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The Genesee Diary by Henri Nouwen

The Genesee Diary

by Henri Nouwen

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367320,762 (4.01)5



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It is refreshing to stand next to Nouwen as he goes through the daily routine at the Abbey of the Genesee. The writing is fresh and intimate. ( )
  Course8 | Nov 20, 2010 |
A wonderful book about Nouwen's seven months in a monestary. His journal entries give a very open and honest look into the highs and lows of his experience. He does not shy away from discussing his own failings and spiritual struggles as well as the the spiritual insights he gained from his retreat. ( )
1 vote shinyone | Nov 18, 2007 |
This is a wonderful book that has some very honest insights from Henri. I really appreciate the form that this book has compared to his other's because he seems to open up and just give his positive and negative parts of being there and then seeing how he responds afterwards. ( )
  jd234512 | Oct 16, 2006 |
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To all contemplative men and women who by their commitment to unceasing prayer offer us hope in the midst of a troubled world
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My desire to live in a Trappist Monastery, not as a guest but as a monk, did not develop overnight.
Just as a world of beauty can be discovered in one flower, so the great grace of God can be tasted in one small moment.
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Amazon.com Amazon.com Review (ISBN 0385174462, Paperback)

The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery is Henri Nouwen's journal of his seven-month stay in the Abbey of the Genesee in upstate New York. His reflections on daily life with the Trappists are funny, wise, and often profound--resembling Kathleen Norris's The Cloister Walk, but a bit less thematically structured and more down to earth. Nouwen's goal is simply to record what it's like to pass the time in a cloistered community. He spends part of his stay there reading Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which helps awaken a hunger for a richer experience of life that he subsequently satisfies by learning to slow down. In his first week at the monastery, Nouwen writes, "I have so many ideas I want to write about, so many books I want to read, so many skills I want to learn--motorcycle maintenance is now one of them--and so many things I want to say to others now or later, that I do not SEE that God is all around me and that I am always trying to see what is ahead, overlooking him who is so close." Then, looking forward to being planted in one place among the Trappists, he writes, "Maybe I need to get stuck," to learn to see God. He does, and he does. --Michael Joseph Gross

(retrieved from Amazon Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:14:01 -0400)

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