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In this interview with Austrian journalist Josef Mühlbauer, WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North speaks on the historical foundations of Trotskyism, the program of the International Committee of the Fourth International, and the fundamental problems confronting the working class in the fight for equality and socialism.

Waging wars and interventions prosecuted under their professed objective of “fighting Islamist insurgents”, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, the imperialist powers omit the fact that Islamist militants wreaking havoc across the Sahel are the product of Washington and its allies’ earlier use of them as a proxy army in the 2011 US/NATO war against Libya.

Jean Shaoul

The DSA and the pseudo-left as a whole are an essential part of a state intervention against the working class, which is carried out primarily through the medium of the union bureaucracy, but also includes more direct methods such as injunctions, which the DSA also supports.

Tom Hall
Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century

The essays in this book, though written over the span of more than 40 years, are connected by a central argument: Leon Trotsky was the most significant figure in the history of socialism during the first four decades of the twentieth century, and his legacy remains the critical and indispensable theoretical and political foundation of the ongoing contemporary struggle for the victory of world socialism.

Order your print or epub version of the book from Mehring Books today.


Oppose the arrest of Boris Kagarlitsky!

In opposing the arrest of Kagarlitsky and calling for his release, the YGBL and WSWS do not extend any support to his reactionary politics and we reject his designation as a “left-wing” critic of the Putin regime and the war in Ukraine.

Andrei Ritsky, Clara Weiss

Francis Fukuyama parades Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion at Stanford University

In proudly sharing a platform with Ukrainian neo-Nazis who are fighting a war on behalf of US imperialism, Fukuyama, the erstwhile prophet of the triumph of “liberal democracy”, has become the embodiment of the bankruptcy of his own theory.

David Benson, Clara Weiss

Sinéad O’Connor (1966-2023)

The death of Irish singer-songwriter Sinéad O’Connor at just 56 is a sad loss. Genuinely talented, she combined an acute musical and social sensibility to create some extremely moving music of real emotion and passion.

Paul Bond

Notes on police violence in the United States

Emboldened by Republican and Democratic politicians who have renounced any pretensions of “reform,” police throughout the country continue to shoot, assault and torture working class and poor people.

Jacob Crosse

Jury gives fascist Pittsburgh synagogue shooter the death penalty

Robert Bowers, 50, was sentenced to death by a federal jury in Pittsburgh on Wednesday after his conviction on numerous capital charges stemming from his mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue, which killed 11 and injured six in the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history.

Kevin Reed

Italy’s Meloni wages war on the poor

The cut in the Citizen’s Income and the brutal way in which it is being carried out are a deliberate provocation. The government of Giorgia Meloni is showing its true fascist face.

Peter Schwarz

This week in history: August 7-13

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

70 years since the end of the Korean War

The lessons of the Korean War should not be forgotten. It is a graphic demonstration of the ruthlessness with which US imperialism will pursue its economic and strategic interests with complete disregard for human life and suffering.

Ben McGrath

New Zealand Defence Policy Review targets China

The documents released last week call for New Zealand’s military to be made “combat-ready,” so it can join in a US-led war against China well beyond New Zealand’s territory.

Tom Peters

US Fed lifts interest rates to two-decade high

The Fed is trying to tread a fine line as it lifts rates to try to combat the wages struggles of the working class by slowing the economy without lifting them at such a pace as would cause major problems for financial markets.

Nick Beams

Congress, Biden embrace Israeli racists and warmongers

While Congress overwhelmingly approved a resolution denying that Israel is a racist state, the White House invited the racist-in-chief, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to make an official visit to Washington..

Patrick Martin

10 years since the military coup in Egypt

This week marks the tenth anniversary of the military coup in Egypt. On July 3, 2013, the then-military chief General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi took power with the support of the imperialist powers and established one of the most brutal and bloodiest regimes in the entire globe.

Johannes Stern
20 years since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq

March 20 marks 20 years since the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq, launched on the basis of lies. At the time of the initial invasion, the WSWS published many statements on the background of the war, its history and its implications. This page features some of the most important statements.

On the 25th anniversary of the World Socialist Web Site

Twenty-five years ago, the International Committee of the Fourth International began posting the World Socialist Web Site. In this video, WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North explains the background to the WSWS, reviews its record and contemporary significance and makes an appeal to all readers to donate to the WSWS and expand its readership.

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Statement of the Editorial Board
For a Global Workers’ Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Inquest is necessary to break through the cover-up, lies and misinformation that have been used to justify policies responsible for the avoidable deaths of millions.

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2023: The global capitalist crisis and the growing offensive of the international working class

In 2022 the accumulating pressure of these intersecting elements of the world capitalist crisis attained the equivalent of critical mass: that is, they have reached the point where the dynamic of crisis has passed beyond the ability of governments to control the movement toward a social cataclysm.

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COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic

Mehring Books, the publishing arm of the Socialist Equality Party (US), is proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 of COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic, a compilation of the World Socialist Web Site's coverage of this global crisis.

Read the introduction

European powers and ECOWAS threaten military intervention after coup in Niger

Behind the threats of the imperialist powers and Niger’s former colonial master who has no compunctions about crushing opposition to his rule in the interests of France’s financial elite, there is considerable apprehension that the coup will endanger their predatory interests in the region.

Athiyan Silva, Jean Shaoul

Sudan fighting provokes mass exodus

United Nations figures show that more than 420 people have been killed, including at least 256 civilians, and more than 3,500 wounded since fighting broke out on April 15.

Jean Shaoul
A call to youth throughout the world: Build a mass movement to stop the Ukraine war!

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality—the student and youth movement of the Socialist Equality Parties, the national sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International—calls for the building of a mass global movement of young people to end the reckless escalation toward World War III.

Read statement
Timothy Snyder’s Bloodlands: Right-wing propaganda disguised as historical scholarship

This five-part series and historical timeline exposes Snyder’s Bloodlands as a work of falsification, aimed at justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far-right.


The Wuhan lab lie: “Weapons of mass destruction” redux

In an uncanny instance of history repeating itself, the lies used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq based on false claims about “weapons of mass destruction” are being used to promote the United States’ unprecedented military buildup around China.

Andre Damon

A discredited conspiracy theory about the origins of COVID-19

The Wuhan Lab Leak slander being resurrected to bolster US war drive against China

The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence.

Benjamin Mateus
Timeline of thirty years of war: The historical background to the US-NATO conflict with Russia

This interactive timeline presents some of the most important events that have brought humanity to the brink of World War III. It includes links to critical articles and statements produced by the International Committee of the Fourth International over the past 30 years.

View the Timeline

Marcus Garvey and the reactionary logic of racialist politics

More than one hundred years after the formation of his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), Marcus Garvey's legacy remains highly relevant in the struggle to overcome efforts to divide the working class along racial lines.

Lawrence Porter

Report to Seventh Congress of Socialist Equality Party (US)

Build rank-and-file committees, the organs of 21st century working class struggle!

This report was given by Eric London to the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US) in support of the resolution titled “Build the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees! For a global counteroffensive of the working class!”

Eric London
Forty-five years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977): A Revolutionary Life

October 16 marked the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Tom Henehan, a member of the Political Committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US. We are republishing here a tribute delivered by David North at a meeting in 1997.

Musk continues to ban from Twitter journalists who criticize him

Twitter owner and fascistic billionaire Elon Musk acknowledged late Thursday that he had shut down the accounts of numerous prominent journalists earlier in the day, claiming falsely that they had violated a new policy on the platform against “doxxing."

Kevin Reed
Wije Dias: A fighter for Trotskyism (1941-2022)

Comrade Wije Dias, the longtime general secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), died in Colombo on July 27, 2022. This exhibit includes two tributes to Wije by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North as well as a selection of Wije’s most significant articles and speeches.

A historic advance in the fight for Trotskyism
The International Committee of the Fourth International accepts application of the Sosyalist Eşitlik Grubu to become its section in Turkey

The June 19 decision followed extensive discussions with representatives of the International Committee in Istanbul on the development of the fight for Trotskyism in Turkey and the Aegean and Black Sea regions.

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The fight for Trotskyism and the political foundations of the World Socialist Web Site

The WSWS is publishing the report delivered by David North 25 years ago, on February 1, 1997, motivating the proposal to end publication of the SEP’s printed newspaper and replace it with an international website; as well as North’s reply to the National Committee ‘s discussion of the proposal.

Pentagon national strategy document targets China

The US military published a series of documents Thursday outlining US plans for war with Russia and China, and asserting the central role of nuclear weapons in US warfighting.

Andre Damon

German President Steinmeier delivers war speech to the nation

Steinmeier's remarks to invited soldiers, journalists, think tank representatives and leading politicians can only be described as a “war speech to the nation.” The focus was de facto a declaration of war on Russia and the Russian population.

Johannes Stern, Christoph Vandreier
WSWS Review
Thirty years since the dissolution of the USSR

Review the most critical essays, lectures and letters produced by the ICFI in the course of its intervention in response to the crisis of Stalinism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

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The Ukrainian nightmare

As US officials demand a fight to the last Ukrainian, the scale of the bloodbath is coming into view.

Andre Damon
Eighty years since the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union

The WSWS has published a feature page incorporating a selection of essential essays from its own archives, and other documents produced contemporaneously by the Fourth International.

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New Zealand: Court action over Pike River mine disaster

The fathers of two of the 29 workers killed in the 2010 Pike River mine disaster are campaigning for the release of documents and correspondence relating to a 2013 decision to drop charges against Pike River CEO Peter Whittall.

Tom Peters
Cliff Slaughter: A political biography (1928-1963)
By David North

Cliff Slaughter died on May 3, 2021, in Leeds, England, at the age of 92. His enduring contribution in the 1960s to the defense of Trotskyism stands in tragic contrast with his subsequent political opportunism and repudiation of revolutionary Marxism.

Sylvia Ageloff and the assassination of Leon Trotsky
With David North and Eric London

North and London discussed the significance of the latest revelations of the the Security and the Fourth International investigation into Trotsky’s assassination.

Watch the video