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No Job Security For Security Workers Under Capitalism


The capitalists who own the thousands of businesses across the country and their governments at federal, state and council levels have created armies, police forces and private security companies to protect their property and to maintain the operation of capitalism on a day-to-day basis.


more...- Posted on 2023 Aug 04


On Fascism in Lyon


Below we publish a recent contribution to an international webinar on the United front Against Fascism and Imperialism. The contribution was made the day after more than three hundred anti-fascists confronted Nazis in Melbourne who were on a recruiting drive. We publish the contribution from French comrades so as to encourage anti-fascists to be aware of, and give support to, each other’s struggles – eds.


more...- Posted on 2023 Aug 04


Port of Darwin upgrades for military and commercial interests


The following article was submitted to us before yesterday’s disclosure – from US budget sources and not from the Australian puppet government - that another US Air Force base is to be built outside Darwin. This latest spending push follows the US outlaying around $270 million to build 11 giant jet fuel storage tanks near Darwin's main port. The US has complete control over the Australian government and its Department ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Aug 04


Computerised war games and US imperialism’s regional decline


The outcome of a computer simulation military exercise has sent shock-waves into the Pentagon, as the US recognise their declining traditional regional hegemonic diplomatic position across the Indo-Pacific. Other related factors have also raised serious questions about the continued viability of their US Indo-Pacific Strategy, as a workable regional foreign policy aimed at encircling and containing Chinese influences.

more...- Posted on 2023 Aug 01


CPA (M-L) contribution to ICOR webinar on united front against imperialism


On Sunday 30 July, a comrade from the CPA (M-L) made a short contribution to the discussion. As there were many participants from countries around the world, each person was limited to a 3-minute presentation. The comrade spoke without notes but has made the following written recollection of his comments.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 31


The spineless puppets must be defied!


The visit to Australia by our imperial masters, Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin III, has revealed just how spineless Australia’s political “leaders” are.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 31


Greetings from Ukrainian revolutionary


A webinar held under the auspices of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations (ICOR) was held recently. Contributors from Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Palestine, Australia, Turkiye, South Africa, Uruguay, Tunisia, and Cameroon shared 3-minute presentations on the situation in their respective countries. The following contribution came from Andriy, a socialist Ukrainian. We publish it for our Australian readers – eds.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 30


Inter-imperialist rivalry and the Niger coup


The military coup in Niger is proof that without genuine anti-imperialist independence, neither bourgeois democracy nor socialism can be secured.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 30


Superpowers court PNG, Solomon Islands as regional tensions intensify


An announcement from Port Moresby that the PNG Defence Force were considering establishing an elite military grouping has raised concerns about wider issues arising in the South Pacific. The small area to the north of Australia remains riven with ethnic and inter-ethnic rivalries, exacerbated by fierce hostility with US-led regional operations directed toward perceived Chinese influences, particularly in the neighbouring Solomon Islands.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 25


Greece is on fire and the system of profit is responsible.


Our thoughts go out to the people of Greece, currently suffering the consequences of capitalism’s war on nature and its consequence of global warming and extreme weather events. Greek people will rally today, Monday July 24, at Syntagma, the central square of Athens. The statement below was released by the Communist party of Greece (Marxist-Leninist) on July 18.  Although there are several references to particular matters that we do not know abut, ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 24


The Rojava Revolution and the leadership of women


The role of women is central to the successes of revolutionary movements in the Philippines and in India. Women have also played major roles in recent struggles in Iran and Afghanistan. The following statement was recently released by the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), an armed force of Kurdish and other peoples fighting for liberation from ISIS, the Assad regime, and the Turkish invaders in the northern and eastern sectors of ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 19


Report on the Australian political situation to the ICOR Asia Conference 22-23 July 2023


The following country report has been sent to the Asia Conference meeting of parties and organizations affiliated to ICOR, the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations.
Our Party is affiliated to ICOR through the Asian Continental grouping, along with parties and organizations from India, Sri Lanka, Bangla Desh, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iran and Nepal.
The ICOR Asia Conference is being held in India on 22-23 July.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 19


Papua New Guinea and the US Indo-Pacific Strategy


A major diplomatic statement from a well-placed source in Canberra about planned sensitive military facilities in PNG has shown how the South Pacific has become a front-line for Australian military and security with the wider region. Reference to the US and their Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS) partners was also contained in the statement showing how it has become the core of US regional foreign policy.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 19


Kimba nuclear dump decision – tears of joy.


There were tears of joy outside the Federal Court in Adelaide this morning when Barngarla First Peoples and their supporters celebrated the quashing of the federal government’s decision to construct a nuclear waste dump at Napandee, near Kimba on Eyre Peninsula.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 18


Corporatisation of Universities Exposed


A Briefing Paper by Eliza Littleton for the Australia Institute this month exposes in considerable detail how Universities have become corporations competing for the overseas student dollar. 

The Report finds that since 1995 federal government funding for universities has declined from 0.9% of GDP to 0.6% of GDP in 2021. This may not seem a lot but in dollar terms the Report says this equates to a $6.5 billion reduction ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 17


AUKUS and the US Stranglehold on Australia


Underpinning the AUKUS arrangements, set in motion by the US a decade ago, is the inevitability of war with China.  But just what is the US dragging us into, and what would be the consequences for Australia of war with China?

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 11


Increased Police and Security Presence at NAIDOC Week in Adelaide


This week is NAIDOC week and in Adelaide it has taken a back seat in the mass media outlets. 

The main local story on radio, TV and daily paper has been about safety for people walking on North Terrace near SA Parliament House, Adelaide Railway Station and the Casino and at the city's main beach retail and hospitality strip at Glenelg.  

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 07


The Republic of Korea: Back in the US Fold


The decision by the South Korean (ROK) government to activate a sensitive US-THAAD system has placed the presidential administration of Yoon Suk-yeol closer to the Pentagon; the ROK is now a major player in the US-led Indo-Pacific Strategy.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jul 03


Contradictions within the Russian imperialist camp


The extraordinary events surrounding private military contractor Prigozhin’s march on Moscow, and subsequent intervention by Belarus, are best explained by Russians themselves.  Here we reprint a statement from the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Youth Communist League (Bolsheviks) written during the march on Moscow, with an update following the Belarus deal - eds.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jun 27


Artificial Intelligence: Claims and Counter-claims


Readers of the Business section of the Australia n newspaper in early June, had the opportunity of viewing a photograph of a CEO of a major corporate organisation wearing a garish shirt in a demonstrative pose. The individual concerned was warning those in attendance at the Morgan Stanley Australia Summit in Sydney about AI; billed as an AI guru, she insisted it was the 'greatest innovation of our time'.

more...- Posted on 2023 Jun 27


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)