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Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean…

Abandonment to Divine Providence (1966)

by Jean Pierre de Caussade

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A modern spiritual classic that emphasizes self-surrender to the Lord and complete trust in Him. ( )
2 vote cimtslcwdcsn | Apr 7, 2009 |
Used this book for a small group discussion. Everyone found it quite beneficial. Took some a little effort to click in with the style, but I found it very readable and profoundly helpful, deepening one's desire for God and holiness. Recommended it to Protestant friends, as this is one of the "classics" that touches all of other beliefs. ( )
3 vote catholichermit | Feb 11, 2009 |
From Amazon...

This is a classic of spirituality - Some chapters are a bit repetitive (thus 4 stars) but the teaching is solid right on. Basically it is about finding and SEEING God's will in each moment of the day and each event of our life no matter how humdrum and common. It is much more appealing than "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence (at least in my humble opinion.)

In our media saturated, entertainment driven culture where only the new and spectacular arouse interest, de Cassaude shows how God is found in the simple and ordinary of our daily lives. The problem is that we are too interiorily busy to hear and see him.

This is a wonderful, solid book of spiritual guidance. Though de Cassaude was a Jesuit his teaching echos the wisdom of the Carmelite saints. I wouldn't be surprised if he had contact with the writings of Carmel.

This book should find a permanent place on your bookshelf and your regular reading schedule. The paragraphs are short enough so you can read one a day or a week ... there is plenty to think about and apply to your life.
1 vote stmarysmelrose | Jun 25, 2007 |
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Amazon.com Product Description (ISBN 0385468717, Paperback)

For more than 250 years, this simple classic of inspiration has guided readers of all faiths to the open-hearted acceptance of God's will that is the sure path to serenity, happiness, and spiritual peace.

"A spiritual classic of the first order... a book for all those who truly seek God." --Dom David Knowles

"Father de Caussade has a wonderful way of encouraging the doubtful, of nurturing the personal surrender that is so much a part of the development of faith. The book is a mystery of its own -- and is definitely not for Christians only." --Rabbi Joshua Chasan

"Abandonment to Divine Providence is a classic perhaps more necessary now than ever before. It's a little book that rightly rejects the spirituality of fear and trembling (and the modern preoccupation with dreary self-absorption) in favor of an abiding trust in God's active benevolence. This is a work one reads again and again, always with gratitude and astonishment." --Donald Spoto, Author of Blue Angel and The Dark Side of Genius

(retrieved from Amazon Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:07:14 -0400)

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