Share your story with the world.

Every great story deserves to be told. Get the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to help the world read or listen to yours.

Turn your book into an audiobook with digital narration.

Apple Books makes it easy to bring your book to millions who want to listen with digital narration.

Turn your book into an audiobook with digital narration.

Apple Books makes it easy to bring your book to millions who want to listen with digital narration.

Writers on writing.

How you tell your story is just as important as the story itself. Get inspired with advice from best-selling writers.

Writers on writing.

How you tell your story is just as important as the story itself. Get inspired with advice from best-selling writers.

Make your amazing read amazing to look at.

Get your book ready to stand out on Apple Books by designing a captivating book cover and properly formatting your files.

Make your amazing read amazing to look at.

Get your book ready to stand out on Apple Books by designing a captivating book cover and properly formatting your files.

Ready, set, publish.

There’s nothing like seeing your ebook on devices everywhere. Find out how to make the digital publishing process go smoothly from start to finish.

Why publish on Apple Books?

The benefits are simple and straightforward.
Apple Books
Kindle Direct Publishing
70% royalties on every ebook, regardless of price
No file delivery fees
No limitations on offering free books to customers
No payments for preferential store placement
No price matching
No third-party ads

Expand your audience with audio.

According to the Audio Publishers Association, audiobooks experienced a double-digit percentage increase in sales for the 10th straight year — and show no signs of quieting down. Learn how to create your own audiobook with digital narration, and how you can publish an already produced audiobook on Apple Books.

Expand your audience with audio.

According to the Audio Publishers Association, audiobooks experienced a double-digit percentage increase in sales for the 10th straight year — and show no signs of quieting down. Learn how to create your own audiobook with digital narration, and how you can publish an already produced audiobook on Apple Books.

Get the word out about your book.

Generate buzz about your book with easily accessible promotional tools and tips from professionals.

Monitor your book sales. Set your price.

See how your book is selling with daily sales reports and charts. Adjust your prices anytime you want to test different price points.

Monitor your book sales. Set your price.

See how your book is selling with daily sales reports and charts. Adjust your prices anytime you want to test different price points.
Get started with help from the most popular support articles.
Publishing Your Books

Create an iTunes Connect account.

If you’re new to the platform and want to publish directly with Apple Books, create an iTunes Connect account and learn about file formats.
Preparing Your Books

Prepare your Word document.

Learn how to publish a Microsoft Word document to Apple Books.
Publishing Your Books

Publish your book from the web.

Submit and publish an EPUB file to Apple Books using our publishing portal and an iTunes Connect account.
See where readers find and buy your books.