All posts must be creepy. Insufficiently creepy submissions will be removed at moderator's discretion. Generally speaking, if it can work as a post on a comedy or a cute subreddit, it doesn't belong here. Abandoned buildings without a creepy context will be directed elsewhere.
If a post is completely off topic, please report the post in question.
Defamation of the subreddit itself and those who disregard the sidebar rules will be banned permanently. As a counterbalance against rule #2, keep in mind that different people are creeped out by different things, and suspension of disbelief helps the atmosphere. Just downvote and move on, or upstage them by submitting something even creepier. You'll notice the loudest complainers never actually submit anything good themselves.
No pictures of costumes, makeup, or supposedly creepy children's art. As these things can be hard to judge objectively, it is preferred to leave them out of the subreddit. In addition, please refrain from posting ads or advert-like posts.
From October 1-31 there will be a "Halloween Megathread" where the costume rule will be lifted in said thread. However comments will be closely monitored.
Video content belongs in r/videos that means no YouTube submissions or posts. We do however accept Gfycat gifs and Imgur gifs if linked properly.