Whenever possible, use the exact headline of the article as it appears at the source.
Do not alter the original article headline to selectively present or misrepresent information.
Do not use link redirectors or archiving services - use direct links
Do not use self-posts to post links
Version française: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles
TL;DR: Don't change the headline, and don't interject your own opinion.
Flamebait (inflammatory meta submissions and comments) will be removed.
Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning.
We reserve the right to remove any religiously intolerant, racist, sexist or otherwise antagonistic posts.
Posts that attack others will be removed.
Version française: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles
TL;DR: You stay classy, r/Canada. Don't cause trouble, don't be rude.
Negative generalizations, especially on the grounds of race / sex / gender / gender identity / sexual orientation / religion / language / national origin are prohibited.
Les généralisations négatives, en particulier pour des motifs de race / sexe / genre / identité de genre / orientation sexuelle / religion / langue / origine nationale sont interdites.
Posts which do not relate to Canada will be removed. / Les postes qui ne concernent pas le Canada seront supprimés.
Posts which relate to Canada only in passing will also likely be removed. / Le contenu qui ne concerne que vaguement le Canada sera probablement supprimé.
Local news may be removed / Les nouvelles locales peuvent être supprimées
Low content submissions and posts will be removed.
Twitter, Youtube, social media, blogs / fringe media submissions and posts will be removed.
Off-topic comments (derailing) will likely be removed.
Posts that do nothing but attack the source of a submission will be removed.
Memes using standard images, or standard "Canadian stereotype" posts will be removed.
Version française: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles
Trolling is defined as sowing discord by starting arguments, posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages, often with the intent of disrupting normal, on-topic discussion. Trolling will not be tolerated. Posts will be removed, and repeat offenders will be given a temporary ban. Continued trolling will result in a permanent ban. -Accounts flagged by Reddit for Ban Evasion will be removed and banned.
Version française: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles
Posts which are similar in content to existing posts will likely be removed, especially if they don't add much to the discussion.
Le contenu similaire aux publications existantes sera probablement supprimé, surtout s'il n'ajoute pas grand chose à la discussion.
Please limit yourself to 4 posts per day. When users flood r/Canada with articles they prevent others from participating and often push an agenda. We ask that our users limit themselves to 4 posts per day.
Veuillez vous limiter à 4 postes par jour. Lorsque les utilisateurs inondent le r/Canada d'articles, ils empêchent les autres de participer et poussent souvent un agenda. Nous demandons à nos utilisateurs de se limiter à 4 messages par jour.