We have a zero tolerance/one-strike policy for bigotry/hate and personal attacks — i.e. no racism (incl. microaggressions), homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, body-shaming etc and no belittling, name-calling, trolling, flaming, excessive negativity, etc. Please be civil and respectful even when you disagree with someone.
Unwarranted speculation on sexuality, sex work / yachting, health conditions, abuse, addiction, eating disorders, plastic surgery, etc is also not allowed.
Posts should relate to FauxMoi or miscellaneous celeb gossip. Please use the searchbar to ensure your post does not violate our rule on reposts and please do not submit crossposts to the sub.
Any plugs or self-promotions are also not allowed on the sub.
Posts must contain a descriptive and accurate title that indicates the content of the post (and mentions the people involved, if applicable). No vague or editorialized titles will be allowed.
If you are posting a video, pictures, social media posts, etc., please include a screenshot or screen recording of the content (not just direct links).
Please try to avoid posting paywalled links or Youtube video essays — if you do post these, please include excerpts or a summary of the content.
Posts asking for 'tea' or gossip on a specific celeb are not allowed — all requests for tea must be confined within the "Does Anyone Have Tea On..." megathread stickied at the top of the sub.
Repetitive or low effort posts will also be removed at mod discretion. Please use the search bar to check for previous posts that may contain the information in your post. Mods reserve the right to approve the latest posts on the same topic / the post with the most appropriate title as outlined in Rule 4.
'Stan/Anti Culture' threads/comments are banned.
Due to brigading/harassment from certain stan / anti groups, posters from stan/hate subs, including the following, will be banned:
r/ JusticeforJohnnnyDepp r/ SaintMeghanMarkle r/ RoyalsGossip2 r/ HilariaBaldwin r/redscarepod r/gaylorswift r/trueswifties r/taylorswift
If you are not a 'bad-faith user' or believe you’ve been banned in error, message modmail so we can review & reverse the ban.
Posting any Qanon-esque rumours will get an immediate, no-warning ban.
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Certain posts which discuss sensitive topics are flaired 'Approved B-List Users Only' so that only approved users can comment/participate.
To request to be added as an approved user, message the mods here.
Please note that only those with a recent comment history on the sub and no history of rule violations will be added as approved users. Whether or not users are approved is at mod discretion.