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All submissions should be specific to India/Indians and the relevance should be clear without relying on the submission title.
The central topic of any submission must be India(ns). For example, a post about Oxygen is relevant to India but not specific to India.
All submissions and their titles should be in English. If a non English submission has to be made, the OP must post a translated English title and provide the full translation in a comment form or in the body of the self post.
You are free to comment in any language. However, please try to provide translations to your comments if they are in a language other than English.
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All links (articles, images or infographics) should contain its original title (and/or subtitle). An original title (and/or subtitle) is the one given by the content creator. If a submission which has no title, you should make a self post with an accurate description of the content.
Appropriate flairs are to be set for all submissions. Inappropriate flairs may lead to removal.
Old submissions should be marked, in the post title, with an appropriate marker such as the Day, Month or Year the content was originally published.
Threads linking to the same news from different sources submitted within a certain time window (depending on the popularity of the news) will be treated as reposts and would be deleted. Furthermore, reactions to news stories should go as comments in the thread discussing that story, not in a new thread.
We follow the same rules as r/todayilearned for TIL posts.
OC scenic images are welcome and should have device, resolution and location in the title.
Non-OC scenic images belong in the weekly thread for scenic images.
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Political Memes are not allowed.
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Unverified twitter can be allowed with moderator approval in cases where reputed sources are unavailable. Approvals will be on case-to-case basis and prior approval is to be taken through modmail.
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We do not allow Self Promotion. Please refer to Reddit Guidelines on Self-Promotion. We may tolerate occasional self-promotion with a 1:10 ratio viz. every ten comments you may make 1 self promotion.
Tuesday: Music Discussion Thread
Tuesday: Gaming Discussion Thread
Saturday: Movies, TV Shows, Documentaries & Podcasts Discussion Thread
Saturday: Books & Reading Discussion Thread