with the name of the country or region in brackets at the beginning of your post title, for example [Canada] or [AU]. If the deal is in the US only, do not tag it. Brackets [ ] should not be used for any other reason.
Post deals only. No meta posts, request posts, question posts, etc. If you have a question, please message a mod directly.
Please link directly to the deal whenever possible. Do not link to other "deal" (e.g., slickdeals, twitter, etc websites or pages. If the deal is YMMV, a BrickSeek Link is required.
If it is not a PS4 game, console, or accessory, do not post it. It will be removed.
No advertising is allowed at this time. Do not link to other deal related websites/pages, self-promotion or selling any personal item(s). Any posts suggesting redditors to PM for a link/code are subject to a ban.
Please select an appropriate flair for your post, after submitting your deal.
If your deal submission is for a country or region outside of the United States, please tag it appropriately with the name of the country or region in brackets at the beginning of your post title.
Please link directly to the deal(s). If it cannot be found via your initial submission link or inside your thread, it will be removed.
If it is not an PlayStation 4 game deal, console deal, accessory deal or any other deal that is PlayStation related, do not post it. If you have a specific question, request or meta post, please message us via Modmail.
No affiliate / redirect links allowed! We reserve the right to ban offenders. Do not link to other deal related websites/pages, self-promotion or sell any personal item(s).
If you need help posting deals or have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact a mod via Modmail.