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Office property values are under pressure, but some parts of the market are feeling it more than otheres.

Three ways the office property reckoning will play out

Charter Hall’s David Harrison says history provides a good guide to how the pressures in the office property market will be resolved.  

  • 33 mins ago
  • James Thomson


What we learnt: Westpac, Ampol, NIB, Breville

Ampol gets some feedback on its retail plans, Westpac’s costs rise, Breville toasts its inventory, and we meet America’s mortgage prisoners.

  • Anthony Macdonald and James Thomson
7-Eleven has been put up for sale by its shareholders via Azure Capital.

Ampol walks the fine line between dividends and growth

Ampol has kept some capital up its sleeve, at the same time as one of its competitors is up for sale. Is it a coincidence?

  • Anthony Macdonald
IAG chief executive Nick Hawkins says premiums will go up again this year.

Why your insurance bill is only going one way

IAG boss Nick Hawkins is fighting cost pressures on two fronts. Claims cost inflation may well moderate, but climate-related costs are a different story. 

  • James Thomson
Solomon Lew is mulling demergers at Premier Investments.

Inside Solomon Lew’s dramatic shake-up

The shock departure of Premier Investments boss Richard Murray has set off a chain reaction inside the retail empire.  

  • James Thomson

This Month

Eric Aboaf, second in charge at State Street Global, came to Australia to watch women’s football and meet clients.

Lessons from the holder of 10pc of the world’s assets

It is easy to see where the money is going when you have a direct line of sight on $US40 trillion in cash, bonds and equities.

  • Anthony Macdonald
Magellan chief executive David George is one year into a five-year turnaround.

Magellan’s turnaround gets a few ticks, and a big cross

Shares in the fund manager soared on a special dividend and a cost-cutting promise. But the talk of M&A leaves one critic uneasy. 

  • James Thomson
Australian investors are caught between forces in China and the US.

China’s fresh Evergrande mess isn’t only warning sign for investors

The speed at which the words ‘Evergrande’ and ‘bankruptcy’ spread on Friday morning suggest this episode could have an outsized impact on already weakened sentiment.

  • James Thomson

What we learnt: Goodman, Super Retail, Inghams, Amcor

The Chanticleer team examines Goodman Group’s data centre plan, Super Retail’s resilient sales, and Inghams Group which has got a debt monkey off its back.

  • James Thomson and Anthony Macdonald
Analysts asked Origin Energy’s Frank Calabria how to value hot new plaything Octopus Energy. He gave it a good go.

Origin Energy’s venture capital home run a headache for suitors

Origin Energy’s venture capital investment is going so well it has split out its earnings. Analysts are suddenly interested in what it may be worth.

  • Anthony Macdonald
ASX chief executive Dominic Stevens inherited the CHESS replacement project from his predecessor Elmer Funke Kupper.

ASX kills former CEO’s bonus share rights over CHESS disaster

The reverberations from the market operator’s failed attempt to replace its clearing and settlement system continue to play out. 

  • James Thomson
Ryan Stokes says the economy is holding up well despite pockets of pain.

The two words that sum up the economy and this earnings season

Seven Group’s impressive earnings jump shows the four long-term tailwinds powering the Australian economy remain in place. 

  • James Thomson
Telstra chief executive Vicki Brady says the group’s infrastructure business is a strategic advantage.

How AI drove Telstra’s $15b call

Telstra’s decision to hold on to its $15 billion fixed infrastructure business speaks to rising demand from cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the internet of things. 

  • James Thomson

What we learnt: Transurban, Bapcor, Vicinity Centres, debt costs

The Chanticleer team examine Transurban’s nifty interest rate win, Bapcor’s staff turnover and who’s stopped spending at Vicinity Centres’ malls.

  • Anthony Macdonald and James Thomson
Endeavour Group CEO Steve Donohue.

Dan Murphy’s shows how to run a loyalty program

Four in five customers at Dan Murphy’s scanned their rewards card at the checkout in FY23, which is a huge proportion.

  • Anthony Macdonald
The NSW Productivity Commission has recommended changes to the way taxes are charged on property developers.

Why the housing crisis could last the decade

Mirvac sees a huge opportunity in the fact that apartment supply is running at 50 per cent less than it was five years ago.

  • James Thomson
Michelle Jablko spent 20 years in investment banking before moving to ANZ and Transurban.

Jablko ushers in new era for Transurban

Michelle Jablko will be able to use her skills and the toll-road group’s stored-up soft power to extract more from governments and create more value for investors.

  • Anthony Macdonald
Dexus CEO Darren Steinberg says it’s important to remember property is cyclical.

The commercial property shakeout is only halfway done

Dexus chief executive Darren Steinberg says the commercial property sector is halfway through a two-year adjustment to higher rates. And it’s a grind.

  • James Thomson
China’s ailing property sector could threaten other parts of the economy.

Stumbling China adds shadow banking mess to a property crisis

Beijing’s latest rate cuts will do little to soothe growing concerns about contagion from the property sector spilling into the broader economy.

  • Updated
  • James Thomson

What we learnt from Temple & Webster, Cochlear and Pro Medicus’ results

Chanticleer columnists James Thomson and Anthony Macdonald take a deep dive into Tuesday’s key profit results.

  • James Thomson and Anthony Macdonald