Enter an Amazon ASIN (e.g. B000VWEFP8) or an ISBN-10 (e.g. 0881791326) and use the ASIN.cc link.
Follow @asindotcc for status updates.
Drag this link: ASIN.cc shortlink to your browser's links toolbar and then create ASIN.cc shortlinks directly from Amazon.com pages you're viewing by clicking it in your toolbar.
ASIN.cc shortlinks are computed rather than stuck in a fragile opaque database (what typical generic URL shorteners do). Computed shortlinks are superior because anyone (e.g. browsers, other applications, sites) can programmatically determine where they go. Computed shortlinks are thus more robust, being inherently repairable by inspection, while database shortlinks break irreparably when their site is down.
Given an ASIN.cc shortlink path p (the part of an ASIN.cc URL after the last slash "/"), here is how you convert it to an ASIN (including ISBN-10) :